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958 The Publishers' Circular August 151888 I ,
APPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORK ? I By J . C . CURTIS , B . A . I OUTLINES OF ENGLISH HISTORY . Arranged in Chronological I Order . Three Hundred and Twelfth Thoxmand . 6 d . m JBY TMJE SA . mE jLUTHOIS ,. I School and College History of England . 5 s . 6 d . First Book of Grammar and Analysis . % d . Chronological and Q-enealogical Tables . 2 s . Outlines of Geography . 6 < f . Short Manual of English . History . 6 d . Geography of Great Britain and Ireland . 6 & Outlines of Scripture History . 6 < J . First Book of Geography . 3 d . An English . Grammar for Schools . Is . The Junior Reader : Prose and Poetry , u Outlines of English Grammar . 6 d . The Poetical Header , is . Manual of Grammatical Analysis . 6 c ? . The ! N " ew Poetical Reader . 1 * . Manual of English Etymology . 6 d . The Complete Poetical Reader . 2 s . London : HAMILTON , ADAMS , & CO ., And all Booksellers in Town and Country .
i RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY W . & E . CHAMBEES . j CHAMBERS'S GRADUATED READERS . * GRADUATED PRIMER , Part I . Illustrated , 2 cloth d . , j , GRA Text DUATED , 144 pages R in EADER all .. , Book .. II .. . 80 .. pages 8 d . of GRADUATED GR ATED LESSON PRIMER SHEETS - Part » each " Sheets af 4 d , 1 ' > ! GR GRADUATED Text , 2 A 188 J pages ^ eS ^ READER in all A U DER .. : Book " ^ .. IV III .. . " ^ .. HS pages Is . * ^ a ; INFANT T ^ TT ^ - »^ r ^ "V READER »^ J ™« . " Illustrated t « " V cloth * . " . 4 * J GRADUAT Text 254 ED R EAD all ER , Book V . 180 Is pages . Sd . of , , pages GRADUATED Text , 128 pages READER in all * , Book I . 80 pages 7 d . of \ GRADUATED Text , 266 pages READER in all , Book VI . 180 Is pages . 6 d . of * The Original Edition of Book I ., 96 pages , is also kept in Print . Price Gd . ADVANCED Difficult Words READER . The Appendix . A . varied contains selection lists of of passages Roots and from of Standard Prefixes and Authors Affixes ; . with 320 Explanations pages .. of 2 the s . 6 me d . re i CHAMBERS'S HISTORICAL READERS . BOOK tory . I . 60 for Lessons Standard , 152 pages III . , 120 Stories pages fro of m Text English . lOcl His . - i BOOK Presen IV t . for Day Stan . 65 'DAK Lessons d VI . , 224 England pages from , 180 1688 pages to the of BOOK Times II . to for 1327 Standard a . d . 60 IV Lessons . England , 160 from pages the , 130 Earliest pages | JUNIOR Text ENGLISH HISTORY . A .. Complete Is . 6 d His . - of Text .. .. .. .. .. .. Is . tory for Standard IV . 60 Lessons , 160 pages , 120 BOOK III . for Standard V . England from 1327 to pages of Text Is . 1688 a . d . 60 Lessons , 192 pages , 150 pages of Is Text . 3 d , . . > SENIOR tory for ENGLISH Standards V HISTORY . and VI . .. . A .. Complete Is . Od His . - i CHAMBERS ' S GEOGRAPHICAL READERS . , Code of 1885 ; with numerous Illustrations . STANDARD Playground , I the . Explaining four cardinal a points plan of , the the meaning School and and STANDARD America , and IV Australasia . Scotland .. , Ireland .. , British .. Is . 2 North d . STANDARD useofamap II . Size and Shape of World , Geogra 6 ' ct . - STANDARD Day and Nigh V t , . the Europe Seasons ; Latitude .. and .. Longitude Is . 3 d . , phical Terms , Physical Geography of Hills and Rivers Sd ,. STANDARD Climate , < fec . VI . . . World .. , especially .. .. British .. Is Colonies . Od . ; STANDARD Political III .. . . England . .. and .. Wales .. , Physical .. is and . STANDARD Phases of the VII Moon . The .. Ocean .. ; .. Planetary .. Xs System . 6 d . ; | W . & B . CHAMBERS , 47 Paternoster Bow , London ; and Edinburgh .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 15, 1888, page 958, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15081888/page/56/