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''Sfe r-w- -—,: ;.r:::': ii:;ir-;-(.:i* ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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''Sfe R-W- -—,: ;.R:::': Ii:;Ir-;-(.:I* ...
''Sfe r-w- - — ,: ; . r ::: ' : ii : ; ir- ; - ( .: i * a ; ,.,, ¦ ,, / , _ . .. . .. . .- .,.-..- > ^> . V *^ afsr ^ yl I * ' 1 * 96 The Publishers * Circular Sept . 15 , 18 ? j ^ '¦ ii ? ——¦ — ~ 1
: " ¦ : CONTENTS OF OCTOBER NUMBER Usrpgr's msGazine JPvice One Shilling . ! . ILLUSTR E . A . Abbey ATION FOR 'SHE STOOPS TO ... CONQUER . ' From a Painting Fronti ^ iece by I LABRADOR . Second Paper C . II . Farnham . Illustbations . Drawn by M . J . Burns and A . B . Frost . Fighting A Labrador —Little Mecatina Home—Netting —Drying Seals Nets —A at Seal Sea - — Oil Chateau Furnace Bay — — Winter Wharf Quarters at IIenley —Dog Harbour Teams — Peat Huts—Canoeing among Icebergs—Stop of Herring . A GLASS OF BEER . Illustrations . Drawn by W . P . Snyder , Frank Waller , Mrs . A . S . C . Waller , and C . D . Weldon . Hop-vine—Stripping the Vines—Hop-picking—The Malting Floor—Boiling the Beer—I Filling The Mash the -tub Kegs —Cooling . ; the Lake of Beer—Cooling ; the Beer-fall—The Fermenting Cellar' DIMIDIUM FAOTI . A Poem It . D . Blacxmore . BACK-YARD STUDIES . ... William Hamilton Gibson . Illustrations . Drawn by W . H . Gibson . Head-piece—' Only look at what is to be seen' —Crane ' s-bill and Vetch—Wood-sorrel I expelling its Seed—A Silhouette . EAST ANG-ELS . A Novel . Part X Constance Fenimore Wilson . WHEN EVENING- COMETH ON . A Poem Eobert Burns Wilson . A MODEL STATE CAPITAL . Illustrations . From Photographs by It . S . Delamater , Hartford , and drawn by F . Dielman , J . W . Alexander , and W . C . Fitler . Trinity The College Capitol — — Trinity Centre College Congregational —Joseph Church R . Hawley —George —Stairway Williamson in the Smith Cap , itol President —Bust of of Samuel Clemens , by Karl Gerhardt—Soldiers' and Sailors * Monument—Portion of the Frieze of I I Charles the Soldiers Dudley ' and Warner Sailors ' s ' Monument House—Charles —Samuel Dudley Clemens Warner ' s House —Corner —Samuel of one Clemens end of ' s Music Library -room — in Charles Dudley Warner ' s House—Harriet Beecher Stowe—William B . Franklin . A PRIEST OF DOORQA Phil Robinson . OUR PUBLIC LAND POLICY Veeder B . Paine . THE MESSAGE OF THE ROSE . A Poem . SHE With STOOP 13 Illustrations S TO CONQUER . Drawn by E . . A Par . Abbey t III . Oliyrr Goldsmith , MEXICAN POLITICS T . S . Van Dyke . Portraits . I Porfirio Diaz—Salrator Diaz Miron—Guillermo Prieto . A PURITAN INDEED Mary Gray Morrison . Illustration . Drawn by Frederic Dielman . Tho Excommunicated . WHEN DAY MEETS NIGHT . A Poem Charles W . Coleman , Jun . INDIAN SUMMER . A Novel . Part IV . ... William D . Howells . t EDITOR ' S EASY CHAIR . EDITOR S LITERARY RECORD . EDITOR'S HISTORICAL RECORD . EDITOR'S DRAWER . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEAftLE , &•• RIVINGTON , i Crown Buildings ,. 188 Fleet Street , E . G . » ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' — = d
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1885, page 896, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091885/page/24/