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724 The Publishers' Circular August 15 ,...
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724 The Publishers' Circular August 15 ,...
724 The Publishers' Circular August 15 , ^
BROWNE & NOLAN . NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS IN PREPARATION FOR INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATIONS , 1884 . i SELECTIONS FROM THE LATIN POETS . By Launcelot Downing Dowdall , M . A . 8 vo . oloth , 2 s . [ Immediately . THE LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL . Cantos I , II , III . Edited by Arthur Pat * ton , B . A . Crown 8 vo . Is . [ Immediatel y . Ditto . Cantos I . and II . in 1 vol ., Sd . Canto III ., separately , 4 cZ . GRAY . —THE ELEGY AND ODES . Edited , with Introduction and Notes , by W . F . Bailey , B . A . Crown Svo . Is . [ Immediately . COLERIDGE . —THE ANCIENT MARINER . With Notes and Intro - duetion by "W . F . Bailett , B . A . [ Just ready . LOCKHART . —LIFE OF NAPOLEON . Chapters L to XXII . With Notes & c . by W . F . Baii ^ iy . \ In the press . WASHINGTON IRVING . —LIFE AND VOYAGES OF COLUMBUS . The First Five Books . Edited , vrith Notes , & e . [ In the press . BACON . —TWENTY SELECTED ESSAYS . Edited by J . O'Bran Croke , M . A . Crown 8 vo . Is . [ Just ready . ISTASSAXJ STREETDUBLHST . (« j ) ,
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FRENCH , GERMAN , AND ENGLISH BOOKS . By ALFRED G . HA VET , INSTITUT ANGLAIS-FIiAN (? AISf TROCAD & RO , VAEIS . 'rt . t . d . FIRST FRENCH BOOK l " 6 FIRST GERMAN BCOK * I FRENCH Do . CLASS -BOOK . . Jtart Part 11 1 3 4 6 0 GEEMAN STUI ) IES 4 o « Key to both Parts 6 6 GERMAN COMPOSITION , 3 s . 6 < Z . ; Kkt ... * FRENCH STUDIES : Conrersatious , Ex- L'ANGLAIS ENSEIGNE AUX FJRAN ? AIS FRENCH tracts , & c COMPOSITION , 3 * . 6 d . ; Kby ... 66 4 0 ( Eog r » hsh i- u for r French t « ut Peop » l e ) - . % * HOUSEHOLD FRENCH 3 0 ENGLISH AND FRENCH COPYBOOK .- « HAVET'S METHOD is used in Schools throughout the British Empire , the United States of Am and in Colleges in France and Germany . ' London : SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , & CO ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court . __^ L = fl \
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1883, page 724, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081883/page/40/