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864 The Publishers' Circular Sept. 15,18...
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864 The Publishers' Circular Sept. 15,18...
864 The Publishers' Circular Sept . 15 , 1882
: 8 vo . cloth , 30 s . SUGAR GROWING AND REFINING : A Refi Comprehensi ning , and ve A Treatise nalysis of on Cane the , Beet Culture , Map of le Sugar , Milk -y , ielding Palm , Sorg Plants hum , , and and the Starch Manufacture Sugai's . , With Copious Statistics of their Production and Commerce , and a Chapter on the Distillation of Rum . By Chari . es G . Warnford Lock , F . L . S ., Member of the Society of Chemical Industry , & c . and Gr . W . Wigner and R . H . Harxand , F . F . C . S ., F . F . I . C ., Public Analysts . UPWARDS OF 200 ILIiITSTBATI OUSTS . IiOndon : E . & F . N . SPON , 16 Charing Cross . New York : 44 Murray Street . ( 575 )
. . Price 28 . 6 d . NEWTON'S PATENT LAW AND PRACTICE . Enlarged Edition . Defining Patentable and Non patentabla Invention and the Nature of Specifications and Claims ; showing" the mode of obtaining and opposing Grants , Disclaimers , Confirmations , and Extensions of Pa-tents , and giving all information necessary to enable a Solicitor to advise his Clients . By A . V . NEWTON . ' It is a most useful summary . '—It . E . Webster , Esq ., Q . C . London : TRUBNER & CO ., 57 and 59 Ludgate Hill , E . C ; and of NEWTON & SON , the Office for Patents , 66 Chancery Lane . ( 576 ) j
L . N . FOWLER , Phrenological Publisher , IMPERIAL BUILDINGS , LUDGATE CIRCUS , E . C . Self-Instructor in Phrenology . 25 . An Improved Bust ( in China ) . 10 * . . Pe Lectures t of the on Household Man . L . " 8 . Fowler . Fowler . 4 s . Board Stocy School . u * . Gymnastics . By A . T . ! The 45 - Manual Of Phrenology . By c The Monthl Phrenolo y Periodical gical of Mental Ma Science gazine , Educa , ' a i A . T . Story . Is . and Is . 6 d . tion , and Entertainment . 6 d . Monthly . « Full Catalogties of Phrenological Works on application . ( 577 )
j CHRISTMAS AND NEW beg all YEAR the 6 ARDS . j iH ^^ jl AMPBELL & TUDHOPE to c attention of the i K ^^ Ji Trade to their Christmas and New Year Packets , now ready . i Some of the designs are very choice , and well worthy of notice . | Samples may be had on application , either direct or from the London i Warehouse , 45 St . Paul ' s Churchyard . i O-A- ^ C ^» BDBIjXj Sc TTTID IEHIOIPIE , i Glasgow—137 West Campbell Street . London—45 St . Paul ' s Churchyard .
j O ^ ^ ! . |§ f West l eys & Co . W ? i fBOOKBINDERSl London : 1 O FRIAR STREET , I DOCTOBS' OOMMONS , K . O . ™ ' -5 b .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1882, page 864, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091882/page/28/