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iov I . ij> 2 wo ofi. The Publishers'Cir...
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Iov I . Ij> 2 Wo Ofi. The Publishers'cir...
iov I ij > 2 ofi . The Publishers ' Circular lxS ^ _
The Late Me. Geoege Clowes.
Although for more than a month previously his nearest relatives were aware that , once
again , a good life hung upon a very slender thiead the extensive circle of Mr . George
, Clowes' friends received a painful shock by the intelligence mieingence oi of his his death death , which which occurred occurred on on
the morning of the 3 rd , inst . at Oak Hill ourbiton his residence for the past four and ,
, twent y years . iTaving been born in 1814 , " r . Clowes .- - w m ^ was II iVU in 111 the U 11 U sevent O ^ J T V 11 V y ¥ - ^ third Vllll . V * . year V VUI 1 , of V- ^ JL
lus age at the time of his decease . The distinguished printer and publisher
* as a son of William Clowes , the founder of * "e famous house with which the name is "idissulubl y connected . It is interesting to
tJ r « 't viv Hrm e the . William recorded Clowes account the of founder the orig ( in born of at ^ 'hicheater in 1779 ) was , a son of an Oxford
il , Clt ) ti ( tirst UH who mentioned * > fca ' * * conducted v * V-r X a ^> VA , . Some a larg LLXVJ e time vllllv school after d » JL x > in v . » - the the v »* . ^ uoittli , 1 , t kV- ' j
to printer of his at father Chichester , William . In was 1802 apprenticed he came
J _| J ^^ don ; and , after working as a compositor
for about a year , started business in Villiers Street , Strand . A small capital of i ? 350 gave
him foot-ground , but he himself fixed the rungs of the ladder of fortune .
After working at the case throughout the day , he would often , night after night , toil at
press , so that the types he had—limited enough in quantity—might be distributed for the next
day ' s work . Difficult though it be to imagine the method of sucli labour now-a-days , it is
nevertheless certain , that men , even in present times , are making their mark in our midst by
similar painstaking and self-denying exertions . William Clowes' steadfast labours were
rewarded by merited success . He began with one press in 1803 : when he died in 1847 he
was at the head of the immense establishment in Duke Street , Stamford Street' , empA loy 1 / ing «_ *
over GOO persons , then the largest printing concern in the world . Most important of all
the associations of Ids life was his connection with the momentous and distinctly
character-4 istic literary departure which has signalised
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1886, page 1363, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111886/page/5/