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SAMPSON LOWMAR 8 T 0 N £ GO . 'S LIST . , . ¦ r ' RECENT BOOKS OF TRAVEL . NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF 'THE GREAT LONE LAND / THE CAMPAIGN OF THEiOATAEACTS : being a Personal Narrative of the Great Nile Expedition of 1884-5 . By Colonel Sir W . F . Butuer , K . C . B .. Author of ' The Great Lone Land . ' Lakes "With . Illustrations Demy 8 vo . from cloth Dra extra wings , 1 & j . by Lady Butler ; also a J £ ap of the Nile from the Mediterranean to the Equatorial * * It That has the all the 6 tory grane of those and fascination months of toil of Colonel , an < t hope Butler , and ' s w previous arfare , told bookg by . '— so Pall brilliant Mall a Gazette pen , is full . of interest for those much who already to the value know of its her chief husband events ' s , work it is . '— hardly Mobkixg necessary - Post . to add ; nor need it-be said that Lady Butler ' s illustrations add THE QUEEN'S HIGHWAY 1 SOM OCEAN TO OCEAN . By duced Stdabt by Cumberland the Collotype , F process . B . G . 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Illus-12 * . 6 d . trated , 7 s . 6 d . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEAELE & RIYINGTON , I St . Dunstan's House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , E . C . fcp ' ' ,,,,.. , , , , , ¦ , ,.,,, f gfi
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1887, page 1024, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091887/page/26/