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i886 The Publishers' Circular 1369
•c ^ • <©t>tmacp. Mr. John Rivington.—On...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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^Alc Slotting^.
. \ [ . cIUuli about ohmiL Villar u KjyjyJ 600 , auctioneer volumes VUiuouca , of of . books ^ wjcwo Taunton j for . * - / x , w sal oaiiw ill
IVC the 29 th mst ^ . m The book one s produced day ' s sale a of total the of late £ 793 Mr . . Dicken Among - > ns 4
IP ni were „« Wilkms Willr-ma '' s ' Concilia Concilia IVLagn "MaoTi ae sR JtJntan Rritan--! et Hibernic ® ' 4 vols . 1737 £ 27 ( Stark ) ;
Jreviarium Colbertinum , ' ( circa 1769 , ) bound by erome nrnmo . £ £ 110 U . . 10 JLUSs . ( vQuaritch ^ uaritcn ) ; ; S . C ^ iihrysostomi -syBu » uuini
pera fllO Jissale 'JtU Omnia ^ , lvv ad - * - , Usum — ' 13 - "• vols Ecclesise ., £ 10 . 15 W s . ygornensis if <^ ( Sotheran , ' ) a— ; ^ h j ^ U Fifteenth ^^^^^^ 1 ^ ^^ 1 I ^ B ^^^^ rf I ^^ ^^ ^^ L
B ikini IMS . of the Century , £ 69 5 iuaritch ls . 1098 ) - ; 1706 S . £ Athanasii 5 . 15 s . ( Westell Opera ) . Omnia , 5 ,
On the 23 rd , Messrs . Puttick will sell some ito ; raph MSS . of Schubert and Beethoven .
Messrs . Sotheby , on the 24 th and 25 th , ill sell autographsmany of interest ; and on
ie r 2 Wodhull ( > th — November -k -r- is also " , , to the 1 i be collection sold ^ *• . The formed f % dispersal ^ b •• y
. the library will be fresh in our readers ' incls .
On the 30 th , Messrs . Duncan , Keith , & ' cCloy commence a six days' sale at Glasgow .
We were able to inform our readers some me ago of the Earl of Crawfurd ' s intention sell his library . The sale has now been
^ finitely fixed for the early part of next year . he following are some of the rarer or more
teresting books included : —BandelloUSTovelle Lonti Conti . 5 5 vols vols ... firs firstt , prH edition tion Tterl Bedea nP ! , Historia TTiafo-ria .
erling nglorum hi , eri Ecclesiastica Geograp , hia folio folio ; ; Biblia , first Hebraica edition ; , ,
entateuchus entateucnus Dn , printed on . , Boloema bologna vellum , , a 1482 1482 great . , iolio folio rari , , ty nrst fi ; rst Biblia edi firK--ubraica cum punctis , 2 vols . folio , printed
1 i vellum vellum . , fes Saec ec . . yv xv . . ; Icelandic Tr . ftla . nrHn version version of of the fVio lown io jalms \ vn , ; ; p Biblia biblia rinted Latina Latma at Holum . ' the the , 1589 Mazarin Mazarm , the or or onl ( fln y jruten copy f .
