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chin /.hina Messrs a. ana and . articles...
In reply to a letter from an aged and bl...
president nreaident At the tor for Words...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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II April 15 , 1884 TIie Publishers' CSrcular 3 ^
Chin /.Hina Messrs A. Ana And . Articles...
chin / . hina Messrs a . ana and . articles articles Christie of 01 , Manso verru vertu , , n occasionally occasionally , and Woods bring Dnng , although cnoice choice more collection collection frequ s entl of ot y books books the to to vendors the tne hamm namm of pictures er er , and ana ,
p on after rices Wednesday , Parmig . Among ianino last the they artist numbers comp 's proof leted were etchings the Hosap sale ina of and , a a catalogue many collection unique in of which impressions 600 many engravings items from , brought by plates this either artist , good
altered family of or Pheasants destroyed , , , mounted oured plates in , a by volume I . , Wolf , 28 , guineas 2 vols . red ; D . morocco G . Elliot extra ' s Monograph , gilt edges , of New the York Vnrk . lov 1872 z , , £ sboo 33 ; ; Costumes uosxumes oi of xne the British isrixisn Army Army , , oa 63 original original arawings drawings , , bv oy n H . . Marten marten , , mountea mounted
mounted in 2 vols , . in green a volume russia , extra half , bound gilt ed 4 "kW morocco ges , £ 18 , ( £ Rimel 12 ( Phil ) ; French pot ) ; Turner caricatures Gallery -fev ^ , 63 , coloured 60 engravings plates ^ , after 01 _ — . ictures « >^^ w ««/ M ?( b rW ^ J M IV / l W % / V / Turner 111 V * V % with rV ^^ ^ w % descri rf"J rtri S * fcWl ptions Vk ^* >—^* - » « b § " ¦* W . Wornum AAf . * -v «*» -fc ^^ « v « large I rf * <» "V # « ** v ^ vw india % « r % ^ M 4 * -k proof w «*> -v v-kf
py . . . , y , paper , before 5 vols letters largest , half paper bound with morocco india proof , gilt impressions edges , ^ 21 ; before Arabian letters Nights of , the tran engravings slated by E b . Forster Smirke ,
., , y , b Hump lue m h orocco ' s illuminated extra , gilt edges Books , 1802 of the ( from Middle the A Countess geslates of from Blessing ancient ton ' s manuscripts library ) , ^ 11 by ; H Owen . N ,
rey , p Jones Theatre , printed with remarks in gold by and Mrs . colours Inchbal , d half 25 -bound vols . with olive india morocco proof , 1849 impressions , £ 11 . 10 before * . ; British letters
of 1 vol vri the \ . p si similarlv , lates milarly , 1808 bound bound , half . j ££ bound 11 11 ; : Jdeath Heath morocco 's s Jfict Picture , extra uresque aaue , with Annual Ann Modern uaL from from Theatre tne ilie commencem commencement , 10 vols ., and ent in in Farces 183 18 M 2 ,
morocco to 1844 , , plates ilt ed after 10 Stanfiel , J guineas d , Cattermole H . Shaw , ' s M Dresses aclise , and and , Decorations Creswick , india of the proof Middle , 13 A vols .,
coloured , g lates , 2 vols , . in 1 , large ; paper , the plates illuminated in gold and colours , brown ges , morocco extra , 1840-3 , £ 10 .
In Reply To A Letter From An Aged And Bl...
In reply to a letter from an aged and blind Sheffield workman who had sent him some verses FaiT , ingdon Lord Tennyson Freshwater has IW written March Vil as follows —Dear A ^ : — Sir *^_/ —I should have VV ^ a heart JA \ CA >& harder Af \ than 1 JUU anvil
if 1 were lil Ug not \ AV ** deep , - *• ¦* ly ^ - " **¦ interented *¦ " * J **^ V ^ J . , y A . * T « b ., y j what - » * fc ^ . you ** » . tell - * WA me . ^ , I thank «¦ . Ull \/ U 1 you VA A 4 [» for your w pretty ly A-IA - * versetf V ^* t . your J \ . The r AAM . sp % M ** iri * t which inspires them should give the lesson of cheerful resignation and thankfulness and faith to all .
Being Accept able from to me do every this by best writing wish , and such believe verses me , you , tru will ly j 7 alway ours , s Tejtnyson have work . —To of the Mr . noblest Joseph and Senior best . to do ,
President Nreaident At The Tor For Words...
president nreaident At the tor for Wordsworth the the year vear . wil will Societ l deli deliver y ' ver s meeting tne the address address on Thursday .. , May 8 , the Hon . J . Russell Lowell , as
cf Hansar nferred The d statement has upon not Mr received in . Hansard a , contemporary any , the official editor that intimation of the the distinction ' on Parliamentary the subject of Commander . Debates , ' of is the not Bath correct has . been Mr .
