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^^tm^m mmmamammmtmm mmUmm^mmmmmammtm ¦ ^...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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^^Tm^M Mmmamammmtmm Mmumm^Mmmmmammtm ¦ ^...
^^ tm ^ m mmmamammmtmm mmUmm ^ mmmmmammtm ¦ ^ tmmm ^ nA mmt "; _ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ i ,.-... . ? ' .. ¦ '" . * T ? T ^ ' ^^^ TT ^^^ T ^^?^^?^?? 2 * *** l £ ' &** ^! t ' ?!* ^ Tr '' ^ v ^ 9 546 The Publishers' Circular june , 5 j l 8 g 2
SAMPSON LOW , 1 AB . STON , & CO . 'S ZETETW - BOOKS . NOW HEADY . NEW WORK BY THE LATE THOMAS CARLYLE . REMINISCENCES OF MY IRISH JOURNEY in 75 . 1849 6 d . . By Thomas Caelyle . With a Preface by J . A . Rrotjde , Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , The INVASION of ENGLAND ; Told Twenty Years After . By Colonel B . Crown 8 vo . fancy cloth , 2 s . 6 c ? . * And And shadows saw two hosts doubtless conflicting of the unborn in the air time , Cast ; on the mirror of the night * PRUDENCE : a Story of . / Esthetic London . By X « ucY C . XriixiE . Illustrated by George dtj Maubier . Small post 8 vo . cloth extra , 5 s . PEACE and WAR in the TRANSVAAL : a Stoiy of the Boer Rebellion . By Mrs . Walter H . C . Long . Small post 8 vo . cloth extra . BEAUTIFUL HOUSES ; being a Description Parchment of Certain "binding well-known , 4 s . Artistic Houses . By Mrs . Haweis . "With a Preface . Pep . 8 to . Mr . The Alma Contents Tadema ' op s House this Book . —The . —Sir British Frederick Embassy Leighton in Rome 's House . —Mr . — . G Mr -. . H William . Bo ugh Burges ton ' s House ' s House . —M . — r . Alfred Morrison ' s House . —At the Villa Campana . —Mr . Heuben SassoorTs House . —Ashley Park . — Mr . Heseltine ' s Rooms . —Mr . Stevenson ' s House . —A Bijou House . SWEET INFLUENCE ; or , a Brief Memoir of Emma G-race Moran ( n & e Chamberlain ) . By her Husband . Square 16 mo . cloth , 2 s , 6 d . MY WATCH BELOW ; or , Yarns Spun when off Duty . By * A . Seafarer . ' With a Frontispiece . Crown 8 \ ro . fancy boards , 2 s . 6 d . \ In a few days . The RUSSIAN ADVANCE towards INDIA . By CiLABLES Marvin . Demy 8 vo . cloth . [ Nearly rea & y . EPISODES in the LIFE of an INDIAN CHAPI LAIN . Crown 8 yo . cloth extra . With numerous Illustrations . [ Nearly ready . SIX MONTHS in PERSIA . By E . Stack . 2 vok Grown 8 vo . cloth . [ Nearly ready . The LAND of the BEY ; being : Impressions of Tunis & c . 1 under vol . crow the n French 8 vo . cloth . B extra y T . , Wemyss 10 « . 6 d . Reid , Author of * Charlotte Bronte , a Monograph , ' CAMPS in the ROCKIES ; being a Narrative Ranches of Author Life on of of ' T the yrol Frontier West and . the and B T y y S ¥ rolese 11 port . A in ' . & the c BAiixiH . Bo 1 vol ck -GhROHMAN y . crown Mountains 8 , vo K . ; with . C with . E . H Illustrations . an ( 'Stalker Account and ' of of an the the ori Fidd Cattle ginal ) , Map , based on the most recent U . S . Government Survey ; pp . 430 , cloth extra , 12 s . 6 d . || i London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Buildings , MARSTON , 188 Fleet , St SEAKLE reet , E . G . , & KIVINGTON , (^ LJL ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1882, page 546, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061882/page/22/