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Aug. 15, 1881 ^he Publishers' Circular 6...
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Aug. 15, 1881 ^He Publishers' Circular 6...
Aug . 15 , 1881 ^ he Publishers' Circular 663
JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL ATLASES . POLITICAL . PHYSICAL . The School Atlas of General The School Atlas of Physical and Comparative Descriptive Extent Geography of all . the Exhibiting Countries the in Actual the World and , with Geography descriptive . Containing Letterpress 20 . Maps New , and printed Enlarged in Edition Colours , , with their present Political Divisions . Constructed with Imperial 4 to . half-bound 8 ro . 12 s . Gd . j a Enlarged Containing special Edition view 2 G Maps to . Imperial the , with purposes 4 complete to . Jialf of -bound sound Index 8 . Instruction vo New . Vis . Gd and . ; . of more In the this s imp uthor Atlas ie — an the d of elementa Physical object being ry Geography manner to convey than the broad subject in the artd previous is general treated works ideas in a The Atlas printed of Edinburgh in Modern Colours . Geography yal . Containin E fUll dUCatiOnal g 33 Coloured Phenomena on rn y tne > ^ form tx affecting ana n - 1 structure -f its outer ** y of crust c \ TV our . Planet A , and tl 1 £ the 1 Q principal 31 Sfiol * ^^ ° 4 t ° * -b ° ' ° ' ColouredMaps , ^ InZ ^^ , ^ ^' The Unrivalled Atlas of Modern The ill Shing Atlas . 15 Coloured || Geography . Containing 34 Coloured Maps and Index to Maps . Cloth back , 8 vo . I The clo cloth 20 , 000 th , " back titled World Names , on with . side . Size orn , 5 s An amental 15 . in . Atlas by cover 12 in . , containing 3 s . 6 d strong . ; full- boards bound . 34 rn J . JJ "U Maps . 8 OlXpeDny OiTr . In wrapper n /\ -nviTr , 8 vo . A a i liaS . i nr ( . - J - ¦ J - OOl r *^ l ^ OUrea 15 Coloure doth in . , giit d 12 , Maps & . , ; with folded a 8 complete vo . TJin . by Index 12 . in . Size Full of -bound Maps , , The Scriptur blJilJPl c / ' e DrDTrm Atlas UKAL ^ . . Containing 16 Til e Elementary e Use of Junior Classes . SC Containing JlOOl AtlaS Maps and , quarto place in Maps the , full Atlas Coloured . Price , with , full complete -bound , cloth Index "to 2 s . every Gd . ; a general Index . Demy 4 to . half-bound 8 vo . 5 s . imitation Tellum , 55 . The Half-Crown National Atlas . The Bible Atlas . 16 Coloured Maps , Thp 1 bound Containing « , , " Half cloth S , 32 . Coloured - -V crown -r ^ Maps W 1 and ± , complete J A 11 -bLd a Index <* ^ . , full 31 ^> J - - The in taining . ornamental Sixpenny _ .. 12 Coloured wrapper Maps , Bible t Is > , . in -t wrapper -i Atlas * , fcp ^ . -a . 8 vo . Con r- \ - Coloured Maps , with , Index . Cloth , 8 vo . The The Coloured Shilling Sixpenny Maps . In ornamental Quarto Quarto boards Atlas , cloth back Atlas . 24 . The Xew and Enlar ~ ' ~ A f 7 ^ ^ ? ZZ ONOMI d 8 ^ v ^ ^ ^ perial 7 T ~ 4 fc 0 - half - Thp 16 n Coloured Thvo "T tvt Maps ^ . npnn & In ornamental ¦ ^ r wrapper ^ A ¦ tl lldbi . & <* 16 With School Notes and tat descri Atlas ptive of Letterpress x » Astronomy a j . to each Plate . j Coloure , Historical d Maps . Stiff wrapper Atla 8 S . In Two Vols . embodying Plates , printed all in recent Colours Discoveries by a new process in Astronomy . . 20 Vol . I . Atlas and Index . Vol . II . Letterpress . Royal . The 8 vo . Historical full-bound , " cloth , price Atlas 21 s . . 31 Coloured human anatomy . Atlas Maps , of with Index the . Cloth British , 2 . ? . 6 d . 8 vo . Empire . AtlaS a ^ %£% £ & ^ % HUHiail £%%£% . AnatOHiy si . ' 261 n - ^ Iin - Con Mce ' T Coloure SS Maps , Index Atl ^ Notes ' ° Map Cloth , s - Cloth . 8 vo . The ZoologiSr Atlas . Part I . deCOnCL cj-. 32 _ ___ -w btandarCL c + a jj -t Ij sh reOgrapny _ x * — . University Vertebrata . , Science Adapted and to the Art requirements Department , and for London use in fpU lJlird - ^ pp j . . Stiff Standard c *< L . wrapper -i , 2 t d . AtlaS 8 a vo ± . .-1 . - X i < 2 >/ Co - ^ i loured with Schools Text , numerous giving and Colleges Practical Figures . Containing and Directions Diagrams , Explanation , full with -coloured accompanying , Equiva Plates - - * ? OUrtll Maps . A Stiff .- * wrapper StanCLard r * a , 4 c / . -i 8 vo . t AtlaS au _ -i . 10 -i /^ Biology m lent & 11 Terms of and tljl 0 , & Natural Science c , & c . History and By D Art . , Edinburgh Department cAlpine , I . . C , Imperial . Le S ., & Honour turer 4 to . Coloured Maps . Stiff wrapper , Gd . 8 vo . full-bound cloth , 10 y . Gd . J ? lit i-Pf T Jl Standard c * 4- «» , j - ^ . j Atlas a 4 . 1 ^^ . 23 no Coloured n i i Immediately . —Part II . . In vertebrata . \ G Plates , Is . Gd .. . Maps , stiff wrapper , Gd . 8 vo . The Biological _ - Atlas . Consisting ^ I Sl Si - X -I L ' U K standard C ! 4- *~ Jl ~~* Jl jQLtmS a 4-T ^« . oah -0 OolOUrecl i i grams of 24 Plates of the various containing form s of Coloured Plants and Figures Animals and , with Dia-I -Maps . Stiff wrapper , Gd . 8 vo . Explanatory Text . Demy 4 to . Is . Gd . FOR PUPIL TEACHERS . , GEOGRA Geography for PH the I Special CAL Subject YEAR of each year , BOOKS of the Pupil . Teacher Consisting ' s Course , viz of .: Candidate an Atlas 's Book and —British copious Isles ; I ! and 1 st Year the Oceans Book— . Europe Cloth , ; 8 2 vo nd . Year U . Gd Book . each — . British Kmpire ; 3 rd Year Book—Aaiu and Africa ; 4 th Year Book—America SCIENTIFIC Crown INDUSTRIES Bvo . 204 pp . full-bound EXPLAINED , cloth , price 2 . v . ( id . ; post- . free , 2 Showing s . i ) d . How most of the Important Articles of Commerce ) are Made . By AuocANDHa Watt , F . R . S . S . A . I if" A . K . Johnston ' s complete Catalogue of Maps , Atlases , Globes , Illustrations , # c , sent free on application . I W . < fc A . K . JOHNSTON , Edinburgh ; and G Paternoster Buildings , London , E . C .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1881, page 663, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081881/page/47/