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Sept . is , 1882 ¦ .. The Publishers' Circular j - 85 $ ¦ .........
Messrs . BAGSTER'S LIST . The Child ' s Pictorial Bible , "With Good Readable Print , containing Forty-eight beautiful Illustrations in Outline by O . B . BIRCH , A . R . A ., a Full Series of Coloured Maps , and a Chart of History . Foolscap 8 vo . French Morocco , gilt edges , 5 s . Turkey Morocco , elegantly bound in gilt , red under gilt edges , 10 s . & d . in accuracy This is of a most drawing charming . present for children , the pictures especially being much above the average ORIENTAL RECORDS , CONFIRMATORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES . A Collection of the most important Recent Discoveries , especially in Western Asia and Egypt , derived from the highest attainable antiquity . ' * Students The volume of Scripture is learned will and find interesting the book . ' — very Literary useful . ' Churchman —Literary . " World . * * The The stylo volum is e lucid forms and a valuable simple . '— contribution Israel ' s Watchman to our stock . of Biblical literature . ' —Bock . ' Many single chapters are worth the price of the whole volume . *—Fountain . Two separate Volumes , Historical and Monumental , A New Greek Concordance . A PRICELESS BOOK FOR ALL BIBLE STUDENTS . A Critical Greek and English Concordance of the New Testament . Prepared by Charles F . Hudson , B . A ., under the direction of H . L . Hastings , Editor of The Christian . Revised and completed by Ezra Abbott , D . D ., LL . D ., Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation , in the Divinity School of Harvard University . Crown 8 ro . pp . 532 , 75 . 6 d . IT CONTAINS IN A POCKET VOLUMEor five I II . . References constantly All the En recurring glish to all wor particles places ds an excepted -where d Phrases . every by Greek which tliese word Greek in the word New s are Testament rendered both be in the found text , — and four in the margin III . The of the various Authorised readings ^ Version of . Griesbacii , Lachmanx , Tischendorf , and Tregelles , and the recently discovered IV . but An very Index ancient of English Sinaitio Manuscript Words , by . which persons entirely unacquainted with Greek can find the original term This for any book English is highly word commended in the New by Testament Drs . Lightfoot . , Westcott , Angus , Schaff , and many others ; and was used by to all the the mere Westminster English Revisers student , , and as well is specially ns by their useful American to the coadjutors more learned , in preparing and critical the Greek New scholars Revision . . For It is a ? i intelligible intelligent and critical examination into the merits of the New Revisionno book in existence is so valuable as ( his . , now to use it . the needs One need of any . not intelligent know a word student of Gre of ek the to English make good Bible use . of Hudson's Greek Concordance . The Index , pp . 411-482 , meets and Suppose admonition one of wishes the Lord to know . ' First the turn precise to meaning the Index of , and the word look for c nurture the word ' in , the which passage conies , ' Bring in alphabetical them up in order the nurture , in the black middle of type page , and 465 , in thus the : middle ' nurture of , the 305 second . ' Turn column then to is page « nur tur and e , Ep look h . vi over . 4 ; the instruction page , noticing , 2 Tim the . iii words . 16 ; chasten printed in - ing read , to Heb see . xii that . 5 , the 7 , 11 word ; chastisement rendered nurt , ure Heb occurs . xii . 8 six . ' The times Greek in the word New Testament stands above ; once the it English is translate , but d it ' nurture need not , ' once bo ' instruction , ' three times ' chastening , * and once ' chastisement , ' indicating that nurture includes the entire tcork of training up children . / 3 ap € Ofxat . [ Specimen-. ] wouSctbu 40 p heavy be iojxat r (/ burdened caTaj S , ) Matt . 8 apo Luke // . o xxvi / 2 iat ix Cor G . . 32 . ' 43 LTTr v » ^ . \ . 4 Mark . , K : aTai xiv 3 a- . instruction chastening nurture chastisement , Ep , , h Heb 2 . He Tim vi . . b 4 xii . . . iii xii . . 6 . , 16 8 7 . . , 11 . be pressed , 2 , Cor . i . 8 . , f Add be charged Luke , xxi 1 Tim . 34 . , v . 16 / . 3 ap 6 vo / j . ai , instructor , TrcuOcvT Rom . ii . ^ s 20 . . GLTTrtf . which correcteth , Hob . xii . 9 . SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS , 15 Paternoster Row , London . A And sold by all Booksellers . 0 * 71 ) I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1882, page 859, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091882/page/23/