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~ — , 3 ^ June 15,1SS9 The Publishers' C...
flmeijican !Q ew$ and Xfcofef.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Hole? And Dewf
In the Public Library of Geneva—which was founded by Bonivart 1 in 1551—there is a
collection of manuscripts , autographs , and portraits of Calvin ; and at the University Library of Basle there are a number of books which
formerly belonged to Erasmus . Germany has good reason - to be — proud g— — — — — of —
lier — —we we magnincen place place tnem them t public K T in in libraries order order— — . are are The Munich Munich first six .
Breslau Berlin , . Dresden These , institutions Darmstadt possess , Leipzi amongst g , and ,
them 3 , 060 , 000 books , and 53 , 100 manuscripts . Messrs iviessrs . , vmpnan OliDhantt . Anaerson Anderson oc & tFerrier errier .
!• having long found ^ , it inconvenient to have , ( iheit tneir puDiisnmg uublishins warehouse warenouse : in in bt St . . UUes Giles Street Street .
Edinburg St bt h street Street , so fax apart from their works in ,
. . Marv JMary , , nave have removed removed tneir their entire entire business rrieJius friends will will to the miss miss latter the thft splendid anlftndid place ^ Their vview ie \« r which whir many . h
could Walter be Scott had ' s from monument their as windows the centre , with iece Sir p
and which charmed every one who called upon , i them The firm at their have well however -known plac the e of sat business iafaction .
of JLhe knowing hrm have that , , however their new , , the warehouse satisiaction is situated on the very spot on which stood the
son ' White put up Horse on his Inn visit , ' where to Edinburg Dr . Samuel h in John 1773
-and from which . he sent his characteristic ^— » ^ note , to Boswell intimating his arrival .
| Mr . Frank : Yizetelly state 3 that we quoted ! incorrectly in our last number the remarks
1 from in the the recent speech trial made of by Mr the . Henry Solicitor Vizetell -Genera y l .
He adds that an accurate version of the speech was given in the Times . The quotation which
i we made in our editorial comments appears , | howeverin the Daily NewsStandardand
Morning Chronicle ; and , althoug , h we regre , t I if any unintentional injustice was done , we
certainly erred in good company .
~ — , 3 ^ June 15,1ss9 The Publishers' C...
~ — , 3 ^ June 15 , 1 SS 9 The Publishers' Circular 717
Flmeijican !Q Ew$ And Xfcofef.
flmeijican ! Q ew $ and Xfcofef .
j aa its The chief New article York Crit a strong ic for June and thoug 1 contains htful
I estimate of George Meredith as novelist . It | states that though the ' Ordeal of Richard
! Feverel Meredith T 7 < 1 * first f ± lias onl appeared y obtained _ 1 so long 1 a reading ago as public 1859 1 OCr / k ,
I in there America have long since been 1887 hero , tho and ugh there , of isolated course ,
, admirer * of the author of ' Beauchamp ' s | Career' and * Diana of the Cross ways . '
j A new in the poem Atlantic by Mr . . It Lowell is called will ' shortl How y I ; appear 7
Consulted the Oracle of the Gold Fishes . Messrs . BlakistonSon & Co . of
Philade Chemistry 'lphia , have for the just use published , of Medical a ' , Manual Students of '
. b ph y ysician Dr . Brandreth in New York Symon . The ds , book a well is k inter nown - ,
has leave also d for just issued nuscript a new notes edition . The of sam * Dental e firm
fessor Medicine of , ' Dental by Dr . Surgery Gorgaa in , the the Univers learned ity Pro of
-Maryland .
Amongst Messrs . Harper & Brothers' new books we notice the ' Tramp at Home' by
Lee Meriwether , author of 'How to , see Europe bv bA A . . » S . . on Mill Hill Fifty . Jrrotessor Professor Centa a Day ot of Khetoric Rhetoric ; ' ' Our Eng in in lish JtLar Har-- / y
vard Universit , y ; and the ' Boyhood of Christ / b y Lew Wallace , the well-known author of
Ben-Hur . ' Mr . R . B . Anderson , formerly United
work States on Minister a subject to wi Denmark th which , he has is peculiarl written y a
well qualified to deal— ' Norse Mythology . ' The i publishers -- are -- Messrs - - . S - . C - . Griggs % ji ^ 2 & < Jo .,
Chicago . Messrs . Robert Clarke & Co . Cincinnati
are the publishers of a new ' Manual , for Build- , ing Associations . ' The book traces the origin
and history of Co-operative Societies , and points A . out the objt # ects and benefits of Building <_^
Associations ; it also gives a great variety of useful hints on various practical aspects of the
subject Messrs . . Scribner & Welforo , according to
a statement made by the Nzvo York Critic , are placing in the market the original manuscripts of Anthony Trollope ' s ' Orley Farm . ' The
manuscript consists of some seven hundred and fifty leaves written on both sidesand is
comparatively free from corrections . , The Critic says that a note from Mr . Chapman , of
Messrs ^ Chapman & Hall , who first published the book in T 862 attests its authenticity . A
good round price , is naturally asked for this treasure . ¦ V
Messrs - D . Lothrop , & Co ., of Boston , are the publishers of Mr . Horace Lunifs ' Across
Lots / a book which evinces a keen insight into nature , and is thought by many on the
other side of the Atlantic to be worthy of Jefferies comparison . The with \ same the writings firm i also of publish H # Thoreau i The or
~ - |— - ^^^ ^^ . ff ^ ^^ ^ . ^ d ^ ^^ V ^^ V ^^ i ^ B W fB ^^^ T r' ^^^ ^*^^ ^^ P *^ " ^ BIF ^ . ' ^ ^^ ^ pv ^^ p ^^^ ^ v ^^^ b p ^^ - ^^ ¦ ' ^^ ^ V ^ ^^« I ^^ . ^^^^ h ^ v ^ i ^ ^^ V ^ pv ~^ B ^ Deathless Book / by Rev . D . O . Mears , T > . D . In ten forcible lectures , which have attracted
considerable attention in America , Dr . Mears traces in a popular style the influence of the
Bible upon civilisation , government , art , science , liberty , and faith .
President Hunter , of the Normal College , New Yorkhas been recommending those who
cannot remember , dates to avail themselves of a little book recently published by Messrs .
Charles Merrill & Co ., of that city . The work is entitled ¦ written 4 Historical by Mr . E E pochs . A ~ Fitzsimon with a System and of is
Mnemonics this ^^ — - ^^ ^— ~~ —v manual — - ^— — — - . ' students It is claimed can that , readil , by fix the ^^^ m in use the of , y
memory a long list of dates . Messrs — — . Funk & Wagnalls f f of New York
are the publishers of v a volume , containing , twelve — - — — essay s by •* as many % / distingu *—iished
scholars and professors of the United States concerning They also publish * Moses The and New his Psychic recent Critics Studies . '
in their Relations to Christian Thought / by Mr . Franklin Johnson .
A new portrait of Mr . John Burroughs appears in the Bookbuyer for June , accompanied
by a sketch of his literary career by Mr . Hamilton Mabie . I - ' -- - ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ - ¦ jmAt nil imifi I ' - i - ¦ - nili i i i n £ Jf _ ..... ' H »
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1889, page 717, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061889/page/7/