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April 15,1S84 1^e Publishers * Circular ...
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April 15,1s84 1^E Publishers * Circular ...
April 15 , 1 S 84 1 ^ e Publishers * Circular 3 ^
Messrs . MACMILLAN & OO . 'S NEW BOOKS . Now ready , with Two Portraits . 2 vols . Demy 8 vx > . 36-5 . The LIFE of FREDERICK DENISON MAURICE , CHIEFLY TOLD IF HIS OWN LETTERS , Edited by His Son , FREDERICK : MAURICE . « It is one of tie most interesting biographies of our time/—Brttish Quarterly Bevtrw . 'The book is quite a unique piece of biography . . . . This deeply interesting book . '—Spectator . DR . MORITZ BUSCH'S NEW WORK ON PEINCE BISMARCK . OTJE / CHA 1 TOELL OE / . Translated from the German Sketches by William for an Historical Beatty- Kingston Picture b , y Author Mobitz of Busch * William . I ., German Emperor , ' * The Bnttle of Berlin / & c . 2 vols . Crown 8 vo 18 * . ' These volnmes will be read with eajrer intere « t by everyone -who is desirous of forming a jnst estimate of the her present public condition life the of form Germany it has assumed and of the . '— man Saturda who y has Re done view more . than any other , except the Emperor , to impress upon b : eth A NEW AMERICAN ; e : NOVEL sx > ^ l . By Barbara Exbon . 3 vols . Orown 8 vo . 31 s . 6 d . < " Bethesda " is a clever book . . . . The story of Bethesda s trial , sufferings , and final , but desolating , conquest , is told with insight and sympathy . . . . The author has seriously Attempted to realise her characters , and has largely succeeded . '—Academy . ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS . Edited by John- Morley . New Volume . BACON " . By the Very Kev . K . W . Church , Dean of St . Paul's . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . [ Ready April IS . GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES . New Volume . SELECTIONS FROM COWPER'S LETTERS . Edited , with Introduction , by the Kev Cow per W ' . s Poetical Benham , "Works B . D ., . Rector 18 qqo . of 4 * . St 6 d . . Edmund the King , Lombard Street , Editor of the 'Globe Edition' of TEXT-BOOKS FOR STUDENTS . New Volumes . Now ready . Part II .. SPECIAL PAT HOLOGICAI * ANATOMY , Sections I .-VIII ., price 12 * . 6 d . TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY AND PATHOGENESIS . By Professor Ernst Ziecjleii , of Tubingen . Translated and Edited for English Students by Donald Macalister , Illustrations M . A ., M . B ., . B . Sc 8 vo , . F . B . C . P ., Fellow and Medical Lecturer of St . John's College , Cambridge . "With numerous Part I .-GENERAL PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY . 12 * . 6 d . Part II . —SPECIAL PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY . Sections I .-VIII . 12 . ? . 6 d . New Part . —Vol . III ., Part II ., of Professors ROSCOE and SCHORLEMMER'S TREATISE ON CHEMISTRY . I A TREATISE OJNT CHEMISTRY . By H . E . Roscoe , F . R . S , and C . Schoblemmeb , F . R . S ., Vols Professors . I . and II of INORGAMC Chemistry in the CHEMISTRY Victoria University . , the Owens College , Manchester . With Illustrations . 8 vo . Vol . 1 . The Non-Met-Olio Elements . 21 . ? . —Vol . II . Part I . Metals . 18 . * . — Vol . IT . Part II . Metal ? . 18 * . Vol . Iir . —OILGANIC CHEMISTRY . Two Parts . THE CHEMrSTRY OF THE HYDRO-CARBONS and their Derivative * , or ORGANIC CHEMISTRY . With numerous Illustration-. Medium 8 vo . 2 ls . each . ELECTROSTATICS AND MAGNETISM , Papers on . By Profossor Sir William Thomsov , F . R . S .. D . C . L ., LL . D ., F . R . S . E ., Fellow of St . Peter ' s College , Profossor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow . A New Edition . 8 vo . 18 * . MANUALS FOR STUDENTS . n « w Volumes . HEAT . By P . G . Tait , M . A ., Sec . K . S E ., formerly Fellow of St . Peter ' s College , Cambridge , Professor of Natural Philosophy ' in the University of Edinburgh . Crown 8 vo . 6 * . A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN ZOOTOMY ( VERTEBRATA ) . By T . Jeffhey Parkkii , B . Sc . Lond ., Professor of Biology in the University of Otago . Illustrated . Crown 8 vo . & f- 6 d . CHEMICAL OF . By William THEORY Ramsay , Ph . FOR D ., Professor BEGINNERS of Chemistry in University , EXPERIMENTAL Collego , Bristol . Fop . 8 vo . PROOFS 2 . * . 6 d . HORACE - _ .-ODES MACMILLAN - Book III . 'S Edited CLASSICA by T . E . Page SERIES , M . A . ., late Volume Fellow of St . John ' s College , C , imbridg- « , Assistant-Master at Charterhouse . Fcp . 8 vo . 2 * . MACMILLAN'S PROGRESSIVE FRENCBnCOURSE . II . By G . Eugene Fasnacht . Exerc -Assir 4 ises tant , - and Mastor Notes at " and Westminster Vocabularies School . A . Now Secoml Edicio Year n , enlarged . Containinpr and thoroughly ft" Elementary revised Grammar - Extra fc , with p . 8 vo copious . 2 s . 4 Is well \ vort » i two sixpences instead of one . '—Punch . % *) £ © ncjIisJ ) gttttstrctteo ^ Tagaainc . MONTHLY . Price SIXPENCE ; by Past , EWHTPENCE . THOMA popular 8 Write HARDY r will . appear A Short in Story The Eng by this lish J . Ing H . lesunt SHOKTBCOTJSB / will contribute , Author a of Poem ' John to Illustrated Magazine for May . The English Illustrated Magazine for May . „ MACMILLAN So CO ., Bedford Street , London , W . C . Jji
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 393, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/29/