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fTC !885 Th e Publishers' Circular loc>4...
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?Dams (W. H. D.)—Child-Life And Girlhood...
RAnertor 600 Sermons lam for Oratorefl all the Sundays Sacrl and : containing Holidays of Outlines the Eccle of - also for other solemn occasiCompiled
from oiastical the Year Works , of distinguished Preachers ons . of different Aces 8 vols and . 8 vo Nations . ( Dublin by , Gill the ) Re pp v . . 1620 Herman , 21 s Hueser Simpkin . New [ edit 4739 .
Reynolds of Constantin ( GK ople W . . M With . )—The 41 Illustration Loves of the s by Harem P . Gilbert : a Tale and H Anelay . 8 vo . pp . 346 , sewed , 6 d . { Dicks' English Dicks Novels [ 4740 )
Reynolds Slave of England ( G . W- . M With . )—The 12 Illustrations Seamstress ; by or , H the . Anelay White , 8 vo . pp . 212 , sewed , 6 d . { Dicks * English Novels ) Dicks [ 4741
Bichardson Preventive Medicine ( B . W . . )— 8 The vo . pp Fiel . 1010 d of , 25 Disease a . Macmillan : a Book [ 4742 of Written if f VVV & IV J for about V VfVV the intelligen the w * wwv « diseases rvv ^ u r-v t r m eading v ^ of ww 1 / the w V \ M public m human * IWVVU who W I m \ J ^ may § 1 VKV \ M wish t-V ( Uff
causes to know , and prevention , ; divided into family three , books their , general and local of dispases the , acquired disease * , and a
practical of disease summary . origins , causes , and preventions Riches Questions ( A in . ) — Grammatical Public Examination Analysis . Grammar Post 8 vo . : including . 1962 s
pp Relfe [ , 4743 . Ringer 8 vo . pp . ( S 680 . )— , 15 A s Handbook of Therapeutics . lOfch Lewis edit . , [ 4744 post
Roe sewed ( E , . Is P . . { ) Star —His Series Sombre ) Rivals . 12 mo . pp . Warne 282 , Is . [ 4745 6 d . ; Rolfe ¦ ( CC )—Ecclesiastical •" ivt /\ Dilapidations o-f Ma \ M » m » ^ i With f a i # Preface l & J .
MV 1 AV \ ^^ m . . — w"w * . ww *» , »^ ,- ^^* . ,. 2- * * v vavu . » a . uu ^ . x * WVV ^ sias by Oliv tical er Dilapidations A . Fry , and an Act Appendix . 8 vo . ( Oxford containing , Vincent the ) pp Eccle . 86 , - 3 s . 6 d Simpkin [ 474 $
Rosslyn ( Earl )—Sonnets . 12 mo . Blackwood pp . 116 , 5 s . & Sons [ 4747 Rule of the Road at Sea . Revised edit . 12 mo . ( Portsmouth . Griffin ) pp . 64 la . 6 d Simpkin [ 4748
Russell pp . 110 , ( Is Lady . 6 d R . )—Life of , by P . P . G . Sonnenscheiri Guizot . Post [ 474 8 vo 9 . Sadler Quest . ( S Post . WO 8 vo — . The 3 sand Pirate 3 s ' 6 s d Creek : a Story of Treasure
. . . . A story of sea adventures Christian in the Knowledge West Indies Society during [ the 4750 later part of the tighteenth century .
Saltire 8 vo . pp ( . M 470 . )— , 21 Holland s . Translated by Anvers . Remington . 2 vols [ 4751 . cr , Bayce ( A . H . ) — The Ancient Empires of the East : dices Herodotus . 8 vo . I . pp , III . 506 . , "With 16 s . Notes , Introductions Macmillan , and Appen [ 4752
-Schaff English ( P Version . )—A Companion . With facsimile to the Greek Illustrations Testament of MSS and . and the Standard 530 , 12 s Editions of the New Testament . Macmillan Post 8 vo [ . 4753 pp .
