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April 15,1884 The Publishers' Circulat 3...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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April 15,1884 The Publishers' Circulat 3...
April 15 , 1884 The Publishers' Circulat 399 i
BIRN BROTHERS , jp « 6 fi * fc « r » xrf § § mimn * T ^ $ m °% ntf JBiriljftit }| t & J * n * ttt § ntbz + eHf ^ OJVIOS AJVJ D REblEf Sei ^ A PS , SCRIPTUEE TEXTS AND STOVE ORNAMENTS , TRANSFER SHEETS , & c . PTTBIilSHEBS OF THE NOVEL SERIES OF LARGE RELIEFS . The Registered Three-fold Screen , with Scripture Mottoes ( 8 s . per gross ) , is a decided success . 12 MILTON STREET , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . C . , - —c I ta > g »«| " j— — = g ^ risfm ct s axt b IXjiew ^ feav © ards . SEASON 1884-85 . those possible Gentl of , to Christmas emen stimula , — The te and hereby great New increased success Tear Card hitherto demands Publishers attained . , determined by our various to enhance publications the reputation has induced of that us branch to add of our art name , and , to already We expressed have no fe by & r in connoisseurs asserting , th that at by our an Cards inspection cannot of fail our to book take , the which first is rank now amongst ready , you the will best agree publications with the . opinion which Guided we had by coll the ected practice at great in vogue expense , we from secured painte the rs aid wh of ose Artists adaptedness of highest for this repute particular to assist branch us in the is selection established of by designs the fact Aided that their by the designs great had support been we met had with from the our greatest printers public , who demand spared in no bygone expense seasons and . effort to utilise the latest improvement most saleable in Chromo article -lithography . , so as to ensure a faultless facsimile of the originals , we are sure that our Cards will prove a complete We venture collection to . hope Should that you you not -will be waited defer placing upon sufficiently your orders early until for you your have purpose had , the kindly oppor communicate tunity of inspecting with us , and our your wishes shall receive our best attention . We remain , yours very respectfully , BIEN BROTHERS .
Important to Bookbinders , Account Book Manufacturers , and Fancy Stationers . R . C . MAC KAY Begs to announce that he has just completed his New and Much Improved I SObD LETTERING MACHINE , For Lettering of all kinds , upon any Material , without the use of Glaire . Great Reduction of Heat ; Brass Type superseded by the ordinary Letterpress Type , thereby ensuring greater accuracy this and a Machi much ne be . tte This r style new of Machine Lettering is . spec The ially Work adapted of Two for Days Stamping by the Old Name Proces and s a Address ccomplish of ed Purchaser in Four Ilourt upon b P y urses the yew , Pocket with Books , ( fee , and Initials upon Albums , Prayer Books , Bibles , & c . @ t > rtsfma £ anb ^ irf ^ bag Qaxbz , BEAUTIFULLY STAMPED IN GOLD READY FOR PAINTING . These Cards , either Porcelain , Bevel Edge , Rice Paper , Vellum , Ivory—in . fact , all the latest novelties—with any Mottoes , can be supplied with space ready for Painting . SPECIAL DESIGNS IF REQUIRED FOR EXPORT TRADE . R . C . MACKAY , White Ladies Road , BRISTOL .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 399, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/35/