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646 The Publishers' Circular J«Iy Isiss ...
646 The Publishers' Circular J « iy isiss ,
Now ready , royal 8 vo . pp . 684 , half morocco , £ 2 . 8 s . VOLUME III . OF THE < 8 ti 0 ltelt dtetatxrpe OF BOOKS . ALPHABETICAL LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED IM THE UNITED KINGDOM " * AND OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS PUBLISHED IN AMERICA . "WITH THE ] ^ ! ^* < Dates of Publication , Indication of Size , Price , Edition , and Publisher ' s Name . VOL . III . JANUAEY 1872 TO DECEMBER 1880 . Compiled by SAMPSON LOW . London : SAMPSON LOWMARSTONSBABLB & RIVINGTON , Crown Buildings , , 188 Fleet , Street , E . C . , ( 4 ll ) 1 I