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Aug . 15 , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 667
ASHER & CO . 'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS . Asher ' s Model Books of Foreign and Com- Keane ( A . H . ) The True Theory of German m Schools ercial and Correspondence for Self-instruction . Intended . "With , as copious Class Books Idiomatic for Study Declension of the and German Conjugation Language : a Contribution . For the Use to the of Foot Notes , and Glossaries of Commercial Terms . 8 vo . Teacher and Student . £ fvo . cloth , 2 * . 6 £ . cloth . ' The Author proceeds to explain h is theory with regard to The W English ith German Correspondent Notes and I . Glossary By Dr . . H . New P . Skelton Edition . , and the inflexion thorough of manner the adjective . '—Phoenix and . the verb in a very lucid revised , 2 * . 6 d . Koehler ( Dr . F . ) A Dictionary of the English The German Cob respondent II . By Dr . Chr . VofiEL . and 75 . qj German . Languages . New Edition , 8 vo . half-calf , revised With English , Is . be * , Notes and Glossary . New Edition , handy ThU form u hy , and r the with Best clea avd r type ch * eapest German Dictionary , in a The kOTSw French Correspondent ^™ . NOt By 6 S ^ Daitn aiO S 3 ary ' Lenormant POCKET ' s EDITION Student . 1 ' s vol . Manual cloth , 2 s . of Oriental iv comprising History : a Manual the History of the of Ancient the Israelites History of , Egyptians the East ; , Tee Spanish Correspondent . By Dr . Dann and Don Assyrians , Phoenicians and Carthaginians , Babylonians , ! New G . GoNZAiiEZ Edition , revise . With d , 3 j English . ^ Notes tw ^ and Olivieri Glossary . . 2 Lenorm Medians Tarioug vols . post , ^ nt Persi 8 , vo L . ans ibrarian cloth , , an 12 d * to . Arabians the Institute . By of IFrancois France . TE m ™ V Tm ^ ^ English SiJh . M books p ^ Notes iSS issued i . ij ^ ^ vJLtt I Gloss nl Messrs ary . t > Asher , ii tt 2 s . 6 d & . a Co nTTTTT . are ^ the ^ T Lenorm tli ' The a best nt ' s proof ^ admirable epartmentg of the handbook immense of ph ii oi results Ancient is to accomplished History be H found . ' ln in Tie model by Athen ^ um . sentent best and style works ious . '— we guid Liverpool have es to seen those Journal for languages supplying . , both the as desideratum regards matter of Murray and Roman ( A . S . Norse ) Manual and Old of M German ythology Hiadoo : Greek and Egyptian Mythology , . With 45 Plates on , toned paper , Asher &„ Schools tion ! , « . » . S . Wit . International T « Intended h < . Copious / v « , ^ 4 . as ;«« Idiomatic Class oi Readin < D Book An Notes ^ s i ; and n g and v for Glossaries Books O Self ftrti , - - instruc . for /• _ . „ - < T U re rep . . - written resenting thG ., besfc , and . book K over __ enlarged v of rtP One the + ll Hundred Q . v ^ Crown -q *« Figures En t ? 8 vo , S « . h . cloth v . . - » Second -Athen A exfera ^^ Edition - , aeum 9 s . . , [ ! Plate ( H . ) German Studies . A Complete Course I I Selec W t ith German copious Stories Notes , . for By the Prof use . G of . Storme Schools , Hanover and for . 8 o vo f Instruction . clotli , 3-s . in the G-erman Language . New Edition , t German Self-instruction Language . A . Practical New Edition Method , 16 mo of . cloth learning , 2 * . the 6 d . Poif ^ of fV ^ R ; n eadings y / "p 'l \ in V Phni 11 French , ? -sc * dp Literature T . T J- ^ ectureS rfnrp « of s . the A A Nineteenth selection S ^ Wtirm 11 Century , extracted from the Works of the most remark-Select Easy French Method Stories of learning . By the E . A French . Oppen . Language A Short , and for able Biographical Contemporaneous and Literary Poets and Memoirs Prose . "Wr New iters Edition . With , the Use of Colleges and Self-instruction . With Notes 12 mo . cloth , 3 * . 