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T^KfA-fcTTriUiinrw"- — 'rtjfm ' rrrrirn^...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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T^Kfa-Fcttriuiinrw"- — 'Rtjfm ' Rrrrirn^...
T ^ KfA-fcTTriUiinrw" - — ' rtjfm ' rrrrirn ^ iwir '^ - ' i ' ¦ ' -iri | iy ^'"' ° ^ ; ' v ; ' - ¦ " ¦"'• _ " 1 ' 1 """^'*•* " — " y- '" -y ~ .-r .. -. ——• ' .- , -. r _ ....-:. _""¦ . r .. ^ " ^' ^ tTl ^ r ^^^ mSSSS ^ I 638 The Publishers' Circular juiy , - ^
2 V -4 JFJS'T ^ JDA TS IZ The Student ' s Concordance ^ le xv Testament , * gjievi $ eb H * ersion . \ Showing all the Omissions , Alterations , and Additional Words \ introduced by the Committee of Revisers , 1881 . i : The instances in which the familiar words of the Old or Authorised Version are replaced by others I in the Revised Version , and in some cases altogether disused , are so numerous , that the Student wowld i constantly find himself at a loss in turning to a Concordance compiled on the plan which suffices for a , Version which has "been in use over two centuries . This work has "been compiled with a view of rendering it a complete Concordance of the Revised Version , and also a Handbook showing all changes of words and passages . The reader referring to any Iword will find every passage in which it occurs in the Revised Version ; and wherever the word has been changed from the Old Version , the old word has been given with the new , "Where the passage sought for does not appear under the old word , a list of the words substituted for it in the New Version is given . The work contains also various explanatory helps , and a separate Concordance of Proper Names , i Appendix , & c . \ London : BEMROSE & SONS , 23 Old Bailey ; and Derby . ( 408 )
| * Wit and humour sparkle throughout . * \ NOW READY . \ CURIOSITIES of LAWand LAWYERS . j By CEOAKE JAMES . * Largo crown 8 vo . cloth extra , pp . 516 , 7 s . 6 d . ; CONTENTS . j \\ Ohap . 1 . About Lawyers Generally . —2 . About Judges . —3 . About the IjBW , \ , Legal Attorneys Authors . —6 . , About and Courts Counsel . —4 . , About the Attorney Advocates -Q-eneral , Pleaders , Circuits , Conveyancers , and Inns , and the of < Court . —6 . About the Church , Bishops , and Clergy . —7 . About Government , j Sovereign , Parliament , and Public Rights . —8 . About Punishments , Prisoners , | j 1 and O . About Justices Chancellors of the Peace and . — the 9 . About Great Recreations Seal . —11 . About of Judges Nice and Points Lawyers of L » . ^ and Tilings not Generally Known . —12 . About Witnesses and Jurymen . — 13 . About the Dead and their Wills . * An unequalled collection of entertaiining anecdotes "Wit and humour sparkle throug hout , , , and innumerable curious incidents of legal procedure are recorded . '—Daily Chboniclb . I i London : SAMPSON LOWMAttSTONSEARLE & RIVINGTON , , , , J Grown Building * , 188 Fleet Street , K . C . _ ^^! L == « ^^ fc ^ 4 1 Jliiri'i f-- ;¦ _ .,. ' - ¦ „„ - .. ; .. l , - „„; , ' _ _ iit > i ; _ ^ _ m „ .,, ' .,,,, •; ,.,,. ... — ———————
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 15, 1882, page 638, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15071882/page/26/