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BHgBgSSjff — fjL ¦' " i ^ t.is, i«8 -i o...
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Bhgbgssjff — Fjl ¦' " I ^ T.Is, I«8 -I O...
BHgBgSSjff — fjL ¦ ' " i ^ t . is , i « 8 -i o — The Publishers Circular . ¦ ^ | I ¦ — ii ;
M ESSRS . BAGSTER'S UIST . CENTENARY EDITION . THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KIOWLEDGE . A Pocket Collection of about five hundred thousand references to parallel passages , grouped into chapter and verse , and arranged for use with any edition of the Bible , Price 4 t , ARCHAIC CLASSICS . VOLUME . ASSYRIAN TEXTS : being Extracts from the Annals of Shalmane 8 er II . and Assur-bani-pal . With Philological Notes by Ebnest A . Budge , M . E . A . S ,, Assyrian Exhibitioner , Christ College , Cambridge . Small 4 to . cloth gilt , 7 s . 6 d . REVELATION OF ST . JOHN THE DIVINE , NOTES ON THE , extracted chiefly from Elliott ' s ' Horse Apdcalypticae / and arranged for insertion in Bagsteb ' s Polyglot Bibles , each column in the Notes containing the interpretation of the corresponding column in the Bibles . By S . H . G-. Price Is . THE LAY READER ' S MORNING AND EVENING PEAYEE ; being an Abridgment of the Forms in the Book of CommonJPrayer for the use of Lay Headers in Mission Rooms , & c . Crown 8 vo . price 6 d . TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT , for English Bible Students . Being a succinct comparison of the Authorised Version with the Critical Texts of Griesbach , Scholz , Lachmann , Tischendorf , Tregelles , and Alford , and the Uncial MSS . By C . E . Stuart , Esq . Second Edition , revised and corrected . Fcp . 8 vo . cloth , 5 s . AN ETYMOLOGICAL VOCABULARY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT SCKIPTUKES . Fep . 8 vo . cloth , U . 6 d . On a plan very helpful to the memory . STUDIES ON THE TIMES OF ABRAHAM . By the Rev . Henry George Tomkins , Member of the Society of Biblical Archaeology , & c . Profusely Illustrated in Chromo-lithography and Photo-tint . 4 to . cloth extra , 16 s . Elam This on work the East is not to a Egypt new biography on the West of , Abraham drawn from , but the gives existin an account g results of of the Egyptological civilised world and in Assyriological which he lived research , from , and of view elucidates , as specimens the true of position the leading and character races of the of early the patri world arch . . The illustrations are chosen from an ethnographic point ' Mr . Tomkins has produced a very vivid and truthful picture of the surroundings of Abraham /—Academy . THE BAGSTER BIBLE FOR TEACHERS . Contains 4 , 000 Questions with Answers , and full Helps , Maps , Reference , & c . Medium Miniature Edition , prices from .... . . 10 65 s . . JJ Od 6 d . . Large Print „ „ , „ VJsfbd . HINTS ON BIBLE MARKING . ' F Thibd Edition . With a Prefatory Note by Mr . D . L . Moody , and Eight Specimen Pages , 8 vo , % d . FRAGMENTS THAT REMAIN . ' A MONTHLY PERIODICAL ON BIBLE MARKING . By Mbs . STEPHEN MENZIES . Price Id . Subscription Is . per annum ; Is . 6 d . by post . ft U Bible The above Studen publicat ts . Each ion has month been there found are to two be of columns great value of fresh to Clergymen Scriptural and Groups Ministers and , Heads as well for as Addresses , or Bible Classes , as well as New References and ' . Railways . ' I ¦¦¦¦¦ J»— — ,., — ,,. I ¦ . 11 .. 1 .. —1 -I . I ¦ II .. — ¦¦— . ¦¦ I - ¦ Ix London : SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS , 15 Paternoster Row . ( 416 ) !
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1880, page 731, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091880/page/23/