Pm-ovaole u rc Jrg \« < i tf Bible 1 ) i 450 e metal metal - / 55 printed , the types tvoes earliest at ; : , Alexandri Alexandri Mentz known by pri Ualli Gai Gutenb nted li . vuJ vnlcrn with erg ,
- \ ilia DeiDoctrinale seu Gramrnatica , go at ma Metrice , , 4 to ., a fragment of eleven aves , ]> rinted on vellumprobablbLaw
nee Coster / - " •¦ " " ^^* . previous un V ^ IJLUJli to , 1460 yj \ . \ J VJOihJXJ ; A y pocal KfV y JLJCb ypsis W - — ••/ Miannis >> nanms . tolio folio , a n . block V » lnnk--book hoolr of nf excessive r > Y ^ o « ai ^^
n [ y ; S . , Augustinus , de Ajrte Predicandi M puted < le Dieu by M . entelin first book , circa rinted 1460 ; at Tf S . Abbeville Augustin , ,
— , ^^ ¥ **^ *^ ^^ - ^ ^ L 4 _ p »*^^ ^^ " ^ L ^^^ k ^^ f ^ L ^» ^ % ^^ k ^ ^^ ^^ . ^^^ ^^^ T ^^ J ^^^^ * ^ L ^ L J ^ ^^ ^ ; A « a l ' >^ ^ ° i ; , , Catholicon iBiblia > iDiia Polonica Polonica , printed . tfh he « b nrs first y t Gutenberg , Pol Polish ish Catholic f ! at , / h cir iVH ca
lrsion ) and also the , Polish Bible of the Socile aus ]) of rinted Giunta in 1563 ; Boccaccio , Decamerone ,
» y j ^ rare < s vjriuiiLa Suffolk uncastrated uncastrated ( H . and C edition edition ) , Vita : et Brandon Bran Obitus don , Uysix v "' Atupies copies known Known ; : Uancionero Cancionerode de , Komances Romano . pw . ,
^ ! 1 twl tiistillo m 1568 , printed , and Cancionero in 152 f and of 1535 Hernando ; ¦ Cer- , ¦ "U - - , IS ^ uuvoiies ouvelles traduictes traduictes r > ar F J ^ . . de de Hossot Kosset par
»« ^ ieur d'Audi guer , 2 vols . printed in 1615 [ ^ Vmdi niordinaril s at of l y iuiiuu londe rare with witiL and the Liie probab , Frute rute ly un Times ique ;
"J ^ l ,, St Eng ^ . Albans ^ in 1483 ; Chroniques oi limes de ,, iii !\? 3 volsfoliorinted bVerard
< ¦* ? weynh ; ticeronia ' oim Orationes and - Pannartz ^ , P first edition in 1471 y , printed Dia . nP , .
^ M ' oictiors ^ nted ' copy on vellum ; dementis in 1471 b V y . Sch Constitu oeffer - ;
^Alc Slotting^.
Cereo de Diu por De Sousa Coutinho , only two copies known ; Dante , Commedia , the
editions of 1477 and 1481 ; Diirer , Vita Marise Virginis , first edition , without text on reverse ;
± Foxe 1 oxe 's s Book ± > ook oi of Martvra Martyrs , . nrst first and and second second edi edi--tions ; Froissart ' s Chronicles , printed by Middleton and Pinson ; Heltai Chronica , printed
by the author in 1575 ; Homeri Opera Grsece , first edition ; Jacquin , Stirpes Americans , coloured drawingslimited to twelve copies
and one of the rarest , of botanical works , ; Johannes de Capua , Directorium "Vitae
Humanse , first Latin translation of Pilpay ' s fables ; Lascaris , Grammatica Grseca , 1476 , first book printed in Greek ; Horse B . Virginis
Greece , printed in 1497 by Aldus ; Heures a lusaige de Romeprinted by Simon Vostre in
1514 on vellum , , and belonged to Catherine de' MediciFrancis II . Mary Queen of Scots
and the Cardinal , de Lorraine , with their auto- , graph signatures ; Liturgia Hebraica , , 2 vols .
