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I l886 The Publishers 7 Circular 1254 7 ...
_ -23T The Editor will be greatly oblige...
Thf Smallest Complete Shakspeare.— Hie p...
< THE FAR INTERIOR/ * It is the privileg...
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Dancing, Novels, And The Drama, Have Bee...
II II II """ n book ] Ore / by beca gay me coveis a famil than y possession — by contents , and , it A was prize a
¦ II II II use 1 Tiity L 1 ' * - 'P OL of to i It lose ts " 1111 influence the XI * C ' opportunit J - ^ - " . There JL XJ . VIJ . y of was TT € m *? _ ¦ aking J no -XV widespread T . JL . the V-. V / i- £ SJ most _ VC » V * .
I taste for what was absolutely evil . The very cheap literature chiefly popular in the lower
I classes was seldom actually immoral . The I lending * _ ¦ £ _ J library w a-nd the village reading-room
[ I stood foremost as the means of promoting sound reading . A labourer would seldom read a
pamphlet or a leaflet , but he would read , or listen to the reading of , a newspaper , and that
siK '" ested the localisation of good sound-hearted papers . The Church had to become all things
to all men , and to reach them through the novelthe talethe magazineand the news-, , ,
jkiper . We may be permitted to add to these
remarks the reiteration that at present there is a very great deal being done by societies
and private firms working in the direction spoken of at the Congress . The best support
that the Church could give to enterprise of this description would be by helping to establi ¦ sh
libraries in every town and village in the kingdom , and , better still , by encouraging local
booksellers to form book societies , so that ever } - household might in time possess its store
of useful volumes . ______ -K __
I L886 The Publishers 7 Circular 1254 7 ...
I l 886 The Publishers Circular 1254 7 II Oct . i 3 > T .-. . . - . ; .
_ -23t The Editor Will Be Greatly Oblige...
_ -23 T The Editor will be greatly obliged if all all books books . < & & c c . intfvndpd intended for for review rfwifvw in in thp the
Christmas , number , are forwarded as earl ¦ is possible - —— - —*• - ' - — ¦ % _• , m as I ^ VKJ much . _ Jk J _ , ^>«^_ r _ l Jjk AJl inconvenience AVfV / AA T ^ - ^ AAA V 1 AV V- * « a ^ V ri _ — —• P ses * J ** Sh y , < _ _ _ _
ing throug the h l Christmas ate arrivals number . Any inq will uiries be answered respectwith nloasurfl ¦ ¦ W thp . TTrli + or
¦ *¦ "" - — — - — ^^ »_ % J W VA & Vf ~ J » ~ — W ^ v ^ _ . _ kT >«
Thf Smallest Complete Shakspeare.— Hie P...
Thf Smallest Complete Shakspeare . — Hie production of the smallest complete
M < -f . ' ( ikspeare Glasgow . is The due to Illustrated Messrs . D Pocket . Bryce Edition & Son , "nr < Mi ^ iiakspeare -lksneare's dramatic f . rnrnj . fir works worlds and and nopms is i «
poems : n v"i L 'k 'ij ^ has ht volumes been done , crown with 32 wonderful mo . The clearness printing
and 1 I ( IV y the . ¦¦ others I » " Glasgow / ""IT . ' University TT have i Press T been ^ . . WestalFs ITT 1 117
J tlio illustrations engravings ciigi-tLviiiga . na Inclosed . v _ utJtJii in reproduced repruuuut a neat -U . jiiorocco I'lOrOf'Cn cas filCH - of rv -p _ . novel n ^ v . T /\ l descri ^ 1 / -vr-. - - «»«•_ _ - * tion 4- ^ .- ^ -i-. being V _« - _ .- _ - » *~ r
; i Kiless 11 ) 'thing , it more would e compact a be impossibl in the e p to of imag , book ine
L ""J »< lonsation . The edition is not way an incon-•^^ rati ! or liasty reprint : it has been edited ,
V aliourd \ } ^ ' Blair care , , from and contains tho best texts a glossary by Mr and . J . Ue «' uho an index to familiar quotations .
]> ' .. ^ unfels : - , ^^ the auwfels Times remarks Library , . a — distinguished Dr . Ludwig ? -Il ' 1 ' -UU ^ isn 8 h Scholar scholar and anrl S Snnnia ish ^ Consul n ^ naul at Frank T ?™ nk
-() ^ - "li-Maine who died pan a left behind _ 11111 •• ' - sniall collection , of Spanish year ago printed , books
^ nf ' Vim ' ' Hi Hen ll ' with vvitli lt dkl tho fl-. ^ not greatest ^ exceed a . j patience 1 , 500 volumes .. and discrimi i : , many " ... - wio laiesi
j J ^ s just ^ been purchased Kina , some b quite the Prussian unique . y
Thf Smallest Complete Shakspeare.— Hie P...
