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I ' < II : ' I 254 The Publishers' Circular Oct . 15 , 18 S 6
i SAMPSON LOW , MARSTOH ,, & CO . 'S NEW BOOKS . i Memoirs of Napoleon and M arie Louise . By ' Madame Dur _ nd , one of the First Ladies of the EmpressMarie Louise . Crown 870 . 7 s . 6 d . < ¦ : ! PhelDS { Samuel ) . Life and Li fe Work of Samuel Phelps . . I By W . Maf Phelps and John Forbbs-Rcxbertson . ' Demy 8 vo . with Portraits , cloth extra , 12 s . I The History of Norway - By Prof . Hjalmar Boyesen . I 12 mo . fully Illustrated , 7 s . 6 d . The Bopk Fancier ; or , The Romance of Book Collecting . By P _ acr Fitzgebald , Fcp . 8 vo . cloth extra , * bevelled boards , 5 s . t 1 The , FajT Interior : a Narrative o ^ ' Travel ' and Adventure , from the Cape of G-ood Hope , across the Zambesi , to the Lake Regions of Central Africa . By Walter J ^ ontagu KerA , C . E ., E . R . G . S . Illustrated with Sketches by the Author , engraved by Mr . J . IX Cooper and others , and containing a carefully-prepared Map from a special Survey by the Author . 2 vols . Demy 870 . cloth , 32 * . Now ready , in 2 vols . demy 8 vo . cloth , 325 . Three t " housancJ Miles through Brazil . By James W . KVelxs , M . Inst . C . E ., F . R . G . S . A Narrative of the Scenes and Incidents of a long Journey in the Interior , in carrying out Surveys of the Valleys of the Rio Paraopeba and the u Upper Rio Sao Francisco , and in Travels and Explorations that extended from Rio de Janeiro i 1 to Maranhito . With Maps and Illustrations . NEW NOVELS AT THE LIBRARIES . A Bird Of Passage- By Mrs . B .-M . Croker , Authoress of ' Proper Pjfide / * Pretty Miss Neville , ' * Some One Else . ' 3 vois . Crown 8 vo . 31 * . 6 c ? . John WestaCOtt i ¦ I a Novel . By James Baker . 3 vols . Crown 8 vo | 31 s . 6 d . Half-Way : an Anglo-French Romance . By Miss Bethami Edwahds , Author of ' Kitty / * Dr . Jacob , ' 'The White House by the Sea / & c . 2 vols . Crown 8 voL 2 Is . , Clare OJF Claresmede : a Romance . By Charles Gibbon , Author of r Robin Gray , ' « By Mead and Stream / ' Queen of the Meadow / & c . 3 vols . Crown 8 vo . 31 ^ . 6 d . I . NEW NOVEL BY JEAN INGELOW . ' John Jerome : his Thoughts and Ways . A Book without John Beginning / & c . ., i Crown By Jean 8 vo . Ing cloth blow 5 s , . Author Issued of in ' LOWS Off the STANDARD Skelligs / ' Sarah NOVELS de Berenger / ' Don j 1 Saint UregOry ' S Guest ( , and Recent Poems . SERIES By . John ) j Greenleaf Whittibr . Fcp . 8 vo . parchment , 5 s . i . CaldeCC ^ tt ( Randolph — . — - ) . A Personal Memoir of his Early hitherto Art Career unpublished . ~ By Hbnry . Square Blackburn 8 vo . cloth . With extra , 170 14 a . Illustrations , nearly one hundred { Nearly of read which y . price copies The One only Memoir Guinea will he ! has printed been , on compiled fine paper with , forming the consent an Editio and n assistance do luxe suitable of his for representatives a Christmas . present A few , Besides the Jiumorous sketches which appear on nearly every page of this Memoir , the volume Mtherto contains numerous unpublished facsimiles . of Caldeoott ' s Paintings , modelling and designs for decoration London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVTNGTON , I Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . O . " , | ^ i .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1886, page 1254, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101886/page/32/