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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Jtme 15,1889 -P* 6 Publishers' Circular ...
jtme 15 , 1889 -P * Publishers' Circular ; ^
NOT ICE OF WEWOYitL . " «*— . ?????????????????????—~ ^» * ' .. I . : ' . I Messrs . ISB 1 STER beg to in- ! tintate to the Trade that , owing to the eWrfy expiry of their Lease , they will REMOl / Er at Midsummer from 56 Lud gate H i 11 to ~ 15 & 16 TAVISTOCK STREET , COVENl GriAiRDEN , w _» . '¦ 1 ' .. - ' . ; the Large Premises now occupied by the Civil Service Supply Association . * Good "Words / : 1 'The Sunday Magazine , ' ' The Contemporary Review , * and Messrs . Isbisters' School Books and other Publications will be supplied from there after fune 30 . *• if ISBISTER & COMPANY , Limited . WM-iSBISTEk , Limited . ' ¦ i * f I 56 Ludgate Hjll , , - JOHN NICOL , Manager * ; - London , June 10 . 1880 , J ' ' . ! * Qff " ¦ ¦ ¦ " ^* T ^* - " ---- l- ^ . i-L .. i-.. ' . l . '' .- .-..-r- ^ ¦ -I ' 1 ¦ " ******* *** mmmmrm * . .. ' i y " ^ ' . ¦¦ |'| ' ¦ + _ 2 ± f ' ^ ^ L . . '"n ^ TTT ^ T *^ *_ * " " i "'^? ??!^ m j ' - ' lin niiu . " . " I'T ' - 'irT aH