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April 15 , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 46 i
SEELEY & CO . 'S flew Boohs anb IWew Bbitions-In a few days . THE CHEMISTRY OF PAINTS AND PAINTING , By A H Church , F . R . S ., Professor of Chemistiy to the Royal Academy . Cloth , 5 * . A SECOND EDITION OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY . By the Rev . W . J . Loftie , Author of < A History of London , * ' H Memorials . Railton . of Imperial the Savoy 4 to . cloth , ' 'Windsor , 21 s . Large Castl Paper e , ' Ac . Copies With ( 100 12 only Plates ) , £ 4 and . 4 s . many minor Illustrations , chiefly by ' Likely to be one of the most popular of the many books that have been written dealing with the great abbey Guardian . ' . THE EARLIER ENGLISH WATER-COLOUR PAINTERS . By Cosmo Monk house . With Thirteen Plates after Turner , Girtin , Bonington , Cotman , De Wint , Sandby , Hearne , Barret , Prout , $ This ( Cozens 100 volume only . Copley ) , , 42 with . V . Fielding its sound , criticism Cattermole and , and display David of solid Cox . knowledge Super-royal , will 8 vo be . absolutel cloth , price y invaluabl 21 * . Large e to the Paper collector Cop . ' Saturda y Review , SECOND EDITION . FANNY BURNEY AND HER FRIENDS . Select Passages from her Diary and other World Writings . ' . With Edited 9 Copper by L - . Plates B . Seelky afti , r lat Reynolds e Fellow , Gai of ns Trinit borough y College , Copley , Ca , and mbrid West ge , . Author Cloth , of Is ' . Horace 6 rf . Walpole and his the 'A desultory handy book reader ( and as she as handsome has been with as it literary is bandy persons ) , which ever should since make Macaulay Dr . Johnson wrote his ' s ' e * ssay Little . '— Burney St . Jamks " as ' s p Gazette opular with . THIRD THOUSAND . THE OCEAN OF AIR : a Popular Scientific Account of the Atmosphere . By A . Giberne . * Misb With Giterne a Preface bus a by singularly Professor bappy Pbitchai faculty d . of With exhibiting 16 Illus scientific trations , cloth tiuths , 5 . in v . a lucid and popular form . ' Guardian . BY THE SAME AUTHOR . SUN , MOON , AMD STARS Sixteenth Thousand . 5 * . AMONG THE STARS . Fourth Thousand . 5 s . THE WOBLD'S FOUNDATIONS . Fifth Thousand . 5 * . THE HAMMER : a Story of the Maccabees . By Rev . A . J . Church and Richmond Seeley . j ' A With vivid Illustrations and picturesque , cloth romance , 5 * . . '—Daily Newh . I * ' Full A vivid of g pic raphic ture sketches of Jewish of life those and critical character days . ' - . '— Guardian Jewish Standard . . Just published , 3 * . 6 d . CANON BATTERSBY AND THE KESWICK CONVENTION : a Memoir of the Moulk Rtv , . M Canon . A ., Principal Harfohd of -Bai Ridley tkkhry Hall , , late Cambridge Rector . of Keswick , with Portrait , and a Preface by the Rev . H . C . G . Shortly . EXMOOB Page , Author , AND of An THE Exploration HIGH of Dartmoor LANDS . ' With OF Etchings WEST , Map , and SOMERSET other Illustrations . By J . Ll . W . A SECOND EDITION OF AN EXPLORATION OP DARTMOOR . By J . Ll w . Page With Etchings and other Illustrations . Cloth , 7 * . 6 d . NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION . OXFORD trations . : Cloth Brief , 6 * . Historical and Descriptive Notes . By Andrew Lang . With many Illus-* Told in Mr . Lang ' n best manner . ' —Litkhaky Churchman . NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION . CAMBRIDGE : Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes . By J . W . Clauk . With many ' A Illustrati thoroughly ons . artistic Cloth , work 6 . 1 . of topographical description and illustration . ' Illubtuatkd London Nkw » . NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION . EDINBURGH : Picturesque Notes . By Robert Louih Stevenson . With Illustrations . 1 Daintily Cloth , 3 s and . 6 rf . delictously ; or roxburgb illustrated , Us . and charmingly written ; u volume which maybe described without exaggeration ua u literary gem of the first water . ' - St . JAMKb ' s Gazkttk . A POURTH THOUSAND OF UNDER SALISBURY SPIRE : in the Days of George Herbert . By Emma Marshall . ' One With of Illustration the beat that s , cloth have , eve 5 . » . r come from Mrs . Marshall's pen . ' -Athrnmum . In a few days . UP AND DOWN THE PANTILES : a Story of Tunbridge Wells . By Emma Marshall . Hewed , 1 * . ; cloth , Is . 6 < i . NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION OF THE OLD GATEWAY . By Emma Marshall . Sewed , l * . ; cloth , 1 * . London : SEELEY & CO ., Limited , Essex Street , Strand . |
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1890, page 461, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041890/page/29/