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£4 ¦ '.__ ' . ^ , P—^—. ¦ . '" " " — Ep ...
£ 4 ¦ ' . __ ' . ^ , P—^— . ¦ . '" " " — EP Aug . i 5 » i & 8 i The Publishers' Circular 6 35 —
THE STUDENT'S GUIDE TO THE TOIYERSITT OF CAMBRIDGE . FOURTH EDITION IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION . zdstow ZEe : s . A .: D 3 r - pAEr I . Introduction Trin . Hall . . — B Non y B - . Colleg IB . Somerset iate Students , Trin . . Coll By . — H . Universit B . Somebset y Expenses . 2 s . 6 . c ? . By II . Latham , Part II . The Mathematical Tripos . By W . H . Besant , St . John ' s Coll . Is . Part III . The Classical Tripos . By K . Burn , Trin . Coll . Is . Part IV . Theological Examinations . By Prof . Westcott . Is . Part V . The Study of Law . By Prof . Clakk . Is . Part VI . Degrees in Medicine and Surgery . By Prof . Hussy . Is . OTHER PARTS IN THE PRESS . CHOICE tations , Combinations AND CHANCE , and Probability : . an With Elementary 300 Exercises . B Treatise y Wiixiam Axle on * Whitwobth Permu- , M . A ., Fellow of St . John ' s College , Cambridge . Third Edition , revised and enlarged . Price 6 * . LECTURES OH" PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY AND ASTRONOMICAL EXPERIMENTS . By the Rer . James Chaixis , Plumian Professor of Astronomy . 10 « . THE ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY OP CONICS . Third Edition . By C . Taylor , M . A ., Master of St . John ' s College . Crown 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . AN" INTRODUCTION TO THE ANCIENT AND MODERN of GEOMETRY Problems and OF Historical CONICS Notes ; being and a Geometrical Prolegomena Treatise . By Cha on rles the Conic Taylor Sections , JVl . A with .., Master a Collecti of St on . John ' s College , Cainbridge . 8 vo . 15 s . Cambridge : DEIGHTON , BELL , & CO . London : GEORGE BELL & SON . ( 364 ) BICKERS & 80 |^ 8 _ 8 CHOOL _ PUBLICATIONS . Will be ready shortly , in Two Parts , 12 mo . cloth , Is . Gd . each . ROYAL CHARACTERS from the WORKS of SIR WALTER SCOTT : A SEMES OF REA mt DINGS FOR THE YOUNG , HISTORICAL AND ROMANTIC . Selected and Arranged by WILLIAM T . DOBS 0 N . PART I . 1033-1437 . PART II . 1470-1745 . selected Golds fr & wled 'Every mith fro over , m " teacher , the I with love works knows s tho tories of interest , the and but has I hate shown contrasted reasoning in stories the -, ' and difference live and , in therefore historical the with , which the sketches striking a botanical and . 1 take Most scenes , root geological young in in the the people , far or -ofC other are Past prone when scientific which to say are lesson facts with here is and dryer theories fail to leave great any permanent Noyelist may impression . —Preface imagination . , memory prosaic VIRGIL . THE FIRST BOOK OF VIRGIL'S iENEID . With Vocabularies . Arranged by W . Welch , M . A . 12 mo . cloth , Is . Gd . MAJOR'S LATIN GRAMMAR . 1 lth Edition . 12 mo . cloth , 2 s . 6 d . I— LATIN READER OF PROFESSOR JACOBS ; with Grammatical References I and Notes . 12 mo . cloth , 3 a . —~ INITIA GRJECA . 12 mo . cloth , 4 s . — — INITIA HOMERICA . Tho First and Second Books of the Iliad of Homer , with Parallel Passages from Yirgil , and a Greek and English Lexicon . 12 mo . cloth , as . 6 d . HORATII OPERA . Cura M . H . Milman . 100 Illustrations . Crown 8 vo . cloth . Published at ? *• Gd . ; reduced to 35 . 6 rt . net . THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LINEAR PERSPECTIVE , applied to Landscapes , In 16 teriors Fies , . and Cloth the Figure Is . . Por the Use of Artists , Art Students , & c . By V . Pblulegrin . With a Sheet of 01 ft » -n * 1 ao "work gur has been , adopted by tho French Government , and is now in general use in tho public libraries niul schools France . £ LLIS'S ( WM . ) ENGLISH EXERCISES . Revised and Improved by the Jtov . T . K . Aknoijd , M . A .. I 2 mo . 26 th Edition , cloth , 3 . i . Gd . # „ » COMPLETE CATALOGUES POST-FREE . fc 1 k _ 3 s ^ - London : BICKERS & SON , Leicester Square , W . C . ( 36 o ) -ftfe I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1881, page 635, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081881/page/19/