SchafF With ( Illustrations P . )—Popular and Commentary Maps . 4 on vols the . Vol New . 4 Tes , roy tament . 8 vo * . ( Edinburgh , Clark ) pp . 504 , 18 s Hamilton [ 4754
Schiller With Notes ' s Song and of Vocabul the Bel ary l , and by Moritz other Poems Poerster and . 12 Ballads mo . 2 s . . Scholar — " and wuvrau , * (\ M The . MJ . X ) 3 ) : m a Ot Monthly iU . UItWUljr Educational . UlUlAV / tliUJLlSUCU Wil P X liam aper »| K : i s & for 1 U 1 N . School kJUJLJU [ 4755 « l J
Home . Vol . 2 . 4 to . Is Hughes [ 4756 8 cience who are of preparing Food : for a Text the - Governmen Book specially t and adapted other Examina for those - tions —v , «» o ji in » Domestic AJVtJU . C 8 l . JU 5 Economy JJiUUIUJLUJ . . With YY 11 U Examinatio JZiJimJUlUiJUULU n U Questions V ^ UC 3 tjlU > H 3
by L . M . C . Post 8 vo . pp . 126 , Is . 6 d Bell & S . [ 4757 Scott PP by . M 58 ( . 8 Sir Rion , 10 W s , . Adrien 6 . )— d Ivanhoe Marie : , F a . Romance Lix , and . H . With Ward Scott Illustrations . & Roy L . . [ 4758 8 vo .
Seeley of Lectures ( J . R . . )— Post The 8 vo Expansion . pp . 314 , , 4 of s . 6 England d Macmillan . Two Course [ 4769 Severne 3 Illustrate f } - 6 d ( d Harleigl by Harry *)— Furniss Chums . : New a Tale edit for , post the Griffith 8 Youngsters vo . pp . [ 47 312 G 0 , .
Bhaw 18 ( C . )—Something for Snnday . 2 nd series J . F . . Shaw 4 to . sewed [ 4761 , Bhipton p eople ¦ " ' ( Library jji Helen ) ) —A Six Christian Months * Friend . Post 8 vo . 4762 k Is .
> - A reli --, ( ' sf gion : ory s a upon for urury , working rugged ) natu ' vjuriHuian men res , . exhibitin Knowledge ji ^ riowieago g the influen Society aocicty ce [ {< of Bilk © ( I ,. C . ) -Little Queen MabPost 8 vo . 148 laCd
. . pp Caasell , [ . 4763 . A Tale reprinted from Little Folks . Wtwell ( 8 . M )—Ladof RtOaenPost 8 vo 13 and la 4 d
A tale ctf . Guernsey y Ohrlatian of . tfu time Know . of King ledge . John Society . . [ 4764 . . s ™ ner ( J ) -Life and Timea of the RevJohn Slcinner of
ijmh Walker art . , p T . ^ ongalde t 8 vo . , pp Bean . 254 of , 4 Aberdeen s . By . Skefflngrton the Rev . Willinm [ 476 C
tf & waawt ( Hftwley )—Hard Lines , 3 vole , poet Chapman 8 vo . 81 s . [ fid 4766 .
Sm 2 nd ith edit ( O , post 0—An 8 vo Elementary . pp . 352 , 7 s . 6 Treatise d . on Macmillan Conic Sections [ 4767 .
Smith E . Caaella ( J . )— and The N Bahy . Casella ' sDebut . 4 to . Illustrated . sewed , Is . by J ) e G la . A Rae . Konstam [ 4768 Smith tions by ( S . the T . A ) Author — tale The of . Fairy enchantment 4 to . Horse sewed . , told Is With in verse numerous De . la Rue Illu [ stra 4769
-Spiers 2 nd edit 'Blunt , post )— 8 vo Three . 3 s Letters on the Horse Ridgway and Donkey [ 4770 . Starry Square 16 Heavens mo . 2 s . 6 d ( The ) : a Poetical Birthday Chatto Boole [ 4771 .
Statutes 47 th Years . Public of the General Reign of Statutes Her Majesty pa ? sed Queen in the Victoria 46 th and boards 1883 , with , 7 s a copious Index , Tables , & c Roy Eyre . 8 vo & . S pp . . [ 4772 534 , ,
Sterndale edit . 12 mo . ( pp R . . 434 A . ) , — boards The , Af 28 ghan Knife : a Chatto Novel . [ 4773 New St German ick to . thy Post Last 8 vo . , ( and Jd . Christian other Stories Knowledge . Adapted Society from [ 4774 ttie
Stortnonth Pronouncing ( , J Etymological . )—A Dictionary , and of Explanatory the English ; embracing Language , a Scientific Copious and Selection other of Terms English , numerous Words . Familiar The Pronunciation Terms , and ,
carefully sewed , 2 s . revised ( published by monthly Rev . P . H ) . Phelps . Blackwoods Part 1 . roy . [ 4775 8 vo . Stuart 28 . 6 d . and CEsme 3 s ')—Lia : . Christ a Tale ian of Knowledge Nuremberg Society . Post [ 4776 8 vo .
