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April 15,1884 The Publishers'Circular 39...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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April 15,1884 The Publishers'circular 39...
April 15 , 1884 The Publishers ' Circular 39 S
72 & 73 COLEMAN STKEET , CITY , LONDON , April 1884 . ^^ W GrENTXEMEU , ¦ SS JS WHrafc jMgfHE ^^ r full 7 WU TITLE y > - m NEW erited 'ARTISTIC . YE ^ I ^ C ^ , l ' ^ which D COLLECTION we selected for w our as universall LAST SEASON y allowed 'S CP to ^ IJS have * Fja be # en j 5 SS ^^^ W . The acknowledgment of their excellence was general , while the first and only recogaKKjfr KWz § * the nitions JURY yet awarded of the INTERN to CHRISTMAS ATIONAL AND EXHIBITION NEW YEAR , CALCUTTA CARDS fell , awarding to onr share us a , ' jkgTJP GOLD MED 4 L , and BOSTON , MASS ., a DIPLOMA and MEDAL . ~ v ~ It is now our pleasurable duty to announce the completion of our this Season ' s Collection , for "which we venture to lay claim to this same ambitious prefix * Artistic / and respectfully submit our jnpjSHG CTOIg ^^ g § FffiW YB ^ C ^ Dg , SEASON 1884-5 , for your consideration . We refrain from expatiating upon the merits of this collection , but we feel it incumbent upon us to do this simple act of justice to our two thousand Coadjutors , the Artists who designed , the Artists who Chromo-Lithographed , and the Artists who printed these Cards , by here publicly expressing our deep obligation to them for the earnest enthusiasm they have displayed in . striving to complete an ensemble worthy of being pronounced an advance upon any of our previous efforts . It were invidious to single out names or instances , for , from the painter who has drawn his Two Hundred Guineas for a single set of designs , to the Printer in receipt of weekly wages , one and all have laboured with us devotedly to worthily maintain , and even still farther to elevate , the high artistic position admittedly occupied by the CHRISTMAS CARD TRADE . The FOUR HUNDRED ENTIRELY NEW SETS , embracing over Fifteen Hundred distinct designs , of which our this Season ' s Collection is comprised , may be broadly summarised in the following classes : — 1 . OHROMO CARDS , SINGLE and TOXjDING . 2 . TWOFOLD , THREEFOLD , and FOURFOLD SCREEN CARDS . 3 . EASEL CARDS and PORTFOLIO SETS . 4 . OVAL and CIRCULAR OHROMO PLAQUES . 5 . ETCHINGS . 6 . GILr-EDGED SATIN OHROMO TABLETS . 7 . FROSTED CARDS . 8 . SILK , FRINGED , PLUSH , and MECHANICAL CARDS . Novelty , Elegance , and Finish , have been aimed at throughout . gilt- In edged the Satin tablet Cards , which we , while would tending draw attention to give to these our new beautiful departure souvenirs in mounting a greater - each finish card , adds on a solid considerabl y to their durability and value . Our price , however , for each size remains unaltered . Wiich The the Gilt desi -ed gns ged are Tablet speciall princi y adapted ple has further to the app been lication extended of this by method us to a . number of Chromo Cards , in the The Trad elegant e and Public appearance . of our Diamond-shaped Cards will commend them to the special notice of of vhich As usual will , particular be found to attention keep pace has with been the bestowed continued , by improvement xlb upon the in literary our card work productions , the high . character carefull The y backs engraved of the Poems Card , thereb s have y in imparting most instances an harmonious been either character embellished to the entire with card suitable . designs or gPECAJlh ' DKVO ^ IOJV TI Is' JSK ^ IKJS is comprised in the collection . The want of such a series has long been manifest . tfi We trust we have succeeded in our efforts to make our Cards for 1884—5 in I every respect worthy of a continuance of the approval with which our publications have hitherto been regarded . "We aro , Qentlemen , Yours faithfully , RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS . The back of every Card issued by us will continue to bear onr TRADE MARK , l i «« ut mark The Easel and Palette , with the words * Artistic Series' on the Pcdette . | ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 395, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/31/