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693 The Publishers' C&cular .pm *$,¦** .
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693 The Publishers' C&Cular .Pm *$,¦** .
693 The Publishers' C & cular . pm * $ , ¦** .
CHARLES EASON & SON , Jpapfattarmg r ; j & ia & rcers , 80 MIDDLiE ABBEY STREET , DUBLIN . J ^ £ Gflocfe are delivered Carriage Free to London , per Hay den 9 and can be forwarded on as directed . ¦ c . 4 } , _ __ INDEXES CUT BY THE NEW PROCESS . . Xjl II 17 J-rf 1 J . Erf 17 TT X X ^ TQ 1 O T ^ accuratel twenty -two printed step ; size Where , post 3 is It ? bound cut crimson by the leat new here process tte ; round and corners ; ooxed in half grosses , with a large Show Card . Priee One Penny . lVf lUX T ^ rflfX lVrOT wXt ? V X T ^ S 2 mo Twopenny . 88 Note sbound -Book crimson , Indexed leatherette by the boxed New Pro in 4 cess dozs . with Size , Show large Card post , page , ; , Price Twopence enn , T X . X nVT lfllJ T ? lU 1 ^ 1 Xfl lVfOWT V / XlU ^ V X T A process Three P accuratel y Where y printed is It ? size pages , Cap , cut . 12 mo by ., the bound new crimson leatherette ; round corners ; boxed in quarter grosses , with attractive Show Card . Priee Threepence ,, THE SHILLING WHERE IS IT ? . 2 M 4 Si S ° tK process ; ruled quadrille faint , six squares to the inch ; marbled edges ; round corners ; cloth blocked ; lettered in gold Whkrb is It ? The mostjserviceable and cheapest Index in the market . Priee One Shilling . ^^ T Ui \ A \ V . X y A faint Note narrow Book ; , Diary stitched , and crimson Where leatherette is It ? combined ; cut as ; an size Index , fcp . of 32 seven mo . ; eteps ruled , having eight pages to each step ; lettered with the days of the week . Engagements , Visits , Boxed Classes in , and half Business Memoranda with Show , Card may . be entered under the day upon which tho events occur . grosses , Priee One Penny . . TO-H J-TXV AV X n A RFI LS PA U / 1 UU Ql ? case The To with -Day pockets Note-Book to m hold a limp Gentleman morocco ' s folding Cards , ; Stamps , & c » Boxed in dozens , with ' easel' Show Card on jbrocade paper * Priee , complete with inset , One Shilling . ITor Wholesale and Export Terms apply to OHAELB 8 E-AJSQISr & 8 O 1 ST , "gftcmitfacftttrittg giafioners , 80 MIDDLE ABBEY STREET , DUBLIN . ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1886, page 692, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061886/page/98/