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MR . MURRAY'S FORTHCOMINB WORKS . The Cruise of the IVlarchesa to Kamschatka and Uew Guinea . With . Notices of Formosa and Liu-kin and Tarious Islands of the Malay Archipelago . By P . H . Persia II . Guillemabd and , MJ ) . " \ 7 ith the numerous Illustrations Persians . 2 vols . 8 - By the Hon . s . G . w . The Ben * JAMDf Rise , late Minister of of the the United States British to the Court of Power Persia . With Illustrations in the 8 vo . East . By ilahommedan the late Hon Periods . Mountstuabt . Edited by Elfhinsto Sir Edwabd ne Colebbooke . Being a continuation , Bart . With of Ma his ps History . 8 vo . of India in the Hindoo and The Struggle of the Bulgarians for National Independence Alexander . Translated : A . Military from and the Poli German tical History of Major of A the . Von War Htjkn between . With Bulgaria Map . 8 Crown nd Seivla 8 vo . in 1885 , under Prince The Ministry of Fine Art to the Happiness of Life . By T . Gambibii Parry , M . A . 8 vo . , CONTENTS : pl Minist 'kposi : a of nd Flne pbactige Art to of Common ftne art Life . . art Medieval and aht 1 . sts of glass ^ paintin g , axclent and Ministry ry op Fise Art to Spiritual Life . Adornment op Sacred , Buildings . Ministry of Colour to Sculptuue asd Architec- Akt in Archjeol ^ xsy . TUHK . BUILDEBS AND BU 1 LDIKGS OF THE CATHEDRAL AT GlOUHistv . » ky of Mosaic , Ancient and Christian . -J cester . The respond HayV ence of the ^ late a rd A . Hayv L vaeu ette , Q . C ., Ife rs 34 to - Being J , With an a Account Selection of his Earl from y Life . the By Hen Cor ry B - Caulisle . 2 vols : Crown 8 to . " The Consulting Architect - Practical Notes 1 on Adminisiratlve DiflBcullies . By Robert Kkrr , Author of * The English Gentleman's House & c . Crown 8 vo . CONTENTS : Consultation Arbitration Casks A 5 n > . Evidekce . Lea Samtary sehold XJasks Questions . . Axcikkt Q Easements uestion Lig of . hts Structuii . al Damage . Thd Buildin Question Building g s Q of uestion Valuation Act . M . !¦ . Questions op Support . Architects * Disputes A 5 o > Etiquette . England ' s Case against Home Rule * . By A . v . Dkky Law of , M the . A . Constitution , Vinerian Professor * & c . Crown of law 8 vo in . the University of Oxford , Fellow of All SoulsCollege , Author of The England ' s Chronicle in Stone : Derived from Persoiial through Observations the Imperial of Island the Cathedrals . By James , Churches F . Hunneweli , Abbeys .. , Monasteries With Illustration , Castles s , , Medium and Palaces 8 vo . , made in Journeys - The Great Silver River : Notes of a few Months' Residenee tions . iu 8 vo the . Argentine Republic . By Sir Hoiu . ce Rumbold , Bart ., British Minister at Athens . With Illustra-The Wisdom of Edmund Burke : Being Selections Crown from his 8 vo Speeches . and Writings , chiefly bearing upon Political Questions . By Edward Alloway Pankhurst . Old tions tic ; its English aud Makers 2000 and Facsimiles Marks . of By Plat Plate Wilfred Marks e J . Medium Z Cripps Ecclesiastical , 8 M vo . A . ., F . S . A . Third , Decorative and Revised Edition , and With Domes 104 Illustra - Dean Hook , ' s Church Dictionary : A Manual of Reference for Clergymen and Students . A New Edition , thoroughly Revised . Edited by Waxter Hook , M . A ., and The T W . It Early . W . Stephens , M Military . A . Medium 8 ro . Life of General Sir George Cheaper . Napier Edition . Written . Portrait by Himself . Post for 8 to . his Children . Edited by his Son , General WM . O . E . Natiek . A New and A Readable Dictionary of the English Language The . By main Da purpose . vtd Milnb of thia , M . work A . 8 ro Is . to provide for those who either do not get a classical education , or who are mero knowled beginners ge of the in derivatives the study of from Greek these and languages Latin , an easy common , interesting in English , and . instructive method of acquiring a thorough The EtOIl Horace- Part I . —The Odes and Epodes . With Notes to the Odes , Book I . By P . W . Cohnish , M . A ., Assistant Master at Eton College . Crown 8 vo . French taining Hinta on PrillCipia Translation of English into . French Par , the t Principal III . — Rules Prose of the Composi French Syntax tion compared . with Con - English 12 mo . 4 , * and . Qd . a Systematic Course of Exercises on the Syntax . By - Dr . Brkttjc , French Master at Christ's { Hospital Heady . . ^ JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle Street . }
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1886, page 1247, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101886/page/25/