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^ l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i ^^^ S ^^ M 866 The Publishers' Circular Sept IS l 8 g 2 ^— - ^—i ^——i ^~—i ^^————^— ———————————— . ^—»^^^»»——^—_ __^ _^_^__ i
Sandhurst Preliminary Examination , August 1882 . Now ready . HPHE SOLUTIONS to the GEOMETR 1-- ¦ - CAL , QUESTIONS set at the above Examination , with diagrams and full descriptive Text . By Parton 4 1 Geometrical Parry Solutions , Silver ' Medal in Nos list . 1 , ( 2 Author , and 3 , of of the the Army Guide' ) . Price One Shilling . Published at the School Press , Gower ' s Walk , WJiitechapel , and may also be had of the Author , 31 Prospect Row , "Woolwich .
PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an J- assorted Stock of all interesting subjects . Olyett , 5 Endell Street ,. Long Acre , London , W . C .
C ATALOGUE ( current ) of RARE , V QUAINT , and VALUABLE BOOKS ( including Set of Scribner , Early Topography , Sec ) , now ready , and sent post-free on application to W . P . Bennett , 3 Ball Street , Birmingham .
TRADE VALUATION . MR . ADAM HOLDEN , Bookseller & c ., 48 Church Street , Liverpool , having had a long and varied experience in the different branches of the Trade of a Booksexi ^ ir and Statioxer , offers to undertake the Valuation of any Business for Probate Duty , or for Sale or Transfer , in any part of the Country . Terms ( moderate ) on application . 48 Church Street , Liverpool .
MR . GEO . NEWMAN , Auctioneer and Valuer to the Trade , offers his services in all matters of Sale , Transfer , or Valuations for Partnership or Probate ; his long experience and thorough knowledge of the various branches enable him to render very valuable assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser in placing on particulars very moderat on this e terms Reg . ister No . expense Offices : 51 London TTall , E . C .
WANTED to purchase Prints of any Church in the County of Surrey . —Address Rixon Arnold , 29 Poultry .
Booksellers Wanting Assistants.
O BOOKSELLERS and PUBLISHERS . T Wanted , a well-qualified ASSISTANT , by a Bookseller and Publisher . One with a knowledge of Printing Papers preferred . —Apply T . T ., care of Messrs . W . Hunt & Co ., 12 Paternoster Row .
COMPETENT ASSISTANT . —First-class stating ^ Stationery age , salary , Printing expected , Bookselling , and references , & c . — , Warwick Address , Savage , Stamp Office , Burslem .
T 3 OOK COLLECTOR wanted . Must be To U a thoroughl thoroug y hl experienced y competent , trustworth man a libera y , and l salary quick . emp would loyed be , paid and . — salary Apply hitherto by letter received , stating where to No . last 16 Publishers' Circular Office , 188 Fleet St . , . London . ,
STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING . — and A Fancy competent more ASSISTANT especially . for Must the be Stationery a good , rience salesman , to . — RiciiAit Apply D , Jackson stating , ago Boo , kseller salary , , Le an eds d expe . -
l \ f ANTED , a Junior Assistant in the Book-C " . B . S selling . care and of Messrs Stationery . I > . AweoN —Apply 6 c by Sons letter 121 to Cannon Street , London . ,
Booksellers' Assistants Wanting Situations.
"BOOKSELLING and STATIONERY Ai TRADES . —Wanted , by a Married Man aged 30 Engagement in the above as ASSISTANT . Twelve , years' experience ; energetic . Highest references Address H . S ., 467 Fulham Road , S . W .
WANTED , by a Young Man , aged 20 RE-ENGAGEMENT in a Publishing House , Experience in the trade . References . —Address C . G-. Y . H ., 27 Connaught Street , Hyde Park , W .
FRE D J . RYMER begs to inform his numerous friends that his present engagement will expire on the 23 rd inst . Should they hear of anything that would be likely to suit him , will they kindly drop a line to him either at 62 Paternoster Row , or 22 Methley Street , Kennington Park , S . E . ?
WANTED , by a Youth of 18 , a Situation as IMPROVER or JUNIOR ASSISTANT . Three years' experience in first-class Fancy and Stationery Business , "with Library attached . Highest references . —Address A . E . J . 81 JVIariaa , St . Leonard's-on-Sea , ' Sussex ,
WO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS . ¦* - Wanted , by a Young Man aged 32 , a Situation as SENIOR ASSISTANT or MANAGER of a Branch , or otherwise . Fifteen years' experience in town and country . Good knowledge of current literature . —Address X . Y . Z ., 26 Queen Street , Wol verb amp ton .
nno BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , & c . L Wanted , by a Young Man aged 21 , a REENGAGEMENT . Six years' experience . Good reference . —Address A . J . Espley , Wellington , Salop .
GTATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — ^ Re-engagement wanted by Young ]\ Ian ( siDgle ) aged Ten 26 years , as ' experience MANAGER . or Highest FIRST reference ASSISTA . N No T . care objection of Weir to an & appointment Co ., Wholesale abroad Stationers . —Address , 44 Cable J . S ., Rtrppf T . irATnool .
Young Lady , aged 18 , requires SITUAA TION in Bookseller ' s , Stationery , and Fancy . ' Has K . ' care had of 12 Mr months . Bourn ' experience e , Market . Place Good , likes reference ton . . —
BOOKSELLERSSTATIONERS , and TO FANCY TRADES . —Required , by a Gentleman | entire ASSISTANT of many in charge all years branch of ' or experience a es MANAGER large of the business a trades situation . Qualified , thoroug as attractive SENIOK hl to y tak ^; * 33 up window . —Address dre £ ser P ; . energetic IXPubl and ishers trustworthy ' ; Circular very . Ofhco A £ ea , 188 Fleet Street , London , . ¦— ¦
WELL-EDUCATED Young Lady , November A aged . 21 Has , desires had thirteen a RE months -ENGAGEMENT ' experience in | references willing a Bookseller to give -Address ' s her and services Stationer ' C . J ., ' for care ' s business a year of Mr . . . E Lo xcelien Will vojoy u , 1 The Library , Reading . A
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1882, page 866, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091882/page/30/