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i2« The Publishers' Circular w- j|
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I2« The Publishers' Circular W- J|
i 2 « The Publishers' Circular w- j |
WILLIAM G . STONEHAM , WHOLESALE and EXPORT BOOKBINDER and BOOKSELLER , 13 & 14 CHARTERHOUSE BUILDINGS , E . C ., £ § £ * has much , pleasure in drawing the attention of the trade to the fact that he is in a position to Bound Books on the most favourable terms . Catalogues on application . *
• pAKLIAMENTAKY « - assorted Stock of all interesting EEPORTS subjects : an Olyett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , London , W . C . , 4 *
AUTOTYPE , A UTOTYPE BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS ( Sawyer ' s margins -- * - Ooijlottpe any size ) are up printed to demy direct , 22 inches on the by paper 17 inches with suitable . This process is noted for its excellence in COPIES COPISS OP OP COINS ANCIENT , SEAXiS MANUS , MEDALLldNS CRIPTS : ; COPrES COPXES OP OP AIL PEN-AWD SUBJECTS -INK SKETCHES 03 * WHICH : A PHOTOand GRAPH is largely employed CAN BE by TAKEN the Trustees ; of the British Museum , Learned the Palaeographies Societies , and , ! Nnmisnaatical by the leading , Antiquarian Publishers . , and other ! first ' The briefl Autotype y described Printin , affords g Process many , or advantages tbat which for , vre certain have I purposes absolute fidelity of book , and illustrations , as compared , the with chief any among kind , of these engraving being , photographic considerable economy or other in portrait the preparation , a photograph of small of editions any object . A , cisely an etching , the or drawing otber monochrome as it left the drawing hand of the can original be copied artist pre- , ¦ intermediate without the possibility persons . ' —Times of any , April inaccuracy 17 th , 1 from 873 . the work of To adorn the Walls of Home pieces with , visit Copies of Artistic Master-THE A 1 TTOTYPJB 74 INEW OXFORD PINB STREET -ABT TT GAXIdSRY . C . , Catalogues , 124 pp ., Sixpence , Free by Post . AUTOTYPE IN RELATION TO HOUSEHOLD AJWV With Three Illustrations , 21 pp . free to any address . THE AUTOT _ TPE COMP - __ . _« - " 3 T-
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ t ^^ t ^^^^^ E ^^^^^^^^^ B ^^ t ^^^ KI
EXPEEUGElSrOED TRADE VALUER . JOHN JS / IORTON , Printer , Bookseller , Stationer , dc . BOSTON , LINCOLNSHIRE .
MR . GEO . NEWMAN , Auctioneer and Vainer to the Trade , offers his services in aL matters of Sale , Transfer , or Valuations for Partnerknowledge ship ox Probate of the ; ) his various long branches experience enable and thorough him to render rery valuable assistance to either Vendor or Poichaaer on very moderate terms . No expense in 61 p London lacing W part all icnl a . C m on this lUgister . Offices : ¦ ' , 3 JL- ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ .... ... . - ________ * HWrr , n i . .. . w
VALUATIONS FOR SAIE OR PROBATE . WILLIAM PAGEN , 1 Market Pll Printers Valuer * J Whiteh to and Booksellers aven , begs , Stationers to offer his , Bookbinder services ai * Wanted Valuations , and to for be made Newspaper Sale . . Term Inquiries s Proprietors moderate invited . . Business requiring * . ^^^^^ " ' — " ' ~ II
ELECTROTYPES OF SUPERIOR WOOD ENGRAVINGS . and HPHE ¦* - varied full P ublish announce Stock er s of Wood the t they Engravings Art have Journal on , hand which respect a large have - appeared in that Journal , aad in other Illustrated prepared Works issued to supp b l y y Electrotypes them ; and of that the they best are quality now well from as these the ori Blocks ginal , Wood guaranteed Engravings to work . equally as They comprise a large Miscellaneous Collection amounting in all to , SEVERAL THOUSAND . Copies may be seen at the offices of J . S , VIRTUE & CO ., Limited , 294 City Koad , London ; or further information will be furnished by post . A very extensive stock of Engraved STEEL Printing PLATES from , in good , on very condition Moderate , are Terms also available . for
Business Forjsale, Etc.
XTEWSPAPER , PRINTING , and STA-- ^ TIONERY BUSINESS . —To be DISPOSED of blished , immediatel NEWS y , PAPE as a R going , with concern PRINTING , an old-esta and - STATIONERY BUSINESSin a Market Town , East Yorkshire . Newspaper , has a good adrertising street connection . Plant . Convenient and Stock premises at a valuation in the . princi Small pal may imount remain for a good short will time . Portion on approved of purch securi ase ty money . For farther particulars apply to Mr . W . Drawbridge , 74 Newborough Street , Scarborough . Scarborough , 1 st Not . 1884 .
^^^^^^^^ K ^^^^^^^^ m ^^^^^^^ PRINTING BUSINESS ( Small ) . — JL Wanted to PURCHASE . —Address , H . Turner , 84 Toronto Road , Buckland , Portsmouth . ^
T > OOKSELLERSSTATIONERS , and hearing mand JL > FANC , 29 of , a Y energetic sound . —Advertiser BUSINESS , , experienced , with , capable , Cap is ital desirous of afc exten well com ol - - - sionwith a view to Share or Partnership , a care established , of Mr . London Pink , Stat firm ioner preferred , & c . . U — pper Address Richmond , Kara , Road , Putney , S . W . ____________
Booksellers Wantin8 Assistants.
MANAGER the Educational WANTED publishing , Experienced trade . —A ddress m with full particulars , Mr . Bacon , 127 Strand J L
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1884, page 1232, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111884/page/48/