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August 15, 1888 The Publishers' Circular...
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CLARENDON PRESS STANDARD BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS . BOOKS FOR OXFORD LOCAL EXAMINATIONS , 1889 . I CiESAR ' Stan With ds . Note — high THE * among and GALLIC Maps the . best By WAB C l . assi J £ . . es Mobebly BOOK we have S batukday sattthtiav , met M I . . A II . ' . . [ ( Immediate for hkvikw Rhivticw School ?) ly . . . XENOPHON § and Hiainour ¥ . Private - 1 ( gn L f . . 8 - ? ANABA tudent > ^ 8 > M . . A 8 With . I , 8 Rector . BOOK Introduction of the III . , Koyal ( for Notes Junior High , and 8 Classes Index chool . , CICEROSPEECHES AGAINST CATILINA . With Intro- sh ^ d KSPETARE ! cti « n ' . W . — Aldis MAC Weig BETH ht . , Edited M . A . , Stiff with covers Notes , la and . 6 d . Intro-Bal duction Uol _ College and Notes , Oxford . By ; Assistant E . A . Upcott Master , at M . Wellington A ., late Scho College lar of . to . , . ?? fc - — ** Westminster edition is simply Review without . a rival . None even comes second * A In very One useful or Two and Farts well , 2 -appointed s . 6 d . edition . _ ScOT 8 Man . BECKER Professor « ad Historical 'S ot PRIEDEICH German Introduction at King DEB , 's by Col GROSSE C lpge . A , . London Buchhbim . Edi , Editor ted , , with Phil of . Notes Doc 4 The ., 1 LIVY .-BOOKSV .-V 1 L With Notes , & c . By A . E . Clcee . B . A . SlX ? 4 l £ * PreM Se " eS of Germaa UlassicB . ' Extra fcp . 8 vo . 4 Second sound Edition and very . Revised useful school by P . E and . Mathkson college edition 5 * . . In 1 or 2 vols . matical . The editor difficulties , has don are met e his with part a discriminati exceptionally on well which . ... and reveals gram the - Classical Review , careiul and experienced teacher The best of the series to which it VIRGIL In 2 vols . With . crown Introduction 8 vo ., cloth , and 10 * . Notes 6 a . . By T . L . Papillon , M . A . « CannoTbe t ^ o highly recommended to students of German SCOTSMAN ' 4 The best working % The edition Text of separately VirgiL ' , — cloth JoubK , 4 al s . 6 d OF . Education , torical * The and notes grammatical admirably explain points which the numerous require elucidation local Schoolmaster , personal . ' , his . - DEMOSTHENES Evelyn THIAC 8 Abbott I .-III . — , * M THE Edited . A ., L FIRST ; L , . I with > ., and Introduction PHILIPPIC P . E . Matheson and AND , ' Notes M OLYN . A , . a by / - . A TEXT Auckland ? S -BOOK pft l , . New £ OF p Zealand «) ALGEBRA te I r , of formerly Mathe . ByW m principal atics , Steadmak in Universi of the Aldis Newcastle ty College , M . A . - , , 4 A model - of what a school-book should . be . *—Academy . ' * We on-Tyne can strongly College of commend Science . the Crown early 8 vo part . cloth of . the 7 s . work 6 d . as contaming a clearly reasoned account of tirst principles . '— Academy . EURIPIDES C . H . Russell . HECUBA M . A . In . One With or Two Introduction Parts . and Notes [ Sh . ortl By y . * A well-written and comprehensive treatise . S ' aturday Review . , IHi . A . TIICT CLASS BOOKS . JEaetra fcap . Svo , cloth , AN A FIRST Edition M ELEMENTARY . A . Third . LATIN 2 « . % Edition d . EXERCISE . LATIN 2 s . 