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iaiS^- 0^, 1886 ['^ '; J^^ mttm **Mm
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Iais^- 0^, 1886 ['^ '; J^^ Mttm **Mm
iaiS ^ - 0 ^ , 1886 ['^ '; J ^^ mttm ** Mm
MESSRS . MACMILLAN & CO . 'S LIST . - — ¦ . 1 I NEW NOVELS . H - , ¦ : —; r- h BY THE AUTHOR OF ' JOHN INGLESANTV SIR Shorthousb PERCIVAL . Crown $ - : a Story of the Past and , of the Present . By John ¦ v' Henry ' "" .. ; ' : NfiZERA .: a Tale of Ancieat Roni 9 . Bj John W . Graham . 2 vols . 8 vo . 24 s . K A NORTHERN ^ LII | T . Five Year 3 of an . Uneventful Life . By Joanna Harrison . 3 vols . crown 8 vo . 3 i # * 6 d . A MODERN TELE B 9 EA . CHU NOVEL 3 . BY By MjSS Charlotte YONGE M . Yonqe , Author of < The Heir of Redolyffe' < fcc 2 vols . crown 8 vo . 12 * . NEW NOVEL BY MR . HENRV JAMES . THE American PRINCESS , ' The Europeans C ' & A . S A . M ls . crown A . SSIMA 8 vo . 31 * . 6 . . By Henry James , Author of / The A NEW NOVEL BY FAYR MADOC . M AttGARET JERTSIINE . By Fayr Madoo , Author of « Th » Story- of Melicent . ' 3 vola . Crown 8 vo . 3 U . 64 . I < MACMIIiZtAJST'S e ] - ^ OriTJLAn NO VELS . JSre w Vol ume . LIVING OR DEAD . By Hugh Conway , Author of < Called Back , ' * A Family , ACEair / & c . Popular Edition . Crown 8 vo . 6 * . - > : __ ___ _ , THE ODYSSEY OF H 0 ME 3 R TRA . WSLA . TED INTO ENGLISH : VERSE . Books I .-XII . By the Bight Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon . Crbwa Svc . 7 s . 6 d . I , EARLY LETTERS OP THOMi-S CAULYLE . fedifced by Ca \ Rt , E 3 Eliot Kortox . 2 vols . with Two Porbralbs . Crown 8 ro . 13 s . tin a fete days . I HISTORY OF NAPOLEOW I . By P . Laotrey . A Translation made with th . 9 8 anctioa of tha A . atb . or . New and Popular Elitioti - 4 vola « Gtowa 8 vo . SOs . I DAYS WITH SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY . From the Spectator . I With numerous Illustrations by Hugh : Thomson . Extra gLlb , small 4 to . 6 a . t [ November 2 . j J ? rofu 8 elij \ IlliM , strated by Randolph , Caltlecott . , OLD CHET 8 TMa . S AND BRA . CEBRID & E HILL . By Washc ^ on Irving . With numerous Illustrations by Bandolph Caldboott . Aa EMUon de Luxz oa fine paper . Royal 8 vo . 21 * . 1 [ November 2 . JUBILEE EDITION OF THE ' . PICKWICK PAPERS . THE POSTHCJMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB . In By 2 Charles vols . extra Dickens crown . 8 Vo With . 21 * . Notes and namaroa 3 Illustration * . Elite 1 by 0 u . irlb 3 Dickevs I Nearly fcha TTounflfer ready . . i MADAGASCAR : an Historical and Descriptive Aacosmfc of tL 9 Island and its for M : ap mer 3 . Dependencies 2 vols . medium . Compiled Bvo . by Captain S . PAStrifiLu OLi 7 aa , F . 3 . A .., F . R . Q . S ., lata Royal Artillery [ Immediately . With . DISEASE Ar Cliaical my Medical Med S lcina OF 8 ohool In the . TROPICAL A By . r Soj M ^ idioil eon-Qaneral S ^ nool W Ne CLTBI . tb 0 . 7 Af Hj 3 \ OkKAtf pifcj A , L . TES C M « . D v . / , a O . . vo B . L . , tOi formerly 3 cbures . 6 i . Profe del 3 sor ivered of ¦< Military ¦ at the and my , MAN'S KNOWLEDGhE OF MA . N AND OP GOD . Being the Dublin Doaella . n Crown Lectures 8 vo for . 6 1885 j . . By Richard Tuaveu 3 Smith , Ticar of St . Birtliolainew ' s , and Canon of St . Fatrlok ' 8 > TE ACHER ' S COMPANION TO « MA-CMILLAN'S PRO & RES-8 IVB GERMAN COURSE . ' ? Firef aad * Second' Years . By G . E . Fasxacht . Extra , fcp . 8 vo . 4 s * % d . each . MRS . MOLES WORTH'S STORY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN . In crown 8 vo . 4 * . Qd . oacn , witli Plcbnrea by Walter Orme . Trj Little Waifs . | Christmas-Treo Liwicl . | * TTa . ' I Four Winds I Just ready Farm ^ . . ' In ^ Globe 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . each , wifch Plcfciiroa by "WAtTBa Oit . vTK . ' « C osy arrots . . ' i | Hew Tell Ma Baby a Sfc . ory . I I araxidm The Cuato ^ tlior o Clock Dear . . A The Christ Tapestry mas CMld Eoora . . , MACMILIjAN < fe CO ., London . i ^ ^ ' fl j - >
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1886, page 1249, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101886/page/27/