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\ Oct. 15, i88i The Publishers' Circular...
H will Since be found ^ our ^.^^ >^« in ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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I T(Wi E ®Ra Pllw Christmas Jntumber, Wh...
^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ The latest addition to the Penny Reprints of Popular Literature' is an edition of Mrs . Eeecher Stowe ' s ' Uncle Tom's Cabin / published bMrFELongleyof Warwick Lane
This well-known and favourite work is sure to have y a large . . sale . everywhere , and it is now . pl laced aced within witnin the zne reach reacn of or the tne million nuuion . . uonsiaermg Considering the me price urice . it it is is well well printed nrinted , . and and we we
advise p those who have not read ' Uncle Tom ' s Cabin ' to procure , the edition now before , usif au they thor Messrs cannot of . ' Kerb Doroth afford y and y a Comp better Endean ton edition a will story . shortl of y the publish ? 15 . ' ' It White will be and in Red two / volumes by J . It . ' White Henslowe and , ,
Bed' deals with the period of , the Reign of Terror and the insurrection of ' La . Vende ' e / the princi princi pal pal incidents characters being in the mat story ters of . fact They , dul are y recorded also preparing in the a annals cheap of edition the families of c Dorothy of the I
, the Conipton . Rejectors . ' The of same the firm Gospel have examined nearly read in y a The review Larger of the Hope Rev , or . Salvation Samuel Cox for All ' s ' , " including Salvator
Mundi /' ' by the Rev . Thomas , Powell , F . L . S . ; and the fifth edition of the ' G-ospel according to 1 A ) yj Satan & iVCbi-l j / by KfJ kj Standish ut « ii . uii 3 U Grey y ^ A J . vyj ' , , o M . tjl . . x A ^ - . .
publication a variety Among of Mr of charming some . Luks of ' the Christinas Gems most of handsome Photograp Birthday productions hic Wedding Art' we and obtainable have Easter to in cards congratulate the trade cabinets . him They and upon cards include the of
the late President Garfield , Mr 3 . , Garfield , and , President , Arthur ; cabinets ; of the Gladstone ^ famil ^ ^ y a krf ¦ *^^* ' ^ y ; ^ cabinets ^^ ^^ ' ^ ^— ^^ — ¦— after — ^^ — paintings B — —^^ ^ ^ ci —^ ^ in ^ ^ the —^ ^— ^^ Dresden —^ ^^ ^^ ^^ —*^^ gallery ^^ % ~^^<^^ ^ - * - ^ ^^ » ; j ¦ * sets ^^ ^» »^ i ^ of ^^^ ^^ anim v ^^ mai ^ a >^^ al % * v **^ * studies ^^ ^^ ^ tf ^^ b 'fcp ^ fc j ^ ^^^ r i ^ ; h p series -, _ f ^^ # ^^ ^ b *^^ P ^» of ^ , ,- ^ ^^
cats and dogs in various positions ; besides other gems too numerous to mention . A beautiful we wft are are little told told wedding , nave have been been gift sold sold is formed since since publication T b > y ublication a cabinet .. entitled ' A Hamper of Love , ' 4 , 000 of which ,
The Sunday , Times , an old-established musical , theatrical , and sporting journal , having been sold one penny by order . The of the propert Court y of has Chancery been successfull , was issued y managed on the for 2 nd several instant at the by reduced Mr . C . Smith price . of
I The Reading-room at the British Museum is now opened at nine years a . mt . and by the aid of I the electric lightwhich is arranged in an improved form ( Siemens' system , ) under the
-I intendence of Mr , . Barrett , remains open every evening during this month , and succeeding super I winter months till seven p . m .
I In the library of Trinity College , Cambridge , has just been brought to light a hitherto I I John unknown Kendall specimen the Turcopolier of Caxton ' s of printing Rhodes . to It encourag is a ' letter e contributions of indulgence for / carry issued ing in on the 1480 war by
I against the Turks , . , I published Aunt Jud bMessrs y's Magazine . George , edited Bell & b Sons y Miss is Gatt to commence y , which has its new since volume its commencement under the ausp been ices
I of Mr . David y Bogue . Miss Gatty has , secured a strong staff of contributors for her new I volume ¦ including ii hi mi Mrs mmmi . EwingFlora Masson rfi rN Flora . « . Shaw h tfft Mr ; Charles rf H i . Readand 4 brfk Mr .
