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508 The Publishers ^ Circular May 15, is...
CContinenlal !Qotes
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Tlole% And Hems
Mr , Kaufmann , of Paternoster Square , has lias now now ready readv several several new rmw series sari an of nf pictorial rrir * trYrifl . l
Scripture texts , excellent in design and in ¦ ¦ execution ¦^ r tm The series entitled VA ^ V ^ 'Eternal
Re-^^ ^^ ^ w ^^^ aa . * — AA ^ r »* J ^^ J ± Jb ^^ t ^ ^^ AA VX j ^^ W ^^^ b AA ^ VA ^^ W ^^ demption' has been specially designed byrMr . Stewart 4 fc Edwards ¦ MrKaufmann ¦¦¦ ¦ !! is the
r *~ r ** - *•* » * «^ VW ^ w ^^ V * MM % * M . t t * \ f ¦ . ¦» T- T V > ¦* T " » XU WAAXS energetic agent in this country for Radicke , of Berlinand Krappekof the same cityThe
former , house manufactures , the paper . and satin satin reliefs reliefs so so familiar familiar in in ornam nrnamp entation -. nta . tirm
the latter is famed for the production of fanci- ; ful bevelled-edged cards of all kinds .
A complete collection of the Rev . John jBillerton Ellerton ^ s ft hymns hvmna . original oricrmal and n . nrl tran t-rsixi slated ial a . t . fir 1 will -will
shortly be published , by Messrs . Skeffing , ton . The volume x ^ a . & will include some hitherto
un-— - m . ^ -m ^ w v « a . a ^ r Tv * . * J . AHVAIAVAV UV 1 XXV aL . JrAWA . AVJ . l / V U 1 A dix published to Hymns hymns An desi cient gned and for Modern the new . ' appeni — -
Messrs . Burns & Oates have sent a large collection " ** " ^ " — — - ^ ^ ^ - * wav a * of »^ r « . their U 4 AVXA books l ^ v »* \/ jj U to wv ^ the WXXV > Melbourn XTXVX IL ^ V- / tA -1 . Al e V / _
Exhibition . say sav Strangers those those who who in hav hav London e e been been , and long loner indeed residing resirlina we in in may the fh < = »
metropolis will find' The District Railway Guide to London ' ( Messrs . A . Boot & Son ) most lucid in style and vivid in description . The
anonymous mous ' author author is is . we we understand nndfirsf . p / nrl Mr "Mr . "R . W "W " . , , Montagu , the Editor of ' Maginn ' s Miscellanies / a charming bookwhich attracted
more than very passing notice about , a couple of years ago .
A special illustrated article , giving a full ac-! < - "w ount * of the preparation Jb i VXV / AA of the Royal Academy
I ^; * -m .. » w v- « . w ^^ x ^ j ^ v iy « x w « ^ _^ J > f ^ JLV- * XWV V IVA XXvClfViVlJ I T Exhibition—from the sending in of the pictures to the day of opening—appeared in the number
of CasseVVs Saturday Journal published on the 2 nd of May .
In the forthcoming Colonial edition of ' The ( General general Bo Isook ok Catal Catalocrii ogue fi ' it it . is is intended int . m-irlArl to +. n in in-
clude a selection of work , s published in the Colonies . Colonial publishers will therefore with note to any forward forthcoming three cop announcements ies of their Catalogue to the
Street publishers "nublishers , Taunton , . MeRRra Messrs , Eng . T . Barmcott £ land a . rrnrrvM . -. & Ar . Son Rrm , 44 4 . A . Fore TTr » vo > Professor Henry Drummond has written
a —•• Messrs book - — --w »— " ^— , »^ r ' . » Trop Hodder - » % v «^& ical ^« . <^^ a , Africa & ^^^/ Stoug rs ^ m / v- * - uc / which ** hton W 1 A < . is It published U contains V / V / JIX I ^ CvJLXAO b an Cull y
account of the author ' s recent travels in Central Africa , with one or two chapters of Natural Historyand notes regarding the latest
phases of the slave , trade and African politics generall 1 »—¦ . We ¦* - »¦ believe / the «^ a ^ author l / AAVX ' s former MJLAKJ
i J ^> ^ - ~— " — " — —y j » n _ r ^ - -. * .. » . ^ - ^ v ^ x ^ « - * «^« * J A \ JA . . JL I work « has * -wp ^ a now , ^ - * ' Natura * reached * . ^ v ^< «^/ -waa l ^_^ Law x- * the vaa \ in ^ extraordinary VS the -1 & - VJL CtfV S p iritual . JL AACJvJL y World sale OCI / JL V > of V / /
about 75 , 000 copies . | Academy f We learn ^ Exhibition ¦ M * r / that ^ wAyAi . will the JLAA contain WAA forthcoming 1 proofs Royal of the
I — - —w «« -w » -v » . « .. » ^ j . « H VUIXJ . l ~ rJLKS \ JJLI & KJX . UlU Mr JVlr etchings . . Waterhouse Waterhouse executed ' 's s * * Mariamne Ma by riamne Mr . James / ' and anrl Mr Mr Dobie . WnJfflr Walter , of