6 rf . GEAMMAB BOOK- By . the By Same J . B . . Allen Fourth , LIVY LIVY _ _ ± Maps ! L . -SELECTION ' . BOOKS By - _ H „ . JL XXI , „ . ee ,. - Wamer . S - ^ XXIII ( ™ FOR ^ r ,- , . M SCHOOLS . Wi A . th In Introduction Three ) . W Purts ith , and Notes limp Notes , each and . t ^ SS ^^ tV ^^ ?« BOOK ' ^ SamC ' ^ ^ ' A Jh ^^ l ^ J & tl ta & ftBATUBDAY REVIEW OP . SSE for Unseen 5 SI Translation MWo 5 £ cr For % ^^ ^ U . , Lower Latin Forms and Greek . By , OVID riAJatJA SELECTIONS YM no . * A a . S oecon eSnda ( FOE EdWoif AUiuon THE . ^ tts ' . tlid ^ >« 3 E Edit SCHOOLS ed by O . G ^ , ! ANGLICE C . S . jEB . ltAM EEDDENDA M . A . Is . 6 ; or . . Easy Extracts , Latin and Greek , OVID Ramsay 'S TRISTIA , . BOOK I . With Notes . , & c . By S . G . Owen , ior Unseen Translation . By the Same Author . Fourth Edition . t E » -A ^ - «* h remarkable care / _ AcADKMy . much " SECOND Enlarged SERIES , and Re . -arranged By the same , 3 « . Author . Seventh Edition , PLINY * A thoroughly —8 BLECTED scholarly LETTERS editiou tt ' -CLASSiCAL ( FOR SCHOOLS Review . ) . With PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION INTO LATIN . For the e £ mV ^ Edftio ^ J 2 HARDt M ' "' *** E ' * BKU ~ Fellow use ot Fassmen and Tutor and of others Hertford . Selected College , by Oxford J . Y . bABG is . 6 c ENT / . , M . A ., all . ^ admirable 8 to be of 8 ^ peci od uge men or BCnools scholarly / _ editing cot 8 m , an and . well equipped in FIRST Edition LATIN . 2 « . HEADER . By T . J . NcauB , M . A . Third PLAUTUS 4 way W . M . Likusay . —CAPTIVI g , M . A . ., Fellow With of Introduction Jesus College and , Oxford Notes . . 2 s . By 6 c / . EXERCISE Introductio 8 n IN , Not LATIN es , and Passages PROSE of COMPOSITION graduated difficulty . With for is . alway The Editor s scholarly has kept in his the tieatment needs of ot schoolboy etymological s well questions before him . ' ; he Professor Translation of Humanity into Latin , Glasgow . By U . . Second « . Ramsa Edition * , . M . 4 A s . ., 6 c L / . .. L . D ., 'An excellent „ ,. schoolbook , _ , » ., . ' , — „ Guaudian . Saturday Review . HI TTTTMTia 2 XwS Awn 5 « iFE tttpt 1 £ ! A ' 38 £ t % LATIN ££ ? L * Eto 2 IACS & i £ L , as By H PLATJTUS ^^ " ^ " tt- ^ TEINUMMU iLt » t »«*» . * «^ vVith -. " " Notes am » & ' « " »« - « i a \ ' rplxcatxon * . "' kTy V £ Clarendon ££ Zi Presa J , l £ versification « Oorjord eJ b » Teaser 4 s . which bcl . , only can . „„ be called Uirec , TEBBN 4 Tiie best aE school ^ -ANDBIA edition of the ted l 4 Andria , with Introduction yet published and . ' Note 8 > inter Almost esting in the iteel only ! . '— guide Academy to Lati . n TERENCE . —ADELPHI . With Notes and Introductions Atiikn ^ um In . - CICERO SA Third ( iE * S Edition I With NTERESTING . Notes 4 s . bd . Bv Separately H - . Walkouo AND , each DESCRIPTIVE , , M la . . A * sd . . Iu Three Pui PAS ts - . TEREKO , An A tended . excellent Sloman for ^^ . the HOaMIO edition M . A Higher ., Head . '—S Form pectator Mas Edj s ; er of . « of d . Public Birkenheud with Schools Kagltah School . By Note . the 3 s , . Kev , aud . CI « a & .- * Sx LECT « 55 -5 OBATION " i & w I 1 » -Ci ^» , FOE *' p Sri 8 . Si - 3 S " * % & WOITU ^ Th ' aiWAIIJ . »»» I-IV . Edited , with CICERO VhiH VERREM j ^ amoii « Ti . — , ol is IN . ACTIO ba K " r . Q , - CiECILIUM PKIMA . Edit DIVINATIO ed by the rtk same mm . ET ^ L . , n imp IN X , is . Gd C ^ . . Extra By College lutrodu 11 . fcp Fuun , ction oxford . 8 vo kaux and . cloth , Notes Editor , M , . 