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!» ' ' , : : —1| 1098 The Publishers' Ci...
ZGTTSHEnTIESSS GARDS OP TVKEOILJS ftAT.TC llefogppn, ||)m0irind, atxtr. .^aga^me ^jgpmte, fo.
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!» ' ' , : : —1| 1098 The Publishers' Ci...
!» ' ' , : : —1 | 1098 The Publishers' Circular Sept * $ ,. 1888
Zgttshentiesss Gards Op Tvkeoiljs Ftat.Tc Llefogppn, ||)M0irind, Atxtr. .^Aga^Me ^Jgpmte, Fo.
ZGTTSHEnTIESSS GARDS OP TVKEOILJS ftAT . TC llefogppn , ||) m 0 irind , atxtr . . ^ aga ^ me ^ jgpmte , fo .
E . EARLBOROTTGH & 00 . 31 Old Bailey , E . C . rrsiR / Ms oisr ^ . 3 P £ > XjZo ^ . o ? xo 3 sr .
COWIE & COi 17 GRESHAM STREET , LONDON , E . G . ( JESTA . S % I 8 B : EI > 171 O ) , Export NEWSPAPERS , PERIODICALS , BOOKS , & c . by Earliest Mails to all parts of the World . TERMS UPON APPLICATION .
JOHN J ^ TEWA ^ T , ** PUBLISHERS' BOOKBINDER , *? * 7 S ^ WZEZETTOItT I ^ O"W , BDINBTJRGhH . Estimates and Specimens on application .
CHARLES & GO . PrintersT of | ftetos ^ a ^ ers . ^ ffohs . S ^ rabe Caialorgtug . ' Hakdy 'Thb Shippino Elbctbioal Gxhdk Engineer , ' « Contract , ' ' Contractor Journal , , ' ' & o . LEGAL AND GENERAL PRINTERS . They Scientific have a subjects very large , Art stock subjects of , BNGBAVINGS Natural History , relating subjects . to Engraved Steel Plates , in fine condition . ESTIMA-TES GIVEN" FOB . ALL KINDS OF PBINTINa . 3-39 , 1 . 4 = O Accuracy S ^ LXiXSBtJ and Despatch I ^ * S- guaranteed COtT E . / T , DS-O . AND MAC ' S PLAC 5 B 5 , FETTER LANE , B . C .
TRADE VALUATION . MB . ADAM HOLDEN , 48 CHURCH STREET , LIVERPOOL , branches Having had of the a long Trade and of a varied BOOKSELLER experience and in STATIONER the different offers Probate to Duty undertake , or for the Sale VALUATION or Transfer , of in any any Business part of the for , Country . —Terms ( moderate ) on application . . 48 Church Street , Liverpooi «
W . GRIGGS , I PHOTO AND . CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHER AND CHROMO-COLLOTYPER To the Government op IndiaScience and jLbt Department , and most , of th ! e Learned Societies . Reproductions photographed made for fro Book m any // lustrations subject that Ac can . be , ELM HOUSE . HANOVER STREET , RYE LANE , PECKHAM , LONDON , S . E . foSr
JDOTJC 3-Xj ^ . S & ZFOTTIjIS ' CATALOGUE OF SURPLUS LIBBARY BOOKS ( 52 Pages ) , * Post-free to any address . This List contains upwards of 2 , 000 Works in Qenekal Literature , and over 1 , 000 Rbcent Novbi . 8 in good condition , and offered at gjbeatly Reduced Prices . DOTJGIAS & FOTTLIS , Booksellers and Librarians , 9 Castle Street , Edinburgh .
ESTABLISHED 1848 . ALFRED BOOT & SON , Printers and Lithographers , ' 2 4 OLD BAILEY , E . C Telephone No , 6586 .
> t Ele t »» 79 H KNI ctrotyper »» . HTR »» 1 DER J tytttftft ^ il ., and DOCTORS ^ e Stereoty ^ ' COMMONS Ioq ff » ft fe , E per ? . C , ytft . , i i ¦ ' AND 92 BIACKFRIAR 8 ROAD , 8 . E . \
TO HER MAJESTY jlpBffi ^ W m SCOTLAND . G . W . WILSON & CO . 1 ^ o £ ogrop l ) ers & ^ fyotoQtapfyic ^ tthli ^ ets , 2 ST . SWITHTN STREET , ABERDEEN , KB .
o \ "vsr . nvcozsric , 'gSoo & seller , 9 ST . PHILIPS ROAD , DALSTON , matter Offers his connected Services with and Literature Thirty Tears in its ' Experience Commercial in aspect every , at a very low commission . Books well Supplied bound . or Rare Neatly and Repaired Scarce . Books Every , searched Class of for Periodical . Agent for Sales . Valuations Effected .
£ bearc |) £ 8 and lExtracta mate from anti <® ft topographical 3 & ecortis art * Antiquarian 3 Boobs reported JSooks , WALTER IiOVELL , TEMPLE CHAMBERS , LONDON , I v AND CAMBRIDGE , S ql . icit ' 9 r . and Mkmbkr Law Society of the . Incobpqrated
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 15, 1888, page 1098, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15091888/page/40/