A tale of the Jewish and Christian life in the fifteenth century . Sylvia trations ' s of Book of new Macr and & original md Lace Designs : containing With complete
Illus-Instructions many for Working , Choice of Materials . , and Suggestions for their Adaptation . 12 mo . pp . 98 , Ward sewed & , Is L . . [ 4777
Tait atid ( Collects W . )—The . Post Bible S and ro . 5 the s Church ; or , Lesson Hamilton Teachings [ 4778 Tale of the / Fifteen ( A Christian ) . in favour Post 8 Knowledge vo of . the 6 d . Old Society [ 4779
^ 4 5 / ory o ^/ t « Rebellion Pretender in 1715 . Taylor Illustrated ( Jan by e and Kate Ann G- )—Little Ann Printed , and in other Colours Poem bv * .
Edmund Evans . 8 vo . pp reenaway . 64 , boards . , 5 s ... Boutledge [ 4780 Temple ( Crona )—A Valley Christian of Diamonds Knowledge «\ , Post Society 8 vo . Is [ 478 . 6 d 1 .
showtng ^ 1 « account ichat of a good curate may \^ * s life AW be done in , . »_«_« a ^» by manufacturing V * v faith ^ K |^ V *^ and ^>^«> ' * ' ^^ W perse ^ town ^ * - , ^ verance .
Thackeray ( Works , Vol . ( 1 W ) . . Sro M . . ) pp — . Vanity 468 , 10 s Fair . 6 d . . . . New Smith edit & . E . Vol [ 4782 . 1 Thorns and Tangles 122 : the Story of Bertie Cassell Graf ton 4783 ' s
Troubles . 12 mo Reprinted . pp . , fro Is m Little Folks . [ Tyndall ( "W . )—Life of . By F . L . Clarice . Post 8 vo . pp .
136 136 . Is Is . . 66 d d Sonnensc Sonnenschein hein [[ 4784 4784 , Vi Poeticvm gftusfion Boreale ( G . ) and The Powell Poetry ( of F . the York Old ) — Northern Corpvs
tury Tongue . Edited , from , the Classified . Earliest , and Times Translated to the ; Thirteenth with Introduc Cen- - tion tion . Excursus Excursusand and Notes Notes . . 2 2 vols vols . . 8 8 vo vo . . pp pd . . 1396 1396 , , 42 42 ss ..
Violin , and How , , to Master It , By a Trowde Professional [ 4785 Player . 7 th edit . 12 mo . sewed , Is Jarrold [ 4786
Virgil by A . ' Sidgwick s iEneid . . 12 Book mo . pp IX . . 80 Edited , Is . 6 d , . { with l * itt Press English Series Kotes ) , Cambridge "Warehouse [ 4787
Virgil for the —Selections use of Schools from . , by Edited Evelyn , with S . Notes Shuck and barprh Vocabulary . 18 mo . p ¦ dd p . . 224 224 . Is Is . . 6 6 d d . . ({ Eleinentarv Elementary Classics Classics ) ) Macmillan Macmillan [[ 4788 4788
, Wale 1701 to ( H 17 . . % J . . )— 8 My vo . 1 Grandfather 2 s . 's Pocket-Book Chapman , from [ 478 A . n D .
Walton Necds containing ( H- O— Graphic Every Day Information Wants : a and Book Explicit of Ev Receipts ery Day Everything Wantinto be Known JlV 4 »» l «« 12 JI mo M »/ t 236 wf Is
Mil on jli V V * Jf » "Jl * J » f 5 •» «»*«« l # iJ-i ( g £ Lnj «^ V * V ^ . «» . pp J- ' D f . " n , [ 4790 »« . . Warne ' s Floral Ivorino Text-Books . 9 sorts . 32 mo . la . « ci . Warne C * 7 !) l
Warner Stories . ( Post Anna 8 vo )— . Mother . 1702 ' s s . Queer Gd Tilings ; or Nisbot , a B « 1 \ gr 1 V of 2 pp , Warner ( S . )—Stephen , M . D . Post 8 vo . pp . 490 Kis — , 3 be s . _ t 6 tr [ 1793 .
A / ietigioui story . ^ Webb Woman ( Bp ' s Work . of i Gh » tho -ahamstown Mission Fiel ) d — of Sisterhood the Church Life . Po and * t _ _ _ ^ — . . Skeflf r- «* ttrm tngton _ . a- riT 7 94
8 vo . pp . 90 , 2 s . 6 d ., C * Webb of the ( Hol Bp y . of Spirit Qrahamiitown . 4 th edit , post ) — 8 The vo . pp Pres . 180 « n , co 3 s an . 6 < d l . Office
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Ftc !885 Th E Publishers' Circular Loc>4...
fTC ! 885 Th e Publishers' Circular loc > 4 ^ -
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1883, page 1003, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101883/page/19/