folio , printed on vellum in 1540 ; Mysteres des Actes des Apostres , 3 vols . in 1 , folio ;
Poliphilo , first Aldine edition ; Ricraft ' s Surof Eng hh land ' s Championswith Kr the rare
portraits vey W ~ 1 |~ W ^^ T ~^^ W ^ ; ¦ ^ fc Romancero ^ b ^^^^ ^^^^ V ^^ ^^ ^ ' ^ h ^^^ ^ . ^^ ^>^ ^^^^ General ^^^ «^ J ^ d ^ i > ^ ¦ ^ * ^^ ^^ ^^^ , , ^ m print * * "^^ —^ ed K' ~*~ in 1601 and 1605 ; romances of chivalry , many of
excessive rarity ; Savonarola's works , original editions ; Scotland , Black Acts ; Sibthorp ,
Flora Grseca , 10 vols . folio , only twenty copies leted Speculumthe Dutch 1 ¦ ¦ block-book
¦ first comp - ^^ ^_^ - ^& i ^^ «« F edition ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ " ^ **^^» ; , c irca «^ ™^ ^ w ^ ^ fc ^^ fc ^^ 1420 ^*^^ i ^^ ^^ ^ fc , ^ B ^ ; ^^ ^^ Taciti ^ fc ^^ ^^^ i ^^ ' ^^ " ^ ^ ' ^^ O — ' pera ' ^^ , printed n — — , j bVindelin de Siracirqa 1468 ; Terentii
Comoedise y , printed p by , Ulric Zell , circa 1470 ; Thamensis Tha . rnfvnsis JSchola Sf . hola .- one on ft oi of the t , hft rarest rarest ot of works works
, in English topography ; Turner's Liber Studiorum , mostly proofs ; Valturius de Be Militari , first edition Yitse Patrum and Voragine ' s
Golden ~ fl ^ K * 1 ^^ ^ r ^^^ ^^^» ^ Legende ^ ^^ ^ k > v ^ ^ h ^ k ; ^ « , ^^ both ^^ ^ f % ^ . ^^ . a printed ^ lj ^^ ^^ ^^ f ^ fc' ^ ^ h ^ b ' ^ ' by ^ ¦ " ~ ww * W ynk ^^ - ^ ^^ ' —v yn h > de Worde ; Columbi Epistola , Vesputii Itinerariumand other excessivel r ¦ ¦¦ y rare works
respecting ^^^ ^ b ^^ v ^^ v ^ aw ^^^ m ^ ^ h jb , m ^ L < Vr ^ m ^ America ^ ^^*^ V ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ h ^ ^^ rt ; Quir - ^ . ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ " ^^ v , ^^ 1 * m Descubimiento ^^ w ^^ ' ^ ^ " — de
Australia , & c .
I886 The Publishers' Circular 1369
i 886 The Publishers' Circular 1369
•C ^ • <©T>Tmacp. Mr. John Rivington.—On...
• c ^ <© t > tmacp . Mr . John Rivington . —On October 30
at his residenceBabbicombeDevondied Mr . , John Rivington , , for many years , a partner , in the house of business »> - » at Waterloo ¦ ¦ Place ¦ * The
V > a ^_• -a . a . v ^ »^^ •^ -J' ^ . ^ ^^ J * . r- ^ x . ^ r-- * . ^ ^ - ^^ »*^ » - ^ v »• • » -- » - * ^» . ^ - ^ - ~^ — — — - — - — — — — deceased gentleman retired from business about twenty ago . His fatherof the
years , same name , who died about forty years ago , was V / V ^^ Wl ^ among ^ L ^ J * i * * k ^ - ^ 1 ^ . Jft . ^^ the ^ *^ ** ^^^ original ^^ " ^ ^ ^^ Bfc " ^ ^ ^ fcm ^ Tf ^ fc founders ^^ ^*^ ^* - — — ^— — - ^ -- ^ - ^ r- ^* - of the
—PublishersCircular . We mention this because there has been misapprehension X i . on the
subject . Mr . James H . Puttock . —A familiar face
has recently disappeared from La Belle Sauvage ^ . ¦* ^ ~^ f ^^^^ V ^ M ^ b ^> ~ h f ^ in K »^^ ^^ the ^^ ^^ # ^ ^^ person M ' - ^ ^^^ ^^ " F ^^ V- ^ " ^^ ^^ of ^ - ^ ^^ "Mr ^~ - ™ " . ^ " James " ^ - ^ '"' *** H .
Puttock , for many years manager of the publicitdepartment at Messrs . Cassell &
Company X y */ . For J- several years past Mr . Puttock had JL ^ L % ^ W A- ' ^ been F ** J ^ m ^ ^ u ^ ^ ^ U in 4 ^ ^^ failing rf * . *^** ^* - ^** - *^ ** ^^ J ^^\ health ^^ ^^^ ^ -T ^ ^ " ^ •*¦ —» ^» , and — " ^ ' ^ ^^ ~~ ^ w since ^ — - — ' •^ " ^ the ^^ — - - - ~
middle of July had been confined to his bod , suffering from disease of tho lungswhich
accompanied by dropsy , at length terminated , , fatallon the 30 th ult . It is over a quarter
of a y century since Mr . Puttock commenced his career at La Bolle Sauvage . He partici-
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1886, page 1369, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111886/page/11/