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Nov. 15, 1889 The Publishers' Circular 1...
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Bridger Road , O , London .y Wholesale ,...
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Nov. 15, 1889 The Publishers' Circular 1...
Nov . 15 , 1889 The Publishers' Circular 1529
AMERICA . WANTE Tracts D , printed any Books before , 1830 Pamp , relating hlets , or to America early American , Canada printed , and the Book United s , and S Portraits tates ; also of anyone connected J . H . and with A . American ASHWOKTH History , . 49 Land ' s Lane , Leeds . All communications answered . Catalogues solicited .
Booksellers' Assistants Wanting Situations.
w ^ Mv ^ m ^ B ^ M A DVERTISER , having a good practical of H finding knowle a dge PARTNER of the Bookselling with CAPITA Trade L , is who desirous will join him in establishing a retail bookshop in the City at a point where none now exists . No Office Agent . need apply . —Biblio , Publishers' Circular
A CAPABLE and ENERGETIC BUSI-- £ *¦ t NESS Books MAN ellin , managing and Sta a ti large o and Busi very ne impor ss for - Executors in the g northis wishful nery to meet with a simila Circular r position Office . further , south . —Jtfo . 48 , Publishers
TO J- 21 PUBLISHERS , with two years' . — xperience Advertiser in first , - aged class publishing house , wishes to enter a Business with Willing a view to ' s O future ffices , 125 Partnershi Strand p , . W — . Address C . , Box 439 ,
T 3 OOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and -L * FANCY . —Wanted a situation as ASSISTANT . Six years' first-class experience . Good Salesman ton and Library Window , - Ramsgate dresser . — . Apply , Hawkins , Adding-
TO PUBLISHERS . —Advertiser desires EE-ENGAGEMBNT . —Thirteen years in the office of a periodical of large circulation . —P . A ., Bult's Library , 25 New Quebec Street , London , W .
Booksellers Wantinb Assistants.
CCHOOL TRAVELLER WANTED , on ^ ground already worked . First-class man would be liberally treated . —Apply with particulars of experience , & c , No . 29 , Publishers * Circular Office .
WAN TED a YOUNG MAN fully acquainted with Secondhand Book Trade . — Apply to S . H . Lazarus , 51 Booksellers' Row , Strand , London .
BOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and -L * FANCY TRADE . —Wanted , for the season , a Young Lady as JUNIOR HAND . —F . T . Groom , Bury St . Edmund ' s .
A N efficient ASSISTANT wanted for the - £ *• Secondhand Bookselling Business . Must be aucti good ons Cat in alog town uer and and country Salesman . —A and ppl used y R . H t . Sutton attend , 25 Princess Street , Manchester .
'TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT . — INJL VOICE CLERK wanted for two months . t M o the t be work a qui . — ck Address and good H . -w E r . B . r , Sam and pson accus Low tome & d Co ., Limited , St . Dunstan ' House , Fetter Lane , E . C .
WANTED door . In , LADY large provincial LIBRARIAN city . . Must Out - thoroughly competent and of good address . — al App so l s y alary , statin required g age , , qualifications A . R ., c / o Messrs , and . Low references & Co ., , St . Dunstan ' s House , Fetter Lane , E . C .
TE / ABE OATALOG-TJB OF THIS SEASON'S VALUABLE REMAINDERS ( Free by post on receipt of Jittsinesa Card ) . The highest prices given for Remainders in all classes of literature . Publishers and Authors should deal direct with JOHN GRANT , Bookseller , EDINBURGH .
Books For Sale.
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Advertisements are inserted under this heading at 3 d . per line , prepaid . Before sending books or money , Subscribers should satisfy themselves as to the BONA FIDES
of Correspondents .
Bridger Road , O , London .Y Wholesale ,...
Bridger Road , O London . y Wholesale W and Remainder Bookseller , 14 Sinclair
• Tones' ( , Owen ) G , rammar . of Ornament ( 5 grs . ) , £ 2 . 10 s . 5 ^ , 000 dozen * Shilling Shockers' ( all differeut if desired ) 4 « . per
Ss McCarthy . Qd . Editions , < fcc . of , half Wilkie -price Collins , Trollope , Payn , Hardy , X < Selection of JL American - * ¦ NovelsIseach
Scribner * - ^ w arge * O ^ KJVIUV , 4 s . 6 . VUI d . volumes * » . f * - *¦" , AVtVU , 160 illustrations - ' V V XJAitJa , JIQ . * < Wl < , 1 * . 2 d . Toy Books 6 « . and Qs ., 21 s . dozen ( assorted ) . Sun Maid , by Miss Grant ( 2 jj . > , 12 s . dozen ( 13 / 12 )
h- : . —
Bridger , O ., Wholesale and Remainder Bookseller , 14 Sinclair Three Road Red , London Knights , W . ( Vizetell ) 2 sGd
Virgin _ n _ 1 J | X V /\ y AwVAA Widow j . 1 l * AA f * k M . M * J * J A w 1 V > 1 / V >> a 'Jy " / * 2 * s * . . Grf . . Woman ' s Life „ 2 s . Qd . i Germinie Young Guard Lacerteux „ „ 2 6 a s . . 6 cf .
-i Norton I ^ Tpurgeon , W . y ' s Chelte Sermons nham , 15 v ., from beginning , all but new , 60 * . Hogarth Chambers 's ' Plates Encyclopaedia ( 120 ) , 8 vo , 10 ., fo vols r 20 . new s . , 1879 , 555 . II _^_______ iQb
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1889, page 1529, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111889/page/59/