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¦ - ^_^ __ ^ . ' ' . — — ^^g ^ June 15, ...
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Since Our Last Publication The Following...
Ozfora oxford w "Warehouse arenouse .. — —j Jowett owews ' s Translation XTansiation of 01 Tnucyaides Thucvdides . Z 2 vols vola . . The The Historical Historical ! l
Writings of Athanasius , by W . Bright . , Messrs . Smith , Elder * & Co . —Cornhill Magazine , Vol . 42 .
WCp . JB . Stanford . —Tourist ' s Guide to Somersetshire , by R . N . Worth . Tourist's Guide
to Hampshire , byb . Jr . ± 5 evan . Index Ueographicus Indicus , by J . F . Ban ess .
¦ - ^_^ __ ^ . ' ' . — — ^^G ^ June 15, ...
¦ - ^_^ __ ^ . ' ' . — — ^^ g ^ June 15 , t 88 i The Publishers * Circular 473 ! j
residence The death in the is announced Rue d'Assas of M at . Paris Littre . , the He distinguished was born in p that hilosopher city in and 1801 phi lolog nd began ist , at his his I
career medicine as a medical devot student ed him . sel , However entirely , after to philology walking and the hosp history itals , stud he y gav ing e Greek up , the Sanskrit study of
_ ¦ ^ b A h m m 4- ¦ ^ B rift , » , -a , the Arabic works ^ , and of ^ the Hippocrates chief ^ ^ modern ^ a publication languages * ¦ . which The ^^^^ was first ^ deemed result of from his ^ the labours ^ ^ first was volume a translation sufficie ^ ntl of y
important democratic to vi be ews rewarded , had figured , in 1839 among with the a seat July in the mba Academy tants , and of Inscri now p joined tions . the He staff entertained of the
Rat of p ional hilosop , to hy which , M . he Littr rem 6 ained went a in contribut for it warml or till y 1851 , and . p When ublish Comte ed , in broug 1845 , ht a lucid out his and system able
from defence active of it political . In 184 life 8 he to became continue — — a his Cou * n Histoire cillor of Litteraire the Paris de Mu la nici France pality / , but and he to soon prepare retired for
1 die 1863 chief and woi which j . ^ s of he his continued life , the ' without - Dictionary interrup of the tion French till he Language completed / which it in y began 1872 . to In appear jl spite in of
the at , once acknowledged unrivalled excellence of the dictionary , the Academy , influenced by the denunciations of Bishop j- Dupaaloup — —j _ _ - J . ^ , kept x him for eig yj ht year w s out of its pale X . . It n eed ¦
prec scarcel inc y ts be ; recalled howin how 1874 , af M ter . Litfcre his rece was ption elected , the fiery deputy bishop for never the S eine gain ; how peared he withi advocated n the
I R trove epublican to incu * op lca inions , te on in th letters e , 7 Repu which bl ican he par - published t y the - necessity - -- in the 4 f of papers prudence ; and and how ^ m , oderation more recen . tly , he l
was The the death eldest is son announced of the late of Mr Dr . . Andre Wilson w , Wilson of Bombay , author , the of well The -know Abode n missionary of Snow . ' and He
s Orientalist tances — led — , and h — ^ im ^ ^^^^ m ^^ m commenced subseq m h - ^^ - ^ . ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ h u ^ h ^^^ en ' ^^ ^^ V ^ tl ^ V his y W to ^^ literary ^^ ^ return ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ r ^—^^ " - ^^ career ^^ m to - ^^ ^^ Eng as * r ^^ n ^ b l a — writer , ^ B where for ¦ he the became ~ Bombay — " ^ - a Times ^ contributor ~ ¦ . ™^ ^ Circum ^ " ¦— to ~ ^ -
Bkdcwood Pekin life . When ' ' s Magazine about 30 — years a literary of age connection he became which editor was of the maintained China Mail during , and the he accompanied remainder of the his
time , and Expedition was afterwards to Tientsin intru . sted He with travelled the task a of great writing deal the in the history south of of the China Taiping from Rebellion time to and
