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W - ' ' . 3
June 15 , 1889 Thfe Publisfiers' Ciirciilar ^ 4 >
TOURIST SEASON 11389 . NEW GUIDES < AND MAPS . A NEW GUIDE TO NOEWAY . 1 . BEYER Cape and 'S Overland G-UIDE Routes fcO to Christiania WESTERN . By Tiijan JSTOBWAY Olsvig . Illustrated , with th with e C Maps oast Boute and a Panoramic to the North View from Galdhopig , forming a Special Gtaiide for Holiday Trips to the famous Fjord ! and Mountain Districts of - Norway 4 Those . who Crown have 8 vo only . limp a short tjloth time , rounded to spend corners in the , price coun 4 try * . , and wish " to * ' make the . most _ of . it , will find nearly _ all they want in Beyer /—Times . - ' 2 . BEYER'S MAP OJF WESTEBJf NOEWAY . Scale 1 : 600 , 000 . Price , folded in neat case , with Complete Index of Places , 3 s . 6 tf . 3 . BEYER'S COMPLETE MAP OF 3 SFORWAY . In Two Sheets ( N . and S . Division ) . Scale 1 : 800 , 000 ; Price 2 s . Qd . each . 4 . CONCISE NORWEGIAN GRAMMAR . , By -Dr . BV L . L . Scharlach , Eoyal themselves Norwegian 4 for Anth the . Translator study of Norwegian . Specially Literature prepared . Crown for the 8 vo benefit . cloth of , price English 2 * . 6 ef Tourists . t r ; who desire to qualify 5 . THE TOXTKlST useful conxpanionu 'is - ^ HAirbBOOK MANCHESTaB Gtjardiak TO . G-REAT BRITAINAND IRELAND " with with numerous Practical I Coloured nformation Maps as to and Routes Bird ' , s- Excursions eye Views . , Sights New Edition , Fares , Hotels jost out , & , crown c . By 8 Robert vo . price Allbut 5 « . . Illustrated , what ' Has after several the sty commendabl le of Mr . Ailbnt e featnres 's vol * ume , . . ' — . For Times ac . tual companionship A useful , commend handbook us /— to Athenaeum a good itinera . ry some-6 . PHILIPS pared f ' or the NEW Use of Visitors MAP AND the Exhibi Q tion -UIDE . Price TO , folded PA in RIS neat case . . New Is . Edition . . , specially pre-PEDESTRIAN GUIDES . RUSTIC WALKING ROUTES rwithin the Twelve-Mile Radius from Charing Cross . and Containing a copious a Field Index -path . Price Map , boards of the , Is "^ District . ; cloth , tJeographic , 1 * . 6 tf . each ar . Description , numerous v Onarts , with \ ample Directions I . Wbst f -to 3 - . Nort West h -to Quadrant -South . Quadrant Bj W . R ( . in Evans the prits . * | will 2 b . e ^ p ast ubli -to & h - ecL ! North aimQst Quadrant iinijiediately . ) . .. Sunday * Under . '—Times Mr . . Evans . ' . s . guidance the wearied Thoroughly London serviceable ers might and spend usefaL many ' —SAT a u pleasant ki ) ay Re Saturday view . afternoon or Neiv Editions * PHILIPS' HANDY COUNTY ATLASES . Useful Guides for the Angler s Sportsman , or Tourist * 1 . PHILIPS Full-Coloured * HANDY Maps , with Complete ATIiA Index S OP Crown THE 8 vo . cloth COUNTIES , price 5 s . ; French OF morocco EKQLAND , gilc edges , 7 s . Qd . 43 2 . PHIIiIPS with Index * ATL Crown AS 8 vo . clotti OP , price THE 2 s , 6 COUNTIES d . ; French morocco O , gilt P WALES edges , 4 s . Qd , * 16 Full-Coloured Map ^ 3 . PHILIPS' ATLAS O * THE COUNTIES OF SCOTLAND . 32 FuU-Coloured Maps , with . Index . Crown 8 vo . cloth , price 3 * . 6 < £ . ; French morocco , gilt edged , 6 s . 4 . PHILIPS' ATLAS OP THE COUNTIES OP IRELAND . 33 Fall-Coloured Map ? , completely Indexed . ' drown 8 vo . cloth , price 3 « . 6 d . ; French morocco , gilt edges , 6 * . * All are creditably clear and supplied with indexes ; they will be found useful for many purposes/—Times . PHILIPS' CYCLISTS' MAPS OF THE CO UNTIES OF ENGLAND . repaired Showing , and the Towns Main in which Roads Consuls distinctly of Coloured C . T . O . resid , Marking e ; also Dangerous giving Names and of othe Hotels r Hills recommended , Flaoes where by Cyclists Machines . Reduced may be - from case , 1 the * . ; Ordnance or mountecl Survey on cloth . The to moat fold in practical case , 2 s . and each useful . Complete Boad Maps List post that -free have on ever application be « n issued . " ;"" l » rlce , folded in cloth large Mr nor . Lacy too Hillieu small . , Tt writiog » ey are in divided the BiCYCUNa simply into News coontiea , says : — , by * These far the maps besc appear arrangement to us to be for exactly touring right maps , neither . Head too - quarters ' For of this the special O . T . C . purpos are marJked e will , be and found also consuls tras ^\ vorthy and repairing and u ^ ful shops . '—Timjcb , and , , in fact , every necessary information is given . . ' New Editions . MAPS OF LONDON . Messrs . GrtORGE Phil , ep & Son have recently Detailed iesued List post a Completely -free on application New and . Be vised Series of LONDON MAPS . Clear and easily consulted . ' —Times . New . Editions . PHILIPS' MAPS FOR "TOURISTS & TRAVELLERS . Size , 22 by 28 inches . With all the Rail Detailed ways to List date post o | jpublication -free on application . Mounted - on cloth and in case , price 3 * . Qd . each . Iiondon : GEORGE PHILIP & SON , ^ 2 Fleet Street , E . C . $ &—¦ ¦ ¦¦ " r ¦ - ¦¦ ' ¦ " - ¦ ¦¦ : ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' *" »&
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1889, page 747, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061889/page/37/