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ii56 The Publishers' Circular Oct 1. - *...
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Ii56 The Publishers' Circular Oct 1. - *...
ii 56 The Publishers' Circular Oct 1
. - * 3 > * 00 «
• r JDemy 8 ro . Fine toned paper . * \ I With Portrait of the Kingmaker an < J a valuable Collection of Navill sialsJ 1 Full cloth gilt , price of 10 * the . 6 d Most . Prepared Hon . William from Ori Nevill ginal , Manuscripts Marquess of , Abergavenny and . published . , uiider ^ the patronage I I DE NOVA VILLA ; OR , THE HOUSE OF NEVILL IN SUNSHINE AND SHADE , By HZEHNTI ^ Y J " . SW-AXjIjOW , RECTOR OF HAWTHORN . 1 Mr . Swallow has been well advised in publishing this valuable history . He has spent several years in independent research in order to make his work worthy of the great house of which it treats . 'Antiquary . * A handsome volume of national and historical interest , filled with curious illustrations of the manners of old time/—Gttjakdian . 1 "De Nova Villa " has merits which cannot in justice be passed over/—Athenjeum ^ ' " De Nova Villa" will be gladly welcomed by the reading public , inasmuch as no other continuous account of the family of Nevili exists . '—Sib John Maclean . ' A good account of the Nevills will be a valuable addition to historical literature . '—James Anthony Fhotjde . * The annals of the House of Nevill could scarcely be dull in any form . Mr . Swallow has collected so much material that he has been obliged to suppress a great deal to prevent his book from becoming too costly . '—Academy . * When the annals of the House of Nevill are told in the attractive manner in which Mr . Swallow has feelings told . — them Journal they acquire of the a B greater ritish Archaeological hold on our memory Association , and possess . a deeper fascination over our ' Mr . Swallow ' s vivacity and humour have carried him through a difficult task . He has succeeded in making a family history into an extremely readable book , without the sacrifice either of accuracy or fulness of treatment . '—Yorkshire Post ,. . ' Interesting alike to the antiquarian and the general reader . '—Walford ' s Antiquarian . * Marked by wide reading and research , and compiled in a very graceful and agreeable manner . 'Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archjeological Society . ' It is a book full of interest , executed with taste and judgment , and is thoroughly good reading . 'Newcastle Journal . ' Vastl It is onl y interesting y with regret , and that quite the as reader attractive finds as himself anything face in L to ytton face . ' with —North the las Star t . e of the volume . for the work is most captivating from beginning to end . '—Oldham Chronicle . pag 'It is the roll-call of all the Nevills , from . Richard de Nova Villa , at Hastings , to Horace John INevill 4 In , who every received respect a the medal book in is the unusuall Zulu y War well . '— done Tunbridge . '—Newcastle Wells Chronicle Advertiser . . * The plates aro extremely valuable , and well worth the price of the book . '— "Warwick Adverts i-k •" IMPORT Volume ANT having NOTICE bee . n — nccidentall Tlie Original y destroyed I'lates , ichlcH no further tvere speciall ies y of engraved the Hook , to illustrate can be issu tfn * >( * after the , j > resent Edition of 75 O Copies , alread , y inore than cop half exhaustedf is sold out-Second Thousand . Price 6 c ? . The BATTLE of NEVILL'S CROSS Reprinted from 'DE NOVA VILLA . ' Tho only reliable detailed description of this Battle accessible to the general reader-London : GRIFFITH , FAKRAN , OKEDBN , & WELSH , I West Corner of St . Paul ' s Churchyard , JE . C . J
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1886, page 1256, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101886/page/34/