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Acock , J * A ,, 21 Broad Street , Oxford Peter's Renaissance . 1 st edit . " Caesar West India Borgia P , ickles 3 vols , . or Cruise of Circumnavigation of the j
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J > uy ' a ( Lewis ) Instances Accessory | Edinburgh Review . 1880 to 1888 , or any Noa . | Br Narrative own , W ., 26 o ( Princes a Private Street oe , the Edinburgh 92 nd Regfc ., Glasgow ( ttoaa . 1 i < ™ / » | ,
Mott Mott Arabian « « ux ux '' s s Nights T Translation ranslation , with Westall of of Rabelais Rabelais ' s Pl . , a tes vols vols , 4 . . vols rz 12 nao nao . 12 . . mo K v . »»~ , Th Don ierd Quixote ' Consulate , wit » i and Woara Empire ll ' s P lo t \ ro es , 4 Vol vols . . 20 l ^ . " 1 B - <«
BrownWalter 220 Great Portland Street , W . WarcTa , Mexico , , 2 vola . i Bumpus M-M wV ¦ WWW f ^ ¦» , 1 T Jk . V B M ~ -r % . , 2 f * 0 George ^ m i r V w \ M ¦ * J ^ Yard K wr r ~^ , Lomba rfK ^ ^ r > r ^ - — " rd Street , E . C
Vaalby Walton ' Fair s Llvos Album , 4 to . . ( York 1872 ) -1873 Jennlng ' ti Field Paths X Froude ' ruuue ' d d Ireland xruianu , , 8 ovo vo 8 . Vol yoi , . 2 < g fc 6910 II _ .
England , vo . VoU . I o , , , Chapman Cobbott , ' J s . Rural C , 86 Rides Coney Street , York ^ r ^^ fft
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 404, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/40/