6 tf . larged and Tocabulary and revised . , 16 Second mo . clotli Edition , 2 a . 6 , d considerably . en- French < Comprising writers passages of the nineteenth from the work century s of , this no less collection than 140 of Selec (!_ . „„ , t Italian T Stoiues _ . ^ Dr _ , . A , . OnviEnr ^ . For r the ,, reputation " Elegant Extracts of the numerous " has been of authors made , " and with proper with due regard considera to the - I Use of Colleges and Sch By ools , and for Selt-mstruction . ti ^ * peculiar nQed 3 J youn ^ 6 tudents . ' -A'rHEN ^ UM . gua A Short go . With and Easy Note Method , and a Glossary of learning . Hmo the . Italian cloth , 2 Lan ,. M - . iDk c ; u ^ th f ( Vn Rev Int VJ ^ duc W « ok ^ MffiSO Outl - ine Gothir of M Glossarv » so Go ^ i rv Grammar , and a List , of ^ Anglo-Saxon and Old and Select and Spanish Easy Method Stories of . learning By Dr . the A . Olivieri Spanish . Language A Short . Modern Moeso-Gothic English . Small Words 4 to etymologically . cloth , 9 s . connected with With Notes and a Glossary 16 mo . cloth 2 , 6 <* STUDENTS HEBREW GRAMMAR . prepared J-ne reading with a special books published view to imparting by Messrs flueaicy . Asher in & conversa Co . are - GeseniUS _ . , S TT JtleDrew , brammar ~ . m irAnslated . , practicable tion and re , adiness and abound in writing in colloquial . The selections phrases . The aro short notes , from Thoroug RokdigkiV -hly Revised r Edition and , Enlarged by Benj . with Davies the , help LL . D of . J for ro t full he most but simpl sensible e , and arrangement are placed at . '— the Birmingham foot of each Gazette page—by . Authorities Subject Prof . E , . Scripture Kautzc , by Edward h , ' and s German Hebrew C . Mitchell Edition Indexes , and . D . D Fourth other . With recent Copy full - ooitz d ., [ ttar ( . of Dr the . A G . ) erman A New Language Conversation , adapted to the Gram Use of - and 'We right are havo inclined Edition compared to , 8 plac to . this e cloth it grammar firs , Is t . of Qd all . with for convenience some dozen others , clear- , ocnools i neoretical and Method Private of Instruction Robeiitson , alter . 8 vo the . cloth Practical 5 s . and nes 3 of arrangement , and general The usefulness Swoito . ' and TTrowel-S This snage that by far we have most met interesting with for a long work time on . ' , German Student « i « * ' s Hebrew tt t _ Lexicon r : with « ^ i an Enghsh -t- » t-u - Puih . ic Opinion . Lexicon Hebrew to Index tho . Old A Testament compendious , chiefly Hebrew founded and Chaldeo on the * Rn - > - ux w Talmudicum -4 torn . c i ( / Johannis et Rabbinicum ) Lexicon denuo cdidit Chaldaicum et annotatis Benjamin hoediokr works off Gesemiuh , Davies Diktmoh , Ph and . , D Ewald . Fukst , LL . D , , . with and Third improvementa others Edition . Edite ., carefully d fro by m auxit B . Fischer . 4 to . cloth , £ 3 . revisedwith a concise statement of tho Principles of ^ jwtic 'To the scholar Talmudiat it is of it great is absolutely value , . Both necessary will find ; tho to new tho cloth Hebrew , 12 , * Grammar . by Edward C . Mitcukll , D . D . 8 vo . predecessor DrnH not , nnerel but one y a enriched more handy with book considerable of reference additions than . ' its procured 'It is the in t ) the est Lexicon English for language a moderate . As a price philological wblch can work be , London Rev ikw . it is of superior excellence . ' —Sword and Trowel . X 13 Bedford Street , Covent Garden , London . ( 401 )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1881, page 667, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081881/page/51/