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L ,, 8 * The Publishers' Circular I 0 I 3
i — II II " ¦ " ¦ ^^^^^^ —i ^——MAJOR SERPA PINTOS GREAT WORK . HOW I CROSSED AFRICA : From the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean , through unknown Countries ; Discovery of the Great Zambesi Affluents , & c , WITH 24 FULL-PAGE AND ABOUT 100 HALF-PAGE AND SMALLER ILLUSTRATIONS 13 SMALL MAPS AND ONE LARGE ONE . Two Volumes demy 8 vo . cloth , extra . NOTICE . —The above work was announced a year ago under the title of ' THE KING ' S RIFLE / a title which the Author selected from the fact that , on the eve of his departure , the King of Portugal presented him with his own rifle—a fine weapon valued at £ 500 . It unfortunately happened , however , that in the midst of Major Pinto ' s work , and during his residence in this country during the last severe winter , he was seized with a dangerous illness , which prostrated him for many months . He has since slowly recovered , and is now supplying copy rapidly to the printers , so that we confidently hope to have this important work ready for publication before the end of the present year . ^ gf As an indication of the perilous nature of the journey , it is sufficient to mention that of the entire force comprising the expedition , and numbering over 100 , only two or three survived , the rest having been destroyed by savages , wild beasts , fevers , & c . JL London : SAMPSON Grown LOW . Buildings MABSTON , 188 Fleet , SUABLE Street . , A BIVENGTON , ( 603 ) _