5 A s . tor ., of latetellow the Tacitua use ofSchools and : Annals Tutor and , Junior ot Bo Corpus oks Students l Christi .-VI . , ' 'From every point of view a masterly work . ' - -School Guauuian . TACITUS ANNALS . BOOK I . Editedwith Notes and CICERO Huxl ' -DE B . A SEMBCTTJTI . Abaistant Master . Edited . Charterhouse , with Notes School , by Leonaud . 2 a . Or , TIBULLTTS Introduction AND , by H PRO . Fltrnka fERTIUS i ; x , M . . A _ . SELECTIONS JLimp , , . With in two Farts , — Introduction , and Text , is . 1 Notes , Is . Introduction and JSotes . By t +, G . Ramsay , M . A . ( In 1 or CICERO .-SELECTED LETTERS iJOB SCHOOLS ) With * A ^ nouJare copioue , clear , and sensible . ' -CLASSlOAL Review . CICERO M M M . . A A A . . . S feecontl - Edi e B PRO cUd ted F ^ by CLUBNTIO amon 5 U uon . G , . ^ . J Ramsay 8 . . With , M . ' A Notes . becoud , & c . By JKdinon W ^ . Ramray , ao . td . , SALL THINUM Ancitnt M . a UST .. Fellow .- History . BELLUM With and in Tutor Introduction the CATI University or Hertford LINARITTM and of College N Oxiord otes . , . and By AND As . W Gd late . . W JTJOITR Re . Capes ader in - , tUK rn-R S ^ econd TST TELIUH -B'TTTTH Edition Wii -wir . - J pns ^ 2 U a . o ttd . With . Wltn Notes Notea . iiy Bv * Obca JBLAu u Buownikq Duunaift « ,, M « i .. jv A . . onJy ' * , Thoroug An co excellent , npie hly te editions sound eaition and that of useiul we Sulluat have . ' -O . , ' and — uAHDJAN Academy has left . . far in the rear the HORACE KPODItS . THE With a ODES Co in men , CARMEN tury . By Edwauu SECULARE C . Wiokhaju , AND , ' U utiuestionabIy the best existing SttlLust for Educational Hchool use . * . Times . HORACE 1 Probably M . A ., Maeter the —SELECTED best of schoo Wellington l Horace ODES in College exiHtencc . Wit , h becoud . Notes '_ SAT Edition for titL the » AY , Hevikw U B ^ * . c of a . VIRQ & by c - C IL . 8 . . — ? Jkuuam JiAl ECLOGHTH ) glice , M Keddeadtt . 8 A . . . ) Edited at « ' Scholar ' * Xenophon , with of Introduction Trinity ; Anabaau College . and riook , Oxford Notes II ., j , plc I * 'ifth * Separately lorm . , By Part the Same I ., Text . , Is . Part T , . * T II ., Notes tm ^ o « . 1- ., com o ^ r « - » ' Distinctly A caretuf ttnd well done holarly . ' -EDUOATiONAL edition I . . '— VVith SouooLMAHTEB Times Notee . and . Introduction . Notes TWENAL • son in Separat T 8 , a > . M niver 6 d . A . ely . » , - ity a THIRTEEN , nd Part College ti . A 1 . ., , bTUONO Liverpool Introduction BATIBE , M . . A 6 . a , . 8 and J . . L . D Edite Text ., Profesuor d , by 3 a . C j . Part II ol . Pear Latin II . - , ^ VIRQ - ^ Corpus and ** - „ IL Notes .-iBNEID T C ^ hristi . e ^ ^ Tn By iSr College . - . A- ^ BOoK i lu ^ ° . , , gK . Haioh V Oxford IX ttt , . . * M JLimp Edited ^ A « . * , , classical , , m with l Two 4 . Introduction T Lecture Parts * , r . is , of . . and 'Well the , notes adapted are for fresh school and use suggestive . Thetext . '— is Cam edited iiniua on sound u Kbview principles . , .. An complet admit e able , la . ttd specimen . of scholarly editing /_ 8 cOTBMAN . , | Full Clarendon Press Catalogues free on application . London : HENRY FROVVDEClarendon Press Warehouse , Amen Corner , E . C . % - , , ' ¦ , . ¦¦¦ ¦¦ T .. ^ n j ^
August 15, 1888 The Publishers' Circular...
August 15 , 1888 The Publishers' Circular ^ |
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1888, page 941, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081888/page/39/