Mr . John Hodges , of So ho Square , announces a new twelve- volume edition in crown 8 vo . of of Butler the Tudor ' s ' Lives Dynasties of the Saints ' Mr , ' Hod and a cheap has edition leted of the Baring issue of Gould Mr ' s Hubert * Historical Burk Portraits e ' s
His-.. ges comp . torica lation l of Portraits the Commentary of the Tudor of Cornelius Dynasty and a Lap the ide B ^ on formation the Four Period Gospels , ' and . ' of Mossman ' s ' Transi
late Messrs T , B . . Smithies S . W . Partrid ' Editor ge of ife the Co . ' announce British Workm that th an ey ' & will c shortl & c y publish a ]\ f emoir of the
cation Mr . : — Elliot ' Thro Stock hout , announces the Year the / b following Rosl new volumes , ' of , poems . as ther nearl P y ready b for F publi W -
and ana Leith » Son Adams ongs ^ s of of ; Sunse Sunset c ug Earth t' 7 's by Voices William WiUiam , ' by William Staniland Sfcaniland y Guy Sharp .. yn , author ; Henry of , ' The a Human o Inheritance oems , ' y , ' , < fec . . ;
Unwin ^ nw The m . Cobden under under the the Club * title t . iflft , Prize of of ' ' The Essay ft Future Fnfnrft for 1883 WnrV Work will of of be Free Frofl published Trade Trade in in immediatel Eng Rtk / IisIi lish y Legisla LecriRl by Mr ation tion . T . . 7 Fisher The TIia
author The , is W Mr ycliffe . C . Quincentenary E . Troupe , B . A will ., of see Balliol a good College many , Oxford books . brought out upon the life and volume writings to of the be published great English the Reformer 1 st , and b , Mr of th T Fisher , not the Unwin least popular John will Wyclif be the Patriot little
a livi nd ill ng - Reformer authori <« wvitui . ties iui , ' is upon UJJIM written 1 W TT on yc y b y JLLlLKS liffe Dr , j . ClUCl Rudolf May one L 71 XO Buddenseig of KJ y th VILKJ e . W . . J . UIS t , Lie M . O . UI Theol , th DilU e . W ¥ Lei T ycliffe y . pzi XJkM ' K g , KJUK Societ one M . * of 3 % jy y . . the The JL : grea . C 7 book UUfCIV test
w tra nslated comprise for the a memoir first time of from the Reformer the oriinal , and Latin also MSS an interesting in DrBuddensei selection ' of possessio his writings d ,
else Uble . The where » Talk ~<^ u . . ivji , ' In pub IMJLO st lished y le the UXXAAC by volume Mr 7 1 M . . KJH Unwin M . UAM will . KJ \ J last * be . JLf g £ JLMlK uniform year » JL X-K . * tiXJi * with * JJL ** JKJ the » . AIR parchment JL- 'X . JJUM . UOUOV edition / 1 g ^ O s j ^ VOOUCWlVil of * Luther n an CttlAVA ' s
r © 8 p © cting booksellers new postal of Melbourne arrangements hav in e issued the colony the following as regard circ s periodicals ular , which , whi conveys ch will information be useful ¦ % ¦ ^ U Mil 3 m I ¦ w ~ publishers v ^ v * b * v I m «^ \^^^ ^ k ^ - h ^^^_ _ Jft _ __^ and ^ -1 _____ . __ . _ _„ __ ¦ libe 1 . _ l _^ ^ ral - __ —__ I Postal mi _»„ — jL __ . V Act iB —fc __ L . has _ Lw — ju recentl - «^ . _ w ^ - - _ Lt I wMi . _^ — — in __ - ¦ t JL- . fo ^ L » . _ - _ . bmbi—w- ^^ i . _ ^_«^
Jo ma many colony . By means . ere ^^ of : — this A new ^ statute _ all more monthl _ y and quarterly periodicals _ y come can ^^ ^ now ^ o be ^ posted rce n ^ na Victoria throughout the colonies Moreovermonthlparts of weeklies
adnc * uch utted as ' Chambers through our ' Journal local pos , ' 'Al t-offices l the as as Year one newspapers Round newspaper , ' . ' Young , and b L ear adies , onl ' y Journal the y unit , ' of & c postage . f are now on . nionthl
® J ° « y part . It is customary , however , with the publishers of some of the very popular Jjuraal pgazines / , to & such c . f & o as to ' Young issue ' Ladies Supplements ' Journal / and / ' Bow as our Bella Postal / * London Act is Journal stringent / ' Myra in ' s
l ^ wcreiice these . , , the following precautions should , be observed , namely , very that the title and- .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 371, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/3/