executed executea Langley ' s for tor * Betrayed the the Magazine Maa / azine These oj of Art A etchings rt . the tho latter 1 attar were
appearing in the May number . , W . H . Bishop , the novelist , author of ' The
House Jtlouse of or a a Merchant Jxlerchant Jrrmce Prince / * < < $ fec ;«_ - became h « r » am « an an author in an odd way . While living , in
MilwauJteee waukee as as the the part nart proprietor nrOT > rifttr » r and nnr ! editor Arlitor of nf a n rcr * ———— ,
competition newspaper , h for e was prize persuaded of 60 % dollars io write % off a e story red —¦— by in
a lo iUVIU cal periodi VtVU AVti ca a M l , A th AMJISJ e owner T ^ rjL . v <; v » of v jiawa which . , , - «^—•— was -: ; his " —^ personal friendThe central idea ^^ r of
warm WW CKllXA L / VlOyiACVJi XlXVUVi . t - * - AAV ww »* w * v . * w- ^ - ^« . the this U 11 D present piCOVUV story , that time UJLXXI . C 7 of of V / J . the KJM otte . M . 1 & continued of ^ TJ . ^ UliV the thirty wu . ^_> . existence ** j p rieces to of
^ silver for which Judas betrayed Christ , ocd fco fc / V ^ Mr JJvJLX Bishop X / 1 & V / when A & vlA silver * J *«* came into
V curre / IXX > X ^^^^ L . XQ L / TT ~ ^ x ^ ^^ m , ^**^^ " *^ ™ ^* ^^ his hia usd mind minrl again for for long vftnra after . . the ± TTft ± e war read read , , and his his story storV had lain to to his nis in
partner , who years liked it so much that he advised the author to send it to an Eastern magazine
b hv bag before . Mr Mr Mr . dropp W W . Bishop . D D ing . Howells TTowfills it did in so the , . and who who Milwaukee it was was was then then accep prize the the ted
y , editor of the Atlantic Monthly . MessrsTBPeterson &
BrosPhila-. . . ., novel delphia by , , Jud announce ge L . Q . ' C Kenneth . Brown , Cameron of Louisiana Grand waiia / a ,
Masters and and ' JJe De / Molar Molar a romance , , the the last last of ot of history the the military Militarv , by Edmund
Jblagg , oi Virginia .
508 The Publishers ^ Circular May 15, Is...
508 The Publishers ^ Circular May 15 , istes
Ccontinenlal !Qotes
CContinenlal ! Qotes
The Figaro publishes * Les Mattres de la Caricature JFraneaise au XIX . Siecle /
illustrated with 115 facsimiles in black and white , and five in colours .
Hippol * L'An yte Gautier 1789 / an with illustrated 650 engravings history , , w by ill j vnnfij * . r in in 50 F » 0 n arts ft . rt . a at si , one on ft fran frano c each ftfl . r , li , . The lhe hrst first
part appear is alread p y published . 4 Les Etablissements de Peche et le Domaine
public maritime : Aper ^ u historique par R . Busson , aide-commissaire de la Marine / has
appeared . A selection of the Letters of Monsei
Dupanloup , Bishop of Orleansis announced gneur for publication . ,
' L'Iminortel / by Alphonse Daudet , now Jfc in cours Ph e of publication ^ in I ? ¦ Illustration \¦ VW will
be * . * -x issued * •***¦ W « A ^^^ - ^^ in y one * - * MAXV 1 volume WVAV / XJ , ^ A . ^ about » - * ^ L . W WM V the end v , * * * * of «« next JL A ^^^ m w month JLAJl V ^ XJi vJLX .
; Souvenirs et Notes Biographiques , ' par Desir ^ Nisard , de TAcaddmie Francaise , with an etched portrait by Flameng , is published this day bGalmann LeVywho also announces
1 Pauvres y P'tites Femmes , / par Gyp . ie Temps devotes an article to the discussion of Mr . Gladstone ^^ i ^^ ptA 's criticism WAVAMAAA of ' Robert -ML «/ Elsmere /
— — . m - « w ^—v ^ r «^ -V ^ « ^ * - - ^ - ' ^ . . * ^^ . « . . V ^ | V « r ^ - / Jk «^ r * --------- % ^ * . ^^ « ; and * ll ' erudit e ' rudit concludes denue denu ^ by de de characterising sens Rftna critique r . ritimift' the ( ( t the hn cri man man tic as of of
erudition who has not the faculty of criticism ) . ' L'Empereur Fr ^ d ^ ric / par Edouard Simonhas just been published by W »
Hinrichsen , , of Paris . The first number of the second year ' s issue of ' Bulletin Bibliographide la Librairie
que Francaise ' has appeared . Biblioth & Charpentier has recently issued
que * Andr ^ Oh 6 nier , Poesies Completes ; ' also a new edition of * La Belle Madame Donis / by
Hector Malot , and ' Un Trio de Romans / by The * ophile Gautieir . ¦ j
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 15, 1888, page 508, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15051888/page/10/