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j & ^ • -—^^——— ^^ Tt^^^!!!^!^SS^^SSiSSS...
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J & ^ • -—^^——— ^^ Tt^^^!!!^!^Ss^^Ssisss...
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I rl 5 , issa The Publishers' Circular 455 ^
WILSON So McQQRTSlIQK ^ Publishers . I Just published , post 8 vo . printed on Hand-made Paper , Is . 6 d . The PRAISE and BLAME of LOVE , WITH OTHER VERSE . Glasgow : WILSON & McCORMICK , Saint Vincent Street . ( 297 )
PUBLICATIONS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES , BERLIN . AB HANDLUNGEN der KONIGL . PREUSSISCHEN' AKADEMIE der WISSEN--Philosoph Contents SCHAiTE . His : — tor Mathr . Klaste N matische , aus : Dillmann dem Klasse JAHEE , : Zur Hagen Geschich 1880 , Ueber . 4 Verandernng des to . price Axumitischen 13 * . 6 Wassers d . Bcicbs tiinde im 4 in ten den bis Preussischen 6 ten Jahrhnndert Strbmen , 2 , s . 1 0 * . d 6 . — d . \ I goistischer Sacbau , Uebcr Yerbesterungen die Lnge von zu zwei Tigranokerta Banden der , & Brdkunde s . —Scbott Hitters , TJeber , 2 ein s . Chinesischcs Mengwerk , nebet eiuem Anliang lin-MONATSBERICHT der KftNIGL . PREUSSISCHEN AKADEMIE der WISSENSCHAETEN zu BERLIN . Jabrgang 1881 . 24 Plates , 12 s . LEIBNITZENS Papia ' s und eini und HUYGENS zugehorigen ' Briefen BRIEFWECHSEL nnd Actenfetiicken mit . Bearb PAPIN eitet , und ncLst auf der Kosten Biograp der hie Konigl . Preussisclien Akademie der Wissenschaften berausgegeben von Dr . Ernst Gerlanb . 1881 . Imperial 8 vo . sewed , 13 * . 6 c ? . Berlin : DUMMLER ( HARWITZ & GOSSMANN ) , and all Foreign Booksellers . ( 208 )
Just published by the Midland Educational Company , Birmingham ; acd Simpkin , Marshall , & Co . London ; at Is ., 2 $ ., and 3 s . Illustrated . ROBINSON CRUSOE , IN VERSE By THOMAS H . BOTT . ( 299 ) II " ' - - •¦ ;
LOW'S READING AND PROTECTING COVERS . - - - . , — — Protecting Covers for Newspapers , Magazines , Reviews , and Publications in limp If " * a bindings present all the advantages of a removable binding of a substantial character 1 md effectually protect the original cover while in use . Half-bound , roan , lettered gilt—Academy the , 2 * . Field , 3 a . Na ? al & Military Gazette , 3 * . 6 d . Jnny j ^ l and Year Wavy Round Gazette , la . , 6 2 d a . . Fraser Fortnight s Magazine ly Review , la , U . 6 . d 9 . d . Notes Nineteenth and Queries Century , , 2 a 1 . * . 9 rf . Athenaeum « Jnay el gravia List , , , U la 2 . a . . 6 6 d . d . Gentleman Fun , hic 2 a . 2 a ' . s 6 Magazine d . , la . 6 d . Public Punch Publishers O 2 a p . inion ' Circular , 2 * . , la . 6 c ? . olackwood ' fi Edin . Mag . la . 6 d . Guardian Grap , , 2 a . Quarterl , y Review , la . 6 d . . ^ ambers Wer il , 2 ' « Journal . 6 d . , la . 6 d . Illustrated Harper ' s Magazine London , News Is . 6 , d . 2 a . 6 < 2 . Saturday Queen , 3 s Review . , 2 a . 6 d . ^ ^^ onrt mh Journ l Magazine al , 2 a . , 1 * . 6 d . Illustrated matic 2 a . S 6 porting d . and Dra- S Sunday pectator Magazine , 2 a . 6 d . , 2 a . Wneer , 3 « . Judy , 2 a , . Sunday at Home , 2 a . famil ^ peering y Herald , 2 a , . 2 6 a . d Macmillan Leisure Hour ' a Magazine , la . 6 & , la . 6 d . Temple Etc Bar . , la etc . Gd . . etc . London : SAMPSON LOW , MABSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINOTON . § CPPLIEB to the TRADE on the MOST LIBERAL TERMS . A large Stock of Popular Forei gn Educational , Literary , and Scientific Works always on hand . ¦ N . B . —Fast-Train Parcels received from the Continent twice a weelk . U II ( "opri # tor » of the 8 AMP business 8 ON of LOW the , | ate MARSTON firm of WnxU , SEARLE * AjulUt , to & RIVINOTON Go ., 3 t * tioii « rV-h * l ] Court ) , II ¦ k j ^^ Grown Bnildings , 188 Fleet Street , London , E . CL II
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 15, 1882, page 455, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15051882/page/27/