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Aug. 15, *S8i The Publishers' Circular 6...
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Aug. 15, *S8i The Publishers' Circular 6...
Aug . 15 , * S 8 i The Publishers' Circular 669
DR . DE FIVAS' FRENCH EDUCATIONAL WORKS DE FIVAS' NEW GUIDE TO MODERN FRENCH CONVocabulary VERSATION , and ; or Ph , the rases Student and Dialogues and Tourist on every ' s French useful Va or . de interesting -Mecum : top containing ic ; together a comprehensive with Models and of Letters Measures , Notes : the , and whole Cards ) exhibiting ; and Comparative , in a distinct Tables manner of the the British true Pronunciation and French Coins of the , Wei French ghts , Language . 29 th Edition , thoroughly revised , with many Additions , , 2 s . 6 d . strongly half-bound . as exhibitin « This is g a throughout new edition , in of a the peculiarly very best distinct work of manner the kind , the with correct which pronunciation we are acquainted of the French . The language work is / valuable also ' Perspicuous , plain , and easy to understand . '—Bookseller . Edinburgh Advertiser . helps ' De to pronunciation Fivas' has the . '— ad Academy vantage . over other French conversation boofes of indicating- the liaisons and giving other Compiled with great labour and care , and modernised down to the latest changes in the custom of ordinary French speech . ' —School Board Chronicle . DE FIVAS Fables et , Contes INTRODUCTION Choisis Anecdotes Instructives A LA Faits LANGUE M £ morablesetc . FRANCHISE Avec un Dictionnaire ; de , tous les Mots traduits en ; Anglais . A Tusage de , la Jeunesse , et , de ceux qui commencent a apprendre la langue franchise . 25 th Edition , 2 s . 6 d . handsomely bound . will soon We strongly find their advise knowledge students of the who language have read enlarged carefully , and a good to a great French extent Grammar perfected , to read . '—Public this excellent Opinion book . , and they Frenc Besides h of those its whose suitableness school for -days the , like learner ours , , we have do bee not n know over for a bo some ok bette little r adapted time past than . '—Scotsman this for brus , hing up the neglected DE ANCIEN FIVAS S ET , BEAUTES ERNES . Ouvrage DES Classique ECRIVAINS a l ' usage des Colleges FRANCAIS et des Institutions , Quinzieme edition , augmentee de Notes Historiques , Geographiques , Philosophiques , Litt ^ raires , Grrammaticales , et Biographiques . 3 s . 6 d . handsomely bound . 'An elegant volume , containing a selection of pieces both in prose and verse , which , while it furnishes a convenient reading-book for the student of the French language , at the same time affords a pleasing and interesting view of French literature/—Observer . A better book for advanced students it would be difficult to have/—Teacher . The extracts from French authors contained in this book are well chosen/—Schoolmaster . DE FIVAS , LE TRESOR NATIONAL ; or , Guide to the Translation of English into French at Sight . By V . de Fivas , M . A ., LL . D . 6 th Edition , 2 s . 6 d . handsomely bound . * * * The volume consists of idiomatical and conversational phrases , anecdotes , and extracts from various English writers . jele F rom 6 fere Pro a f tout essor autre Auguste ; il y de a plus Neuvtlly de vivacite . —* Je , plus trouve d'instruction que le " Tre , et sor c ' est National un exce " llent est instrument un livre de entre beaucoup les m de ain merite s d'un ; maltre actif pour questionner ses 616 ves en francais . ' ' If to some readers the finger-post should appear to be occasionally erected where the road was plain enough without it , they will be pleased to recollect that there is a class of persons who have uot yet attained the stature of their prodigious , learning/—Edinburgh Review . Clef ; on , Partie frai ^ aise da Tr *§ SOr National- 2 *>\ bound . ETYMOLOGICAL COMPANION TO « DE FIVA & FRENCH GRAMMAR : ROUBAUDTHE FRENCH LANGUAGE : A Complete Compendium of its History and , Etymology . For the use of Colleges , Public and Private Schools , and Students . By E . ftouBAUD , B . A ., Paris , Professor of the French Language , Author of * The French Pronunciation ' and other works . Is . 6 d . cloth . Frenc 'A h / most —School desirable Guakdian , indeed . a necessary , book for students who wish to perfect themselves in a scientific knowledge of ' A serviceable introduction to French etymology and a useful companion to French accidence for schoolboys . ' JOUUNAI OF EDI CATIOM ! Unit ' y Snppliea of subject just , methodical the information treatment which , and moder a copious n examinations index , render demand the present , and which compendium most Grammars by far the fn . il best to afford manual that we have seen/—Litkhary Chukcuman . 1 work reveals the hand of one who is master of Iiis subject . Rtndents who master its contents will discover that they have made a phenomenal addition to their store of knowledge , with the outlay of remarkably Educational little labour . ' Guide . London : CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO ., 7 StationersMIall Court , Ludgate Hill , E . C . ( 403 )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1881, page 669, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081881/page/53/