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In September Messrs. Longmans & Co. will commence the publication of a New Series of Elementary School Books, intitled LONGMANS 5 MODERN SERIES,
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Ffi Fc- , ' ' " :. I .- • ^. -Jv A - - ....
ffi fc- , ' ' " :. i .- ^ . -jv a - - . . ' ' . . .... Aug . 15 , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 629
In September Messrs. Longmans & Co. Will Commence The Publication Of A New Series Of Elementary School Books, Intitled Longmans 5 Modern Series,
In September Messrs . Longmans & Co . will commence the publication of a New Series of Elementary School Books , intitled LONGMANS' MODERN SERIES .
Illustrated Readers , Peimer akd Books Quarterly Ari thmetical Test Cards for Poetical I . ( Book II 3 Read in .-vi e . r in . prepara Full tion Illustrated . ) [// j . . $ ^ 7 . Domestic to Standards standards Economy II . IV . V . and , Three VI . of Books the New , Code adapted [/» . S ^ pf . y UnSept . Copy BOOkS , NOS . I . tO III . llnSept . Arithmetic ( Standards , IT Standards .-VI . in preparation L to . ) III . [ JnSept . Geometr ( Nos . i iv cal .-xii D raw *» prepa ing ration . ) OUTLINE of ENGLISH HISTORY , B . c . 55-a . d . 1880 . By S . It . Gardiner , Honorary Student of Christ Church , and Professor of Modern History at King ' s College , London . With 87 Woodcuts and Maps . Pep . 8 vo . 25 . 6 d . 'It is so freshly written , and "with such an obviou 3 heartily welcomed by all interested in education . Instead of its mastery superi of ority the over whole the subject geaeral , that run no of one such can text fail -books to see ; unequal being a collection importance of , detached interspersed scraps with of information needless dates , of very and and we have no hesitation , therefore , in strongly recom- names , it is really the story of our country's history . The mending it to the notice of teachers Educational . ' Times . the simp excellent le language , the add clear to the explanations value of the of difficulties bookwhich , and is I maps , 'No manual of English . History for children lately not only the work of a scholar , but of one who evidently I published can compare with this little book , which , will be sympathises with the children for whom he writes Academy . ' " . ENGLISH HISTORY READING-BOOKS , INTRODUCTORY VOLUME . STAXDARD III . age from in some the Infant schools School the children into the now Standard pass ; at a very Classes early , it Outline _ Of . English n O lftn , History ^ Q J \> , FlRST r > Annrw PERIOD n wv * , boo may be containin found desirable the Lives in such Alfred schools the Great to substitute and William the Student £ V , f VS Ch" Ch . With wi ? h 47 f ? Woodc wVvSrSS uts and « V 3 vir Iaps £ " g Jrc 6 TOlSm and the Conquero Edward I r . for as an that easier containing Reading the Book Lives for of Standard Richard II I . . p * ' STAXDARD IV . To meet the wants of schools in wh ich this substitution is preparation made i . iouK , a very Powell , entitled simple M . A Reading ' . Stories Book from for English Standard History I . is in Outline Am T ) m 1 Go Ol EngllSfl to A # D > lg 80 H IStOPV By S , SECOND R . Gahdixer PERIOD , Hon , , Student of Ch . Ch . With 40 Woodcuts and Maps . I ' cp . Bvo . l ,. 6 d . STANDARD I . or II . Alfre quero d r the . By Great r . york and . powhx William , m . a ., the piistoricai Con- English c ,. , Parliamentary n .. STANDARD Government V ' . ^ By Lecturer Pep . 8 vo . , Sd Trinity . College , Oxford . With 9 Woodcuts . e . R . Gardineu , Hou . Student of Ch [/ . n Ch p . reparation . STAXDARD 11 . STAXDARD VI . Richard I . and Edward I . By Mrs . British Rule in India . By the Rev . Sir Nation Armitage . ' . With Author 10 Woodcuts of ' The . Childhood Fcp . 8 vo . of 9 d the . English G » Epochs . W . Cox of , Modern Hart ., M Historj . A ., Author . ' With of Map ' The . Crusades Tcp . 8 vo . ' 2 in s , EPOCHS OF ENGLISH HISTORY . York-Powell ' s Early England , to the Cordery ' s Struggle against Absolute Norman Conquest . Price 1 * . Monarchy , 1 GO 3-16 « 8 . Price 9 c / . CPe ' ° f ' S ( I ^ v rs e ^ Engla qUe 5 ? d , H C r Pn ^ inp ^ i Rowley from 1689 ' s Settlement -1784 . Price 9 c / of . the Constitution , lS 216 ' % rice 9 d Rowley rowth ' s Rise Parliament of the from the People Great Charter and to the the Tancock ' s England during the American g Accession of Henry VII , ., 1215-1485 . Trice 9 c / . anj European Wars , from 1765-1820 . Price 9 c / . Creighton ' s ( Rev . M . ) Tudors and the Browning ' s Modern England , 1820-1874 . Reformation , 1485-1603 . Price 9 d . Price !> d . EPOCHS OF ENGLISH HISTORY . Edited by the Rev . M . Creiohtox , M . A . One Volume Edition , with 27 Tables and Pedigrees , and 23 Maps . Fcp . 8 vo . 5 a . THE SHILLING HISTORY OF ENGLAND . By the Rev . M . Creighton , M . A . Being an Introductory Volume to * Epochs of English History . ' Fcp . 8 vo . Is . lh London , LONGMANS & CO . ( 356 )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1881, page 629, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081881/page/13/