in England —»— ctronicling j ^ -tv-vMti . ji . y ^» . 9 . Mr ^ w ^ the , m . i Wilson yt deeds JLJLU > - / IX of VVJL afterwards Uv Colonel > JL if ^ " r " i XJLkJ Gordon travelle ui . KAi ¥ vi >^ V ' d vb s ' a vii Ever great c « ju % ^«>^ Victorious i v deal v ^ vv ^ i * on % ^ •»* the ^^ Army m . - ^^ continent - ^^ ^ wr-, » . ' ««^ d »^ This ^/ . » . m w of v ^ w ^ ork Europe - *^ — ^ . * i * was \/ i- ' ^^ , m done and •^ v-a ^^^ f *
notice a series . of Som articles e eiht on or nine Switzerland which he returned appeared to India in Blackw and edited ood attracted for a time a good the deal Star of of India and 14 the Bombay g UVVf Gazette years but ago the impulse of travel VJU was f » At 9 so »^ "V ^ strong vriJig V «/ J 4 him AAAA ^ A that in . »¦•*¦¦¦• 1874 ^^^
onuw 8 wh now - en - - w -- he clad MIA ciaa was peaks V neaks 1 JUW on M ^ VJ his 01 of way the the If X-JI \ As to Himalayas Himalavas Vvl Simla / VV ; % KJ \ M . \ J to . VA . LKS to to recruit MM undertak undertake k / UXUV his V ^ J . health e a a journey iournev KS-M , h e fe into into lt VJ i mpelled the tne upon upper UDDer pv , on valleys vallevs beholding V ^« . «^ # v or of tne the the f , 7
Abode of snow / No danger or difficul , ty daunted him , and the graphic narrative of his wa ' Ston nde y ri g irdle in of those the r earth emote 9 reg made ions hi s i A bode grace of S ful now descri ' a mos ptions t fas of ci th na e ting snow book y so . lit Mr udes . Wilson of the
the Qied aied last on fin five Wednesday A ^ £ krl or nn «/ six 1 n « -r , the 4-l > . / - . 8 th He "U inst iv- was »^ , 4- ., 51 at n 4- Howtown TT / Mir s + / Mim of , Ullswater TT 1 . 1 a wra 4 txr * , w tx / hich ViioVi he Via * li had a A made marlp his Vii « hom linm A e for frkT 1 ne is yearsyearage
we ^ 29 th death of April announced Herr Heinrichshofen of the ' oldes died t German at Magdeburg bookseller after , a in short his hundredth illness . year . Un
Books Keceived:—
Books Keceived : —
from Messrs . Henry Carey Baird & Co . ( Phila-^ . l is phia I - ~ - )^ .. —? Tables *~ VuUX . % 3 t & of Ul Qualita V ^ UUlf 1 ^ 1 tive l / i VC Chemical VUVIlJIWUJk Ana AJkJuaik
v urs , o with of Anal an ysis IntroJuctory , by Professor Ch Heinrich apter on Will the , ^ )* Giessen This work is-we learn
J , Germany . , iss J rom ue the of the titl translation e , the third from edition the of eleventh the American edition
the -- v or * va iginal * u 1-JLJI German . UBllitlUU liUIU and VUG it is ClCVCU edited HJl OUJl by Dr 1 VXJ . ^ paries -uaries x F \ . Mi Himfls mesProfessor PrnfftRsor , of of Natural Natural Science Science
° ln * Dickinson the work Ji College is ib to uj , , C form loi ar lisle , U usefu UBtJiui . S . A l . jii The anual auuai desi for xui gn
I a *? . devoting - ** al at " ^ dents jn ^ themselves , and not exclusi merel ** a y vel for y m to those science who ,
n " »* e the same time it will furnish a sound LJ ** for subsequent scientific pursuits . To the
¦ unpractised eye the volume presents a succession of of what printers t erm ' table matter /
and pages we are bound to give a word of praise to the clearness of the typography of our American cousins .
From Messrs . Chatto & "Windus . — ' Curiosities - of volu Criticism me of the / by May Henry fair J Li . Jennings braryis . an This interesting , the new
addition to the series . It consi , sts of nine chapter ii s , "What thus h authors eaded : —i have . The saii utility d about of criticism critics ; ;
in Turning , . Hypercriticism the tables on and . the slashing critics ; v cri . Criticism ticism ; iv in . relation Tolfl . fir » n to t . o the the law Iaw ; i vi vi . . The The causes causes ot of bad bad
criticism criticism ; ; vu ix . . The Bias ; qualification vin . The ano of n a ymity critic of . [
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1881, page 473, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061881/page/5/