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W " " , -- ' " ¦ " " •¦ ^~ ' ' ¦' - ¦ - - » - - ^ ss >?^ ¦ neio The -Publishers' Circular No * , ts , * 889
kOW' 8 STANDARD W 0 V £ fc $ # SBtti ! . Four New Important Additions-. I . By WILLIAM BLACK . IN FAR LOCHABER . By William £ lack , Author of ' The Strange Adventures of a House-Boat , ' * A daughter of Heth , ' & c . Crown 8 vo . 6 « . : * A capital story of Scotch life , briskly and brightly told , and full of startling contrasts . ' —Standard . appreciation « Those who of love the delicate the Highlands touches and of description the Highland , alike people joi scenes will re and ad Mr persons . Black , which ' s new makes book with the author interest so born popular of their as a delineator of Highland character This is a good little book . '—Atben ^ epm . 2 . By W , CLARK RUSSELL . BETWIXT THE FORELANDS ; By W . Clark Eussell , Author of * The Wreck of the Grosvenor * & c . 1 vol . crown 8 vo . cloth , witk numerous Illustrations , 65 . waters This which work flow deals between with som the e of . famons the most headlands brilliant of and the stirring North and 0 f Sou the th histori Forelands c inte . rests There of the is no classic reference stretch to -of dry home and thrashed-out topics , such as the , landing of St . Augustine , Cassar ' s invasion , and the like . The incidents are in the main loss modern of the , with men here -of-war and on there the the Goodwin introdu Sands ction in of the some amazing famous gale old-w of orld 1703 conflic . t , some , great dramatic disaster , such as the 3 . By ROY TELLETV PRINCE MASKILOFF : a Komance of Mddern Oxford . By Eoy 'Powerful Tel . let original , Author , and fascinating of ' The '— Outca Scotsman sts' & c . New and : Cheaper Edition . Crowri 8 vo . cloth - . , 6 s . 4 . By Miss BOWDEN . THE WITCH e Vol . crown OF 8 vo . cloth ATLAS , 65 . : a Ballooning Story . By ¦ Miss H ' . BowdEN SOME RECENT VOLUMES . THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF A HOUSE-BOAT . By 8 Willia vo . cloth m Black extra , , 6 Author s . of ' In Far Lochaber , ' ' A Daughter of Heth . , ! & c . New and Cheaper , ; Edition ¦ . Small post 1 It is doubtful whether to any of Mr . Black ' s novels there can be so justly applied the epithet •* ¦ delightful" as to his " Strange Adventures of a House-Boat . " '—Mobning Post . THE OPEN DOOR : a Novel . By Blanche -Willis Howard , Author of * One Summer , ' ' Gnenn , ' & c . Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , 65 . gyrace « The of story manner is , in it come should respecfs prove stronger doubly popular than the . *— former Scotsman works ' . of this author that have appeared . As it has all the old PASSE-ROSE . By Professor A . S . Hardy , Author of ' But yet a Woman ' & c . Crown 8 vo . cloth . fi « . . ' Stevenson ' A genuine in Hie romance rapid succession , harmonious of striking in tone and incidents unique , and In imaginative excelling tuem conception in the power , rivalling of exciting the best personal works of sympathy Mr . R . I * for its characters . ' —Illuhthatkd London News . THE DESPOT OP BROOM 8 EDGE COVE . By Charles Egbert Oradock , Author of 'In the Tennessee Mountains' & c . Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , 6 a . ' Miss Murfreo ' a latest book is her best In colour and pictureaqueness it fs certainly a brilliant piece of work ..... The author ' s quality of dry humour is given such free play that the book may be read ¦ with interest . '—Academy . TJLiTT : an African Romance . ' By Joseph Thomson , Auth F or of ' Through Masai Land ' & e . ; and Miss Hahrifs Smith . New and Cheaper Edition , down 8 vo . 6 # . * A picturesque , direct , well-told story . The pictures of savage life represent actual experiences of Mr . Thomson . ' TT - ~ - A T . " F- iV ' AY _ - an Angld- French Romance . By Miss Beth am-Edwards v , Author Times . of * The White House by the Sea * & c . New and Cheaper Edition . Crown 8 vo . 6 j . forward * Miss story Edwards . "—Paul possesses Mall th Gazette . e gift of . hurpour Jndispqnaable to the making of a good novels A simple , straight- ' TH E OLD HOUSE AT SANDWICH . By Joseph Hatton , Author of Three Recruits' & 6 . Crown 8 vo . cloth , Qs . adventure ' It is impofwlble in Mr . Joseph to miss Hatton the . fascination ' s singularly of vivid interest novel , of . *— stirring Daily Te ch ljeo ange haph and . novelty , of life-like incident , of exciting I ^ cmdon : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE & BIVINGTON , Limited , St . Dun stan's House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , E . C . flk , . , _ . ^ M \
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1889, page 1510, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111889/page/40/