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t-s-r ¦ •' ' r . r a 7 ' ' ' I Nov. I(i8...
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t-s-r ¦ ' ' r . a 7 ' ' ' I Nov I ( i 88 o The Publishers' Circular I 02 I
BAGSTERS' LIST . THE BLANK-PAGED BIBLE . The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments , with copious References to Parallel and Illustrative Passages ^ and the alternate pages ruled for JUS , Notes , The feature of this book is that the ruled page is always on the right hand side , thus facilitating the entry of MS . Notes . In a new strong Persian Morocco binding , with red edges . 8 vo , To sell at 21 $ . THE INVALID'S BIBLE . A Series of the Separate Books of the Bible , in very convenient form , in large ( Pica ) type , printed in paragraphs , and weighing only a few ounces each . With Maps , Indexes , & c . Prices from Is . 6 d . to 2 s . This may also be had in Four Volumes , prices from 30 s ., or any Volume separately , price 7 s . 6 d . A new strong Persian Morocco binding to sell at £ 2 . 2 s . Spw < f terrli " THE PEE £ mim FOR MARRIAGES , BURIALS , BAPTISMS , AND THE LORD'S SUPPER , Adapted for ITonconform in g Congregations from the Book of Common Prayer . Crown 8 vo . DAILY LIGHT OH THE DAILY PATH . In various new and attractive bindings for Christmas Sales . French calf , limp and circuit , with and without hand- ^ painted flowers . Also in plush . TRADE PRICES ON APPLICATION . Orders for supply before Christmas should be sent at once . London : S . 13 AGSTER & SONS , 15 Paternoster Kow . ( 6 u )