^^^ B - — - w w « m - ^ v , ^ ' ^ ^ ^^^^ - «^ . - ^^ - ^ ^^^ . ^^ fc ^^^ m ^* r ^^ - v ^^^^^ v v j ^ S , W ^^^ " ^ ^^ ' ^ 'mi ^* ^^ v »* # - ^ r ^ r ^* ^^ ^^» , V ^ w ^^ ^^ ^^ # r ^^ r ^^^ w V w , . « ^ v «^ to v ¦ ¦¦ - ^^ - * ^¦ ^^ «*¦ . ^ ^ i ^ ^^ ¦ (— ^ v ^ ^ " ^^ ^^ V ^ ^ 1 » , W ¦ ^^ Vta ^*^ a » j ^^ I I Awti Stephen Judy H . w Gatty ill make . Mr it . e Caldecott a new start ' s cle in ver life pencil . has been enlisted for the cover , so that
I The Peoplea new qu Conservative weekly , is the venture of the proprietors of the Globe . I Closed shutters , at 150 Fleet Street show that Messrs . C . and E . Lay ton have completed
I the removal to their new premises at the corner of Farringdon Street and Plumtree Court . I j us to Mr stat . George e that Cauldw the fire ^ which ll , trad occurred e manager at of No the . 60 Sunday was not School of such Union a natur , 56 e Old as to . Bailey interfere , requests with
I the business of that institution . ^ H that of ™~ The it *¦»» has A Cobden _ l . l « K > published jJUUJ . Club l . OJLtUU seems . and CUXJ . VA . iss lUO to ued UVyVA hav about < JU e KJ \ J developed \ JL \) 200 jUW j , 000 UVV a book UVUU considerabl | s O , pam J ^ MJJLU p fJ e hlets . J . J . publishing \ J UU , , & VJU V c > , since U 1 X trade 1 W the VJl , J-Vy for prorogation J ^/ J . it VX vgUI is said WAV 11 j
M for exp Parliament a laining further free sum . -trade Mr of . £ princi Thomas 2 , 000 , les to Bay enable and ley exposing Potter tho Club , the M . to P fallacies ., meet is calling the of the further upon reactionary the demand friends movement for of publication fre . e trade
p ^^ m made of ' Messrs Good ^ " " ^ > - * y ^/ . Two - Grifl *¦ •» v / - & Sh r ^ jxx th oes \ -f & \* JhD » / Farran with f ? x ujia an cwax are introduction xjljl about i / i v ^ vi vt ^ to ^ uavaa issue b ^"^ y -7 a Charles ^ " JLAC fac - simile ^ - ' *^ Welsh * * v ^^ reproduction . k ? a * . . # ji It . w am is to vv ^ of be r * ** v the - * printed !* ' ¦*¦ edition ¦*•**¦ ¦ j ^^ v * on * - *** of . hand ajl 1766 ^ uiava . -
flowery paper and . gilt A Dutch few cop pattern ies will . be Fro don m e the up in specimen an exact copy reproduction which has , by been hand submitted , of the ori to ginal us
we judge that it will be a dainty little book .
\ Oct. 15, I88i The Publishers' Circular...
\ Oct . 15 , i 88 i The Publishers' Circular 88 3 iii 1 V ^ i —¦—i—~~— ^ ^ >^—— . ~ - - ^ ^ __^^«^ ^ , —^ ^ . ^ - — rw- ¦¦ m- ^^^~ - ^ m ^ j- ^ ¦ m ¦ ^^ m ii _ _
H Will Since Be Found ^ Our ^.^^ >^« In ...
will Since be found our in ft last A > 4 b the publication New Book \ J the List following : — Publishers have issued books , full titles of which
H ^^ . ^^ >_^« , , % / JL JL V ^ > Jw ^ ^^ T T JLmm *\^ A * . J iBJLkJ ^ * ^ ^^ S _ laxm e 8 ^ ^ O © (^ ssrs » by . J a - . Flagman Bell A . . Sons Compositions . —Compositions designed from from the Work the Tragedies s and Days of and JEsch Theogony ylus , by J of .
-P an . IVtessrs . R , Bentley A . Son . —Kith and Kin , a Novel , by J . Fothergill , 3 vols . I I W * « - ? tson * ** new Casseil edition Petter Cassell Oalpftn ' Book A . of Co S . — ports Illustrated and Pastimes Book of Sacred CasselFs Poems Book , of by Indoor J . D .
, . s . I 1 f ^^^ f aements 10 * * - Ca . ^ Biograp tto A . hy Wlndus of D . . Cox —The . Genial Showman , by E . P . Kingston . The Leaden I ih fte £ > b ^ - A . W . Hunt . A Life ' s Atonementa Novel , by D . C . Murray . Hours with
¦ JL I ^^ layers ^ , ^ y , for by D Promoting . Cook . A ; Treatis Cnrlstian e on Wood Knowledg Engraving , re . —Ang , b lo y - W Saxon . A . Chatto Britain . , by A . Grant . ,, ^ ¦
_ . . , , , ,.. ..... ^ y , ^^^^^^ Bi
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1881, page 883, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101881/page/11/