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%4 The Publiahj^ Circular Z^! 1 **
Clarendon Press, OxfordT^
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%4 The Publiahj^ Circular Z^! 1 **
% 4 The Publiahj ^ Circular Z ^! **
Clarendon Press, Oxfordt^
Clarendon Press , OxfordT ^
BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED . Demy 8 vo . cloth , price 16 s . Sop Lewis hocles Campbel . l , E dited . A ., LL , with , Professor Eng of lish Greek in Notes the University and of Introductions St . Andrews . , by Vol . II . —Ajax . Electra . Track iniae . Philoctetes . Fragments . In 2 vols . medium 8 vo . cloth , price £ l , 12 s . TllUC g Professor inal ydides Analysis of Greek , . Notes Translated in , and the University Indices . in By to B Oxford . Jowett Eng lish , Doctor M . , A . with , Master in Theol Introduction of Balliol of the College University , ; Mar Kegius o - Leyden . or who ' Every has one been who prevented has studied from Thucydides doing so by in ignorance the original of , son preferring of Olorus a morning , will be newspaper eager to to read " all Mr the . works Jowett " ' s of new thp Greek , or who wishes to know if Mr . Cobden was right in Thucydides in English . ' —Daily News . The Roman Poets Demy of the 8 vo . cloth Re , price publ 14 s . ic . By w . Y . 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Mr of . intestine religious of the nation life and . was . well . stirred - . written Pre in fixed Introduction matters to the affecting book by the is sociai a ww j w « » ' » of England * To those prior intereste to the d in Befonnation the social and , the religious publication history of A > which ChVyelwier will find of considerable service Aoade . *" . Published for the University by HE ISTRlf j ; , ; ^ V J ,, ? $ ,. QW , ; » , $ ! 0 ) > Paternoster Row , London ( 302 .
Printed Sampson By Spottiswoodh Low, At ...
Printed SAMPSON by SPOTTISWOODH LOW , at the Office & CO , . Cro , of wn ft Buil New dings -street , 188 8 quore Fleet , | ' " { i Streot n ***« , in City the <* f Pariah London *> t ; St and . Dunfltan I * *? * ! in * * ^ " I West . — WedneactovfJuru \ S 1891 . ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1881, page 504, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061881/page/36/