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T Henry m- ~ asso (/ , translated Morley «/ , LL by . D Edward . ( N Garisbrooke Fairfax , edi Library ted b y , -
Vol . VTL ) This romantic poem of the First Crusad » readers ^^ v - — e in could a more scar tempting cely be J offered form than to Eng in lish the — —— - —' ^
volume before us . Both the learned editor and the publishers have done their best to extend the circle of Tasso ' s admirers . Cheapness
clear type , and good paper combined with the , s should cholarly win introduc for j the tory volum pages e b an CJLJiJ y unqualified the editor
O **^ - ' l-i- *\ - * - ¥ * a « . * -v ^ a v ** V » UAUAWV - ULAV 1 VACAAA . i . JLV'VA success . ' From Messrs . Smith , Elder & Co . — - < The
In Dictionary the new volume of National of this Biograp important hy , ' and Vol indeed . xxii . monumental work biographical sketches will
and be found influen of tial an peo un ple usual . Many numbe students r of interesting of the work . will doubtless turn first to Mr . Leslie — ' — — — — - —t- — — ^ - —— —— — — ¦¦ H ^ ta ¦ * " ~ - ^^ -t ^ ¦ ^^ * " ^^ " W ^^ b ^ -m ^ ri »^ ^^ * mm *
S one tephen of th ' s e pi most cturesque fascinating and sch figures olarly in es Eng say lish on literature—Oliver Goldsmith . He admits that
chara the mos cter t vivid to be desc fou rip tions in B of oswell Goldsmith but he ' s does not exonerate the latter from the , charge CJ
of having exaggerated the poet ' s weaknesses , a circumstance which Mr . Stephen thinks was possibly due to jealousy of his intimacy with
Johnson . The Gordons , eighty strong , occupj ^ a considerable section of the volume , and , of course , amongst them the hero of Khartoum
occupies a commanding place , of whom it is said Christ * ia his n fai whole th at bein once g was real dominated and so earnes by a t
that , although his religious views were tinged with mysticism , the object of his life was the entire surrender of himself to work out
whatever he believed to be the will of God . ' Amongst other articles of special interest it is perhaps enough here to refer to Professor Creighton ' s
account of Sir James Graham , and Mr . Sidney Lee ' s of John Gower , author of the * Confessio Aman from 4 t G is lover . ' The ' to scope * Gravet of . ' present volume is
From the Society for Promoting Christian is Knowl a new edge and . — enlarged ' The Gospel edition Picture of a -Book well- . known ' This
and deservedly popular CJ illustrated Sunday-book for children . It contains simple sketches on our Lord ' s life and ministrywritten with
, reverence of wards them of are thirty and both attractiveness f beautiful ull-page p a ictures nd . impressive There , and are m ; the
upbook is bound in strong flexible cloth covers , and the price is extremely moderate . We hope that in its new form the ' Gospel Picture-Book '
will rapidly find its way into the hands of many young children . From Mr . Elliot Stock . — ' Boyhood ,
Adolesb cence y Constantine , and Youth Popoff / by . Le It is T difficult olstoi , translated to determine the author ' s precise object in giving this
book to the world . An explanatory preface would have assisted the reader , and might possibly have induced him to peruse the book
of carefull young y . people A length when y recital striking of incidents the experi , ec ence centricities of characterstartling adventures ,
hairbreadth escapes , and , examples V- * of youthful enterprise are all conspicuous by their absence can offer but little attraction either to the
rising book is generation really a narrative or adult of the readers author . If " s own the earl ¦— ex ! 1 eriencetogether ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ with —¦ that ¦ —¦ ¦ of some ¦ ¦ ¦¦ of
his y p companions - ^^ - ¦ p ^^ r &* ^^ y *^ w ^ f ^ fc ^ ~ i r , h , »* those *^^ r ^\ ^^ ^—^^ ~ ni ~ ^ who » ^ -. - ^™ ™~ - read — -.- — for — ~ - ^ profit - — - « - ' ,
recreation , or amusement will be disappointed
unhealth by this uneventful y and , at the and same prosaic time , record perhaps . the An
most striking feature of the book is the amazteen ing susce to fal ptibility l desperatel of Russian y in love lads with of women
fourold enough to X be . their 1 mothers—a form ridicule o f sickl y of — precocity ¦ the — ¦ — —~ ¦ majority ™ which 1 - ^^ ^™ ^™ ~ can of ^^ ^^ ^ British b * i ^ onl ^ ^^ m ^ n ^ r y ^~ ^*^ ^^ excite ^^^ youths ¦ ^^ b ' ^ the — ¦^— —— ' . ^
Passing glimpses of Russian life and manners , detailed accounts of private family affairs , scrappy reminiscences of school life ¥ certain
phases X X * of mental development , and , sundry moral and religious reflections form the main contents of this singular book .
From Mr . T . Fisher Unwin . — ' An Australian Ramble , ' by J . Ewing Ritchie . In another column we have quoted an interesting passage
from this slight , but well-written book . Mr . Ritchie makes the mistake of devoting nearly a third of his space to a description of his
voyage to the Anti X podes , and X this rather weakens an otherwise shrewd and pleasant book . On the whole his impressions x . of the
island-continent were distinctly favourable ; he speaks warmly of the hospitality and kindness of its people , and he lay mf s stress on the beauty
A . A . * V as well as the business energy of several of the chief cities and towns . There are some good stories in the book , and we gather from it that
Mr . Ritchie considers Western Australia the country of the future . From Messrs . "WardLock & Co . —* The Life
, and Times of Oliver Goldsmith , ' by John Forster . We are glad to find that this admirable and authoritative biography of a man
of genius , who was everybody ' s friend but his own , has just been added to the Minerva Library . The quaint , and often humorous ,
illustrations , drawn more than forty years ago by Stanfield , Maclise , Leech , and other artist friends of John Forster , are given in this
reprint , and Mr . Bettany has enriched the volume with a ' biographical sketch of the author . ' Forster fell into one or two errors
in the preparation of a work to which he devoted much labour and research , and Mr . Bettany has done well to point out the slips
of the pen of Goldsmith ' s biographer . This . is still the standard life of the poet , though more brilliant studies of his life and times
have been written since the work was first published in 1848 . From Messrs . Effi . ngh . am "Wilson & Co . —* From
School to Office , ' by F . B . Crouch . In this short treatise , avowedly written for boys who look forward to City life as clerks , Mr . Crouch
g lads ives standing a number on of valuable the threshold hints , which of office sensible -work will find it to their advantage not to disdain .
He lays stress on punctuality , thoroughness , good — ¦ a knowled _ — . _„ handwriting -- — ge ^_ j _ of — mod , the ern value languages ^ j of shorth . Of an course d , and ,
these latteraccomplishmentsare not absolutely nat necessary urally , a but much youths better who chance possess of getting them have on
is prevails amid that the . keen One take reason c no ompetition intelli why so w many hi in c t er everywhere est peop in le their fail ¦— y ^/ * - ge *
drud work gery , but , and simp so ly slouch regard throug it h as it w v itable no satisfaction either to themselves or their
emyoung ployors , . have Peop onl le y of got that themselves sort , whether to blame old or if they share the usual fate of laggards , and are
left behind in the race .
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April 15 , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 4 i .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1890, page 451, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041890/page/19/