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io 2 d The Publishers' Circular sepu . ifc . t $ fy . — - ¦—_^________ J _ . __——__ - _ - __ , ^^ MaMMMMMB ^^^^ M ^^ M ^ . . . __ . _____
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CHOICE EDITIONS OP CHOICE BOOKS . ILLUSTRATED BY C . W . COPE , R . A ., T . CRESWICK , E . A ., E . DUNCAN , BIRKET FOSTER , J . C . HORSLEY , A . R . A ., G . HICKS , R . REDGRAVE , R . A ., C . STOREHOUSE , E . TAYLER , G . THOMAS , H . J . TOWNSHEND , E . H . WEHNERT , HARRISON WEIR , & c . Royal 16 mo . cloth , extra gilt , gilt edges , 2 s . 6 d . each .. Bloomtield ' s Farmer ' s Boy . Milton s Allegro . Campbell ' s Pleasures of Hope . Poetry of Nature . By Harkisok Weir . Coleridge ' s Ancient Mariner . Rogers' ( Sam . ) Pleasures of Memory . Goldsmith ' s Deserted Village . Shakespeare ' s Songs and Sonnets . Goldsmith ' s Viear of Wakefleld . Songs and Sonnets of Elizabethan Poets . Gray ' s Elegy in a Churchyard . Tennyson ' s May Queen . Keats' Eve of St . Agnes . Wordsworth ' s Pastoral Poems . * Such works are a glorious beatification lor a poefc ; —Athenjeum . London : SAMPSON LOW , MAESTON , SEARLE k RIVINGTON , St . Dunstan ' s House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , E . C .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1887, page 1026, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091887/page/28/