Government One of its treasures for the Royal is a collection Library at of Berlin A . uios , i
8 the acfamentales biograp _» XT her , of of t Spanish he ~ ir year drama 1655 , which , only •/ Barrera knew by ,
Among name , never these having pieces been is ' Celestina able to see a work a copy of ..
, the close of the 15 th century , which Cervantes called ' that divine book' and to which the
formation of his own prose , style was much indebted . It is well known that no comp JLlete
collection of Lope de Vega ' s works exists , indeedwould hardly be possibleseeing that
, , he wrote over 1 , 000 pieces for the theatre ; but there is a well-known series of them , in 28
volumes , of which only six complete copies are believed to be in existence . The Bra / unfels
collection has a copy of which only two volumes are missing , but it took 20 years to collect it .
There are copies of other series also , of some of which only a single exemplar is extant . There
is a first edition / _> of Lope ' s ' Rimas , of which the bibliograp _» JL her Salvo doubted whether a copy X . «/
existed . There is also a copy of the ' Lagrimas de Angelica / by Barahona de Sotomentioned
in Don Quixote , of Tisso de Molin , a , and first editions of Calderon . Cop JL ies of old Spanish JL
comedies , both in a collected and separate form , ¦ are - ^^ -- ^ m m - ^^ also ^ p ^ h r ~^^ ^ b ^^ there ^^ v ^^ ^^ h ^^^ —^^ ~^^ r , ^^ and ~^ mr- ^ r ^^^^^ ^^^^ a ^^ ^^ very t —^ r ^^^ " ¦ h comp - ^ r ^—^ ™ ^^» »*^» let ^^^ ^ — e ^^ collection ™ ^ - ^— ^^^ ^^ ~^^ ^^ ^ - ^— ^^ " ^^^ ^^^"
of romances and tales of knight-errantry , from Amadis to Don Quixote . Every Spanish
w -f JL edition of Amadis is represented , and most of the editions of Don Quixote and its translations ,
including the splendid Roman one of 1608 . At the Berlin Royal Librarythis collection will be
of the greatest use to students f , of Spanish
history and literature . !< _ »«
< The Far Interior/ * It Is The Privileg...
< THE FAR INTERIOR / * It is the privilege of Britons to do brave
deeds , and to be somewhat O extraordinary in their solitary travels . The latest claimant to
celebrity in this respect is undoubtedly Mr . Montagu Kerr . No brief notice of his book
could convey a true idea of the adventurous jii ourney »/ which he _ accomp ____ xlished without the
encouragement , active or passive , of any societyand unaccompanied by any white
compan , ion . Should the reader take up a good — sized map of Africaand with a pencil
< j JL , Adraw an irregular wavelike line northward fro -. m Port _ ___ Elizabeth — _____ throug _ -. j h the _ Orange __ -- _ Free
State , skirting the Transvaal , passing througli the eastern portion of Bechuanalandand up ^
to Gubuluwargo in Matabeleland ; thence north-east through the latter country , and
through little known Mashonaland or to the Zambesi at Tettehe will have a slight notion
of the extent of , the first portion only of Mr . Kerr ' s journey . But before Tettethe great
, Portuguese settlement , was reached , Mr . Kerr seems to have passed through lands and
mingled with curious races of which we had hitherto - little - or no knowledge . The account
C _> of his intercourse and adventures with the Makovikori peop JLJL le is among C _> the most exciting I
incidents of a very exciting narrative . * The Far ¦ Interior i _¦ ^^ : a Narrative t of Travel j ~ ¦ and __¦ ¦ Adventure _(¦_— ¦ ha
from Regions •*¦ tbe » . »~ - " of J— Cape ««__ Central . _— «—» of ¦ b' ^ u' -. Good _ Africa a . Hope J— * —«_ By —» , a - ^ l » cross *» Walter ^^ v _ p . a . the jfc , _ . Montagru »> Zambesi w v w —• to , Kerr . ^» the w - ^ , > a Lake C *_ . E . 'F , , F . R . G . 6 . ( London , Sampson Low , Morston , & Co . ) ( I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 15, 1886, page 1227, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15101886/page/5/