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L5> !886 Tke Publishers 1 Circular I2 63
l 5 > ! 886 Tke Publishers Circular I 2 63
LETTS'S DIARIES , 1887 . — . —??«»?»?»»»?» ¦ Messrs . CASSELL & COMPANY , Limited , beg to notify to the Trade that the Rough and Commercial Editions for 1887 of the original land unrivalled Letts ' s Diaries are \ now ready for publication , and that \ ihe Office and Pocket Editions will \ be ready early in November . Order Sheets containing Terms , and Catalogues , may be had on application . I To ensure early delivery , Orders should be forwarded at once to I CASSELL & COMPANY , Limited , La Belle Sauvage Yard , Ludgate Hill .
I A NEW DEPARTURE IN BOOKBINDING . [ WILLIAM G . STONEHAM S CO . ( Limited ) , Wihohsnh & < # 2 p 0 rt ^ oixnh- ^ oahstlUxz $ ^ aoWxxibtxB , PEAR TREE COURT ( opposite ray st . > FARRINGDON ROAD , E . C . HAVE EEADY TO SUBMIT TO THE TRADE TUEIIi ' BRITISH PELLISFORT BINDING' ( PROTECTED ) . Books in this style zvill be a feature for CHtUSTM & S hUB BIBTHBAY FBESENTS , Tennysorij wi th T welve P erma n ent Ph oto g rap h s b y N ow P rocess , avoiding Mounting , in Pellisfort Morocco . - - . . . 17 s . 6 d . Ditto , Six Photographs . « 138 . 9 d . VERY ^ SLDEDO ^ l- ^ STT ^_ 3 ST 3 I > GjETJ ^& rTJEi . h _