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4o» The Publishers' Circular April stm t...
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4o» The Publishers' Circular April Stm T...
4 o » The Publishers' Circular April stm t ,
Electrotyper H . SILVE & RLOC Stereotyper K , 79 KNIGHTRIDER ST ., DOCTORS' COMMONS , E . C . & 92 BLACKFRIARS RD , S . E , , LONDON . manifold H . SELVEELOCK advantages begs he is to enabled call the to attention offer in of EuscTHorYPiNG Printers , Publisheks and Stereotyping , Engravers , being , and others the result , to the of Forty The Years process ' Stud adopted y and Pbacticai and machinery , Exper emp ience loyed in the in producing former and either Forty-nine Electrotypes in the latter or . Stereotypes from from Type shrinkage , Woodcuts ) , wliifch , are or Dies afterwards , ensure accuratel a perfect y planed fac-simile and , squared free from , mounted hollowness or unmounted ( and in Electrotypes . the Originals following day returned after in recei the pt same of order state , of or preservation Stereotypes at as a when few received hours' notice , and . Electrotypes Newspaper supplied Heading on s mounted on solid metal , type high . Extra thick Electrotypes for Bookbinders' Blocking . Surface Plates supplied for Metal Engravers . BRASS , SILVER , AND NICKEL FACING , FOR COLOUR WORK . ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION . CARTS SENT TO ANY PABT OF LONDON .
mimmmmmm m . ¦ Established 1846 . HALL * & CO ., Wholesale Booksellers and Publishers . The Country Trade supplied with all Papers Books on , the Magazines best terms , Periodicals . Miscellaneous , and Weekl Orders y despatched with the utmost celerity and punctuality . Advertisements inserted . Newspapers and Music supplied . Enclosures receiyed , packed , and forwarded . 13 Paternoster How , E . C .
Tipa . GBO . . NEWMAN , Auctioneer and 1 ** - Valuer to the Trade , offers his services in all matters of Sale , Transfer , or Valuations for Partnership or Probate ; his long experience and thorough knowledge of the various branches enable him to render very valuable assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser on very moderate terms . No expense in placing particulars on ' this Register . Offices : 51 London Wall , E . C .
TRADE VALUATION . MR . ADAM HOLDBN , Bookseller & c , 48 Church Street , Liverpool , having had a long and varied experience in the different branches of the Trade of a Booksexleb and Stationer , offers 11 II to Probate undertake Duty , the or for Valuation Sale or Transfer of any Business , in any part for of the Country Terms . ( moderate ) on application . 48 Church Street , Liverpool .
FOR SALE . ELECTROTYPES of the celebrated Artistical Engravings from I SCHORER ' S PAMIL I ENB LA T T . Per square centimetre , 12 Pfennig ( = l ^ d , ) . , J . H . Schorer , 12 Dessauerstr ., Berlin , S . W . I « T ELECTROTYPES . MESSRS & CO . . hara SAMPSON prepared LOW a List , MAR Works ST from ON , I I which they are willing to supply selections of I 1 Klectros . This List they will be happy to forward to any band fide purchaser . —Address , 188 Fleet II Street , E . C . WBSSSZ . JUak 1 i _ * ... , =
VALUATIONS FOR SALE OR PROBATE . WILLIAM PAGEN , 1 Market Place , Whitehaven , begs to offer his services as Printers Valuer Valuation , to s and to Booksellers be made Newspaper . Terms , Stationers Proprietors moderate , Bookbinders . Businesses requiring , Wanted and for Sale . Inquiries invited . -
EXPERIENCED TKADE VAX . UEB . Printer JOHN , Bookseller JVIORTO , Statio N n , er , & c . BOSTON , LINCOLNSHIRE .
THE PAPER MAKERS' CIRCULAR Published on the 10 th of each month . Kepresentative The Oldest Established of tlie Paper and Trade the Recognised in Great Britain Offices . : 160 a . Fleet Street , London , E . C . ; and at i j 19 a Cursitor Street , Chancery Lane , London , E . C ^ j
J - RLIAMENTARY assorted Stock of all interesting REPORTS subjects : an O ) yett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , L ondon , "W . C . ELECTROTYPES OF SUPERIOR WOOD ENGRAVINGS . "THE Publishers of the Art Journal respect-•* - fully announce that they have on hand s large and appeared varied in Stock that of Jou Wood rnal , and Engravings in other , whieli Illustrated hav * prepared Works issued to supp b ly y t Electrotypes horn ; and of that the they best are < l uaUt no J * from these Blocks , guaranteed to work equally a well They as the comprise original a Wood large Miscellaneous Engravings . Collection , amounting in all to SEVERAL THOUSAND & CO Cop ., ies Limited may be , 294 seen C at ity the Road offices , London of J . S ; . or ^ 1 iurui ^* information will be furnished by post . PLA A TES very , in extensive good condition stock , of are Engraved also avatW 8 > ? " ® j y Printing from , on very Moderate Terms , — -